Grand i10 NIOS / AuraOWNER' S MANUALOperationMaintenanceSpecificationsAll information in this Owner’s Manual is current at the timeof publication. However, HYUNDAI reserves the right to makechanges at any time so that our policy of continual productimprovement may be carried out.This manual applies to all models of this vehicle and includesdescriptions and explanations of optional as well as standardequipment.As a result, you may find material in this manual that does notapply to your specific vehicle.CAUTION: MODIFICATIONS TO YOUR HYUNDAIYour HYUNDAI should not be modified in any way. Such modifications mayadversely affect the performance, safety or durability of your HYUNDAIand may, in addition, violate conditions of the limited warranties coveringthe vehicle. Certain modifications may also be in violation of regulationsestablished by the Department of Transportation and other governmentagencies in your country.7:2ǘ:$<5$',225&(//8/$5TELEPHONE INSTALLATIONYour vehicle is equipped with electronic fuel injection and other electroniccomponents. It is possible for an improperly installed/adjusted two-way radioor cellular telephone to adversely affect electronic systems. For this reason,we recommend that you carefully follow the radio manufacturer’s instructionsor consult your HYUNDAI dealer for precautionary measures or specialinstructions if you choose to install one of these devices.SAFETY AND VEHICLE DAMAGE WARNINGThis manual includes information titled as DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION andNOTICE.These titles indicate the following:DANGERDANGER indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result indeath or serious injury.WARNINGWARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could resultin death or serious injury.CAUTIONCAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could resultin minor or moderate injury.NOTICENOTICE indicates a situation which, if not avoided, could result in vehicledamage.Table of ContentsHyundai Warranty Policy1Vehicle Information2Safety System3Instrument Cluster4Convenience Features5Driving Your Vehicle6Driver Assistance System7Emergency Situations8Maintenance9 Hyundai Warranty Policy+\XQGDL1HZ9HKLFOH:DUUDQW\5HSODFHPHQW3DUWV:DUUDQW\+\XQGDL([WHQGHG:DUUDQW\/DERXU)UHH6HUYLFHRI9HKLFOH+\XQGDL5RDG6LGH$VVLVWDQFH/DERXU)UHH6HUYLFH&RXSRQV1+\XQGDL:DUUDQW\3ROLF\HYUNDAI NEW VEHICLE WARRANTY+\XQGDL0RWRU,QGLD/LPLWHGKHUHLQDIWHU FDOOHG ŕ+0,/Ŗ ZDUUDQWV WKDWHDFK QHZ +\XQGDL YHKLFOH VROG VKDOOEH IUHH IURP DQ\ GHIHFWV LQ PDWHULDODQGZRUNPDQVKLSXQGHUQRUPDOXVHDQGPDLQWHQDQFHVXEMHFWWRWKHIROORZLQJ WHUPV DQG FRQGLWLRQV1. Warranty Period7KLV ZDUUDQW\ IRU K\XQGDL YHKLFOHVKDOOH[LVWIRUDSHULRGRIPRQWKV.PVIURPWKHGDWHRIGHOLYHU\ZKLFKVRHYHULVHDUOLHUWRWKHILUVWSXUFKDVHU 7KLV ZDUUDQW\ LV WUDQVIHUDEOHWRVXEVHTXHQWRZQHUIRUWKHUHPDLQLQJ ZDUUDQW\ SHULRG 7KLV ZDUUDQW\ LV DSSOLFDEOH RQO\ LQ ,QGLD DQGQRWWUDQVIHUDEOHWRDQ\RWKHUFRXQWU\2. What is covered([FHSW DV SURYLGHG LQ SDUDJUDSK KHUHRI RXU $XWKRUL]HG 'HDOHUV VKDOOHLWKHUUHSDLURUUHSODFHDQ\+\XQGDLJHQXLQHSDUWWKDWLVDFNQRZOHGJHGE\+0,/ WR EH GHIHFWLYH LQ PDWHULDO RUZRUNPDQVKLSZLWKLQWKHZDUUDQW\SHULRG VWLSXODWHG DERYH DW QR FRVW WRWKHRZQHURIWKH+\XQGDLYHKLFOHIRUSDUWVRUODERXU6XFKGHIHFWLYHSDUWVZKLFK KDYH EHHQ UHSODFHG ZLOO EHFRPHWKHSURSHUW\RI+0,/3. What is not coveredThis warranty shall not apply to:▶ 1RUPDO PDLQWHQDQFH VHUYLFHVRWKHU WKDQ WKH WKUHH ODERXU IUHHVHUYLFHV LQFOXGLQJ ZLWKRXW OLPLWDWLRQ FOHDQLQJ DQG SROLVKLQJPLQRU DGMXVWPHQWV HQJLQH WXQLQJ RLOIOXLG FKDQJHV ILOWHUV UHSOHQLVKPHQW IDVWHQHU UHWLJKWHQLQJ ZKHHO EDODQFLQJ ZKHHODOLJQPHQW DQG W\UH URWDWLRQ HWF▶ 5HSODFHPHQWRISDUWVDVDUHVXOWRIQRUPDOZHDUDQGWHDUVXFKDVVSDUN SOXJV EHOWV EUDNH SDGVDQG OLQLQJV FOXWFK GLVFIDFLQJILOWHUVZLSHUEODGHVEXOEVIXVHVHWFDamage or failure resulting from ▶ 1HJOLJHQFH RI SURSHU PDLQWHQDQFHDVUHTXLUHGLQWKLV2ZQHUŔV0DQXDODQG6HUYLFH%RRNOHW▶ 0LVXVH DEXVH DFFLGHQW WKHIWIORRGLQJRUILUH▶ 8VHRILPSURSHURULQVXIILFLHQWIXHOIOXLGVRUOXEULFDQWV▶ 8VH RI SDUWV RWKHU WKDQ +\XQGDL*HQXLQH3DUWV▶ $Q\ GHYLFH DQGRU DFFHVVRULHVQRWVXSSOLHGE\+0,/▶ 0RGLILFDWLRQV DOWHUDWLRQV WDPSHULQJRULPSURSHUUHSDLU▶ 3DUWV XVHG LQ DSSOLFDWLRQV RIZKLFKWKH\ZHUHQRWGHVLJQHGRUQRWDSSURYHGE\+0,/▶ 6OLJKW LUUHJXODULWLHV QRW UHFRJQLVHG DV DIIHFWLQJ TXDOLW\ RUIXQFWLRQRIWKHYHKLFOHRUSDUWVVXFK DV VOLJKW QRLVH RUYLEUDWLRQVRU LWHPV FRQVLGHUHGFKDUDFWHULVWLFRIWKHYHKLFOH▶ $LUERUQH ŕIDOORXWŖ ,QGXVWULDOIDOORXW DFLG UDLQ KDLO DQG ZLQGVWRUPVRURWKHU$FWVRI*RG▶ 3DLQWVFUDWFKHVGHQWVRUVLPLODUSDLQWRUERG\GDPDJH▶ $FWLRQ RI URDG HOHPHQWV VDQGJUDYHOGXVWRUURDGGHEULV ZKLFKUHVXOWVLQVWRQHFKLSSLQJRISDLQW0or glass.▶ Incidental or consequential damages, including without limitation, loss of time, inconvenience,loss of use of vehicle or commercial loss.▶ This warranty is the entire warranty given by HMIL for Hyundaivehicles and no dealer or its or hisagent or employee is authorizedto extend or enlarge this warrantyAudio Video Navigation System, Batteries, Tyres & Tubes and Audio Systems, originally equipped on Hyundaivehicles are warranted directly by therespective manufacturers and not byHMIL.▶▶and no dealer or its or his agentor employee is authorized tomake any oral warranty on HMIL’sbehalf.HMIL reserves the right to makeany change in design or makeany improvement on the vehicleat any time without any obligation to make the same change onvehicles previously sold.HMIL reserves the right for the final decision in all warranty matters.Owner’s Responsibilities▶ Proper use, maintenance and careof vehicle in accordance with theinstructions contained in thisOwner’s Manual and ServiceBooklet. If the vehicle is subjectto severe usage conditions, susuch as operation in extremelydusty, rough, more repeatedshort distance driving or heavycity traffic during hot weather,maintenance of vehicle shouldbe done more frequently as men-tioned in this Owner’s Manualand Service Booklet▶ Retention of maintenance servicerecords. It may be necessary forthe customer to show that the required maintenance has beenperformed, as specified in thisOwner’s Manual and ServiceBooklet.▶ Delivery of the vehicle during regular service business hours toany authorized Hyundai Dealer toobtain warranty service.▶ In order to maintain the validity ofthis Basic Warranty, the vehiclemust be serviced by Hyundai Authorized workshop in accordanceto the Owner’s Manual and Service Booklet.PARTS REPLACEMENT WARǢRANTYHyundai Motor India Limited hereinafter called “HMIL”, warrants thateach new Hyundai Genuine replacement part purchased from and installed by Hyundai Authorized Dealershall be free from any defects in material or workmanship, unde normaluse and maintenance, subject to thefollowing terms and conditions1. Warranty periodThis warranty shall exist for a periodof 6 months or until the vehicle hasbeen driven for a distance of 10,000Kilometers from the date of installation of replacement part by HyundaiAuthorized Dealer, whichever occursfirst.-3+\XQGDL:DUUDQW\3ROLF\2. What is covered2XU $XWKRUL]HG 'HDOHUV VKDOO HLWKHUUHSDLURUUHSODFHDQ\+\XQGDLJHQXLQH SDU OLVWHG LQ SDUDJUDSK KHUHRIWKDWLVDFNQRZOHGJHGE\+0,/WREHGHIHFWLYHLQPDWHULDORUZRUNPDQVKLSZLWKLQWKHZDUUDQW\SHULRGVWLSXODWHGDERYH DIWHU H[DPLQDWLRQV FDUULHGRXWWRFRQILUPWKDWQRQHRIWKHRULJLDOVHWWLQJVKDYHEHHQWDPSHUHGZLWKDWQRFRVWWRWKHRZQHURIWKH+\XQGDL YHKLFOH IRU SDUWV RU ODERXU 6XFKGHIHFWLYH SDUWV ZKLFK KDYH EHHQ UHSODFHG ZLOO EHFRPH WKH SURSHUW\ RI+0,/ What is not covered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ŔV EHKDOI +0,/ UHVHUYHVWKHULJKWIRUWKHILQDOGHFLVLRQLQDOOZDUUDQW\PDWWHUVOwner’s Responsibility :3URSHU XVH PDLQWHQDQFH DQG UHRIWKHYHKLFOHLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHLQVWUXFWLRQVFRQWDLQHGLQWKH2ZQHUŔV 0DQXDO DQG 6HUYLFH%RRNOHW.5HWHQWLRQ RI PDLQWHQDQFH VHUYLFHUHFRUGV,WPD\EHQHFHVVDU\IRUWKHFXVWRPHUWRVKRZWKDWWKHUHTXLUHG PDLQWHQDQFH KDV EHHQSHUIRUPHG DV VSHFLILHG LQ WKLV2ZQHUŔV 0DQXDO DQG 6HUYLFH%RRNOHW5HWHQWLRQRIWKHFXVWRPHUŔVFRS\RI WKH RULJLQDO UHSDLU RUGHU DQGLWVLQYRLFHELOODJDLQVWZKLFKWKHSDUWZDVUHSODFHG'HOLYHU\ RI WKH YHKLFOH GXULQJUHJXODUVHUYLFHEXVLQHVVKRXUVWRWKH VDPH +\XQGDL $XWKRUL]HG'HDOHUZKRKDGVROGDQGLQVWDOOHGWKHUHSODFHPHQWSDUW,QRUGHUWRPDLQWDLQWKHYDOLGLW\RIWKLV 3DUWV UHSODFHPHQW :DUUDQW\WKH YHKLFOH PXVW EH VHUYLFHG E\+\XQGDL $XWKRUL]HG ZRUNVKRS LQDFFRUGDQFHWRWKH2ZQHUŔV0DQXDODQG6HUYLFH%RRNOHWLabour Free Service of VehicleHYUNDAI EXTENDED WARRANTY*+0,/ RIIHUV RSWLRQDO SDLG H[WHQGHGZDUUDQW\ RQ VHOHFWHG PRGHOV LQ DGGLWLRQ WR WKH EDVLF QHZ YHKLFOH ZDUUDQW\ )RU PRUH GHWDLOV RQ +\XQGDL([WHQGHG :DUUDQW\ SOHDVH FDOO WKHQHDUHVWGHDOHURURXUWROOIUHHQXPEHUConditions apply
] button onthe control panel.• You can also press and hold the[< SEEK] button / [TRACK >] buttonto search for frequencies quickly.When you release the button, a radiostation with a strong signal is selectedautomatically.If you know the exact frequency of theradio station you want to listen to, turnthe [TUNE] knob on the control panel tochange the frequency.5-93Convenience FeaturesSaving radio stationsYou can save your favorite radio stationsand listen to them by selecting themfrom the preset list.Saving the current radio stationWhile listening to the radio, press andhold the desired number button on thecontrol panel.• The radio station you are listening towill be added to the selected number.• To save the next page of the presetlist, press the [FAV] button.NOTICE• You can save up to 12 radio stations ineach mode.• If a station is already saved to theselected preset number, the stationwill be replaced by the station youare listening to.Using the auto save functionYou can search for radio stations in yourarea where there is a strong signal. Theresults of your search can be saved tothe preset list automatically.1. From the radio screen, press the[MENU/CLOCK] button on the controlpanel.2. When the option selection windowdisplays, turn the [TUNE] knob toselect Autostore, and then press theknob.5-94Listening to saved radiostationsFM/AM Mode1. Confirm the preset number for theradio station you want to listen to.• To view the next page of the presetlist, press the [FAV] button.2. On the control panel, press the desirednumber button.• Alternatively, push the Up/Downlever on the steering wheel tochange the station.05MEDIA PLAYERUsing the media playerYou can play music stored in variousmedia storage devices, such as USBstorage devices, and smartphones.1. Connect a device to the USB port inyour vehicle.• Playback may start immediatelydepending on the device that youconnect to the system.2. On the control panel, press the[MEDIA] / [AUDIO] button.3. When the mode selection windowdisplays, turn the [TUNE] knob toselect the desired mode and thenpress the knob.NOTICE• To start the media player, pressthe [MEDIA] / [AUDIO] button on thecontrol panel.• You can also change the modeby pressing the [MODE] buttonrepeatedly on the steering wheel.• Make sure to connect or disconnectexternal USB devices with thesystem power turned off.• When the Mode Popup is notselected in [MENU/CLOCK] X ModePopup, press the [MEDIA] / [AUDIO]button on the control panel tochange the media player.Each time you press the [MEDIA] /[AUDIO] button on the control panel,the media mode switches to USB XBT Audio in order.• Depending on vehicle models andspecifications, available buttons orthe appearance and layout of the USBport in your vehicle may vary.• Do not connect a smartphone or anMP3 device to the system via multiplemethods such as USB and Bluetoothsimultaneously. Doing so maycause a distorted noise or a systemmalfunction.• When the equaliser function of theconnected device and Tone settingsof the system are both activated, theeffects may interfere with each otherand may lead to sound degradationor distortion. Deactivate the device’sequaliser function if possible.Using the USB modeYou can play media files stored inportable devices, such as USB storagedevices and MP3 players. Checkcompatible USB storage devices andfile specifications before using the USBmode.Connect your USB device to the USBport in the vehicle.• Playback starts immediately.• Press the [MEDIA] / [AUDIO] button onthe control panel to display the modeselection window, turn the [TUNE]knob to select USB and then press theknob.5-95Convenience FeaturesNOTICE(1) Current file number and total numberof files(2) Playback time(3) Information about the song currentlyplayingPress the [MENU/CLOCK] button on thecontrol panel to access the followingmenu options:• List: Access the file list.• Folder List: Access the folder list.• Information: Display informationabout the song currently playing.• Sound Settings: You can changethe settings related to sounds, suchas location where sound will beconcentrated and the output level foreach range.- Position: Select a location wheresound will be concentrated in thevehicle. Select Fade (Fader) orBalance, turn the [TUNE] knob toselect the desired position, andthen press the knob. To set soundto be centered in the vehicle, selectCentre (Center).- Equaliser (Tone): Adjust the outputlevel for each sound tone mode.- Speed Dependent Vol.: Set thevolume to be adjusted automaticallyaccording to your driving speed.5-96• Depending on vehicle models orspecifications, available options mayvary.• Depending on the system or amplifierspecifications applied to your vehicle,available options may vary.• Song information (Media Display):Select information such as Folder/Fileor Artist/Title/Album to display whenplaying MP3 files.• Mode Popup: Set to display modeselection window when the[MEDIA] / [AUDIO] button is pressedon the control panel.• Date/Time: You can change thedate and time that are shown on thesystem display.- Set Date: Set date to display on thesystem display.- Set Time: Set time to display on thesystem display.- Time Format: Select to display timein the 12 hour format or the 24 hourformat.- Display (Power Off): Set to displaythe clock when the system power isoff.• Language: You can change the displaylanguage.• Display Off: Turn off the screen. Pressany of the control panel buttons toturn back on.Rewinding/Fast forwardingOn the control panel, press and hold the[< SEEK] button / [TRACK >] button.• You can also push and hold the Up/Down lever on the steering wheel.05Restarting the current playbackOn the control panel after the song hasplayed for 2 seconds, press the [< SEEK]button.• You can also push the Up lever on thesteering wheel.Playing the previous or next songTo play the previous song on the controlpanel within the first 2 seconds of thecurrent song, press the [< SEEK] button.To play the next song, press the [TRACK>] button on the control panel.• If more than 2 seconds of playbackhave elapsed, press the [< SEEK]button on the control panel twice toplay the previous song.• You can also push the Up/Down leveron the steering wheel.NOTICESelect [MENU/CLOCK] > List to accessthe file list, turn the [TUNE] knob to findthe desired song and press the knob toplay the file.Playing repeatedlyOn the control panel, press the [1 RPT]button. The repeat play mode changeseach time you press it. The correspondingmode icon will be displayed on the screen.Playing in random orderOn the control panel, press the[2 SHFL] button. The shuffle play mode isactivated or deactivated each time youpress it. When you activate the shufflemode, the corresponding mode icon willbe displayed on the screen.NOTICEDepending on the connected Bluetoothdevice or mobile phone, RPT & SHFLfeatures may not be supported.Searching folders1. On the control panel, press the[MENU/CLOCK] button.2. When the option selection windowdisplays, turn the [TUNE] knob toselect the Folder List and then pressthe knob.3. Navigate to the desired folder in theFolder List and then press the [TUNE]knob.• The first song in the selected folderwill be played.iInformation• Start the engine of your vehicle beforeconnecting a USB device to your system.Starting the engine with a USB deviceconnected to the system may damagethe USB device.• Be careful of static electricity whenconnecting or disconnecting a USBdevice. A static discharge may cause asystem malfunction.• Be careful not to let your body orexternal objects contact the USB port.Doing so may cause an accident or asystem malfunction.• Do not connect and disconnect a USBconnector repeatedly in a short time.Doing so may cause an error in thedevice or a system malfunction.• Do not use a USB device for purposesother than playing files. Using USBaccessories for charging or heating maycause poor performance or a systemmalfunction.5-97Convenience FeaturesBLUETOOTHNOTICE• When connecting a USB storagedevice, do not use an extensioncable. Connect it directly to theUSB port. If you use a USB hub or anextension cable, the device may notbe recognized.• Fully insert a USB connector into theUSB port. Failure to do so may causea communication error.• When you disconnect a USB storagedevice, a distorted noise may occur.• The system can play only filesencoded in a standard format.• The following types of USB devicesmay not be recognized or workcorrectly:- Encrypted MP3 players- USB devices not recognized asremovable disks• A USB device may not be recognizeddepending on its condition.• Some USB devices may beincompatible with your system.• Depending on the USB device’s type,capacity, or the format of files, USBrecognition time may be longer.• Image and video playback are notsupported.5-98Connecting Bluetooth devicesBluetooth is a short-range wirelessnetworking technology. Via Bluetooth,you can connect nearby mobiledevices wirelessly to send and receivedata between connected devices.This enables you to use your deviceseffectively.To use Bluetooth, you must first connecta Bluetooth-enabled device to yoursystem, such as a mobile phone or anMP3 player. Ensure that the device youwant to connect supports Bluetooth.WARNINGPark your vehicle in a safe locationbefore connecting Bluetooth devices.Distracted driving can cause a trafficaccident and lead to personal injury ordeath.NOTICE• On your system, you can use onlyBluetooth Handsfree and Audiofeatures. Connect a mobile devicethat supports both features.• Some Bluetooth devices may causemalfunctions to the infotainmentsystem or make interference noises.In this case, storing the device in adifferent location may resolve theproblem.• Depending on the connectedBluetooth device or mobilephone, some functions may not besupported.• If the system is not stable dueto a vehicle-Bluetooth devicecommunication error, delete thepaired devices and connect theBluetooth devices again.05• If Bluetooth connection is not stable,follow these steps to try again.1. Deactivate Bluetooth andreactivate it on the device. Then,reconnect the device.2. Turn the device off and on. Then,reconnect it.3. Remove the battery from thedevice and reinstall it. Then, turnthe device on and reconnect it.4. Unregister the Bluetooth pairing onboth the system and the device andthen re-register and connect them.• The Bluetooth connection isunavailable when the device’sBluetooth function is turned off. Besure to turn on the device’s Bluetoothfunction.Pairing devices with your systemFor Bluetooth connections, first pair yourdevice with your system to add it to thesystem’s list of Bluetooth devices. Youcan register up to five devices.1. From the control panel, press the[PHONE] button, and then selectPhone Settings X Add New Device.• If you are pairing a device with yoursystem for the first time, you canalso press the Call/Answer buttonon the steering wheel.2. On the Bluetooth device you want toconnect, activate Bluetooth, search foryour vehicle’s system, and then selectit.• Check the system’s Bluetoothname, which is displayed in the newregistration pop-up window on thesystem screen.3. Enter or confirm the passkey toconfirm the connection.• If the passkey input screen isdisplayed on the Bluetooth devicescreen, enter the passkey ‘0000’which is displayed on the systemscreen.• If the 6-digit passkey is displayedon the Bluetooth device screen,ensure that the Bluetooth passkeydisplayed on the Bluetooth deviceis the same as the passkey on thesystem screen and confirm theconnection from the device.NOTICE• The screen image in this manual is anexample. Check your system screen forthe exact vehicle name and Bluetoothdevice name.• The default passkey is ‘0000’.• It may take a while for the systemto connect with the device afteryou permit the system to access thedevice. When a connection is made,the Bluetooth status icon appears atthe top of the screen.• You can change the permissionsettings via the mobile phone’sBluetooth settings menu. For moreinformation, refer to your mobilephone’s user guide.• To register a new device, repeatsteps 1 to 3.5-99Convenience Features• If you use the automatic Bluetoothconnection function, a call may beswitched to the vehicle’s Handsfreewhen you are taking on the phonenear the vehicle while the vehicle’sengine is on. If you do not want thesystem to connect with the deviceautomatically, deactivate Bluetoothon your device.• When a device is connected to thesystem via Bluetooth, the device’sbattery may discharge faster.Connecting a paired deviceTo use a Bluetooth device on yoursystem, connect the paired device to thesystem. Your system can connect withonly one device at a time.1. From the control panel, press the[PHONE] button, and then select PhoneSettings X Paired Devices.• If there is no connected device,press the Call/Answer button on thesteering wheel.2. Turn the [TUNE] knob to select thedevice to connect, and then press theknob.• If another device is alreadyconnected to your system,disconnect it. Select the connecteddevice to disconnect.NOTICE• If a connection ends because adevice is out of the connectionrange or a device error occurs,the connection will be restoredautomatically when the device entersthe connection range or when theerror is cleared.• Depending on auto connectionpriority, connection to a device maytake time.5-100Disconnecting a deviceIf you want to stop using a Bluetoothdevice or connect another device,disconnect your currently connecteddevice.1. From the control panel, press the[PHONE] button, and then select PhoneSettings X Paired Devices.2. Turn the [TUNE] knob to select yourcurrently connected device and thenpress the knob.3. Press the [1 RPT] button to selectYes.Deleting paired devicesIf you no longer want a Bluetooth devicepaired or if you want to connect a newdevice when the Bluetooth device list isfull, delete paired devices.1. From the control panel, press the[PHONE] button, and then select PhoneSettings X Delete Devices.2. Turn the [TUNE] knob to select thedevice to delete, and then press theknob.3. Press the [1 RPT] button to select Yes.05NOTICE• When you delete a paired device, theCall history and Contacts stored inthe system are also deleted.• To re-use a deleted device, you mustpair the device again.Using a Bluetooth audio deviceYou can listen to music stored in theconnected Bluetooth audio device viayour vehicle’s speakers.1. On the control panel, press the[AUDIO] button.2. When the mode selection windowdisplays, turn the [TUNE] knob toselect BT Audio and then press theknob.• Sound Settings: You can changethe settings related to sounds, suchas location where sound will beconcentrated and the output levelfor each range.- Position: Select a location wheresound will be concentrated in thevehicle. Select Fade (Fader) orBalance, turn the [TUNE] knob toselect the desired position, andthen press the knob. To set soundto be centered in the vehicle,select Centre (Center).- Equaliser (Tone): Adjust theoutput level for each sound tonemode.- Speed Dependent Vol.: Setthe volume to be adjustedautomatically according to yourdriving speed.NOTICE(1) Information about the song currentlyplaying1. Press the [MENU/CLOCK] buttonon the control panel to access thefollowing a menu option.2. Turn the [TUNE] knob to select optionand then press the knob.• Depending on vehicle models orspecifications, available options mayvary.• Depending on the system or amplifierspecifications applied to your vehicle,available options may vary.• Mode Popup: Set to display modeselection window when the [AUDIO]button is pressed on the controlpanel.• Date/Time: You can change thedate and time that are shown on thesystem display.- Set Date: Set date to display onthe system display.- Set Time: Set time to display onthe system display.5-101Convenience Features- Time Format: Select to displaytime in the 12 hour format or the24 hour format.- Display (Power Off): Set to displaythe clock when the system poweris off.• Language: You can change thedisplay language.• Display Off: Turn off the screen.Press any of the control panelbuttons to turn back on.Pausing/Resuming playbackTo pause playback, press the [TUNE]knob on the control panel. To resumeplayback, press the [TUNE] knob again.• You can also press the Mute button onthe steering wheel remote control.Playing repeatedlyOn the control panel, press the[1 RPT] button. The repeat play modechanges each time you press it. Thecorresponding mode icon will bedisplayed on the screen.Playing in random orderOn the control panel, press the[2 SHFL] button. The shuffle play mode isactivated or deactivated each time youpress it. When you activate the shufflemode, the corresponding mode icon willbe displayed on the screen.NOTICEDepending on the connected Bluetoothdevice or mobile phone, RPT & SHFLfeatures may not be supported.5-102NOTICE• Depending on the connectedBluetooth device, mobile phone,or the music player you are using,playback controls may differ.• Depending on the music player youare using, streaming may not besupported.• Depending on the connectedBluetooth device or mobilephone, some functions may not besupported.• If a Bluetooth enabled phone is beingused to play music and it receives ormakes a phone call, the music willstop.• Receiving an incoming call or makingan outgoing call while playingBluetooth audio may result in audiointerference.• If you use the Bluetooth phonemode while using Bluetooth audio,playback may not automaticallyresume after you end the calldepending on the connected mobilephone.• Moving the track up/down whileplaying Bluetooth audio mode mayresult in pop noises with some mobilephones.• The Rewinding/Fast forwardingfunction is not supported in theBluetooth audio mode.• The playlist feature is not supportedin the Bluetooth audio mode.• If the Bluetooth device isdisconnected, Bluetooth audio modewill end.05Using a Bluetooth phoneYou can use Bluetooth to talk on thephone hands free. View call information on the system screen, and makeor receive calls safely and conveniently via the vehicle’s built-in microphone and speakers.WARNING• Park your vehicle in a safe locationbefore connecting Bluetooth devices.Distracted driving can cause a trafficaccident and lead to personal injuryor death.• Never dial a phone number or pickup your mobile phone while driving.Use of a mobile phone may distractyour attention, making it difficult torecognize external conditions andreducing the ability to cope withunexpected situations, which maylead to an accident. If necessary, usethe Bluetooth Handsfree feature tomake calls and keep the call as shortas possible.NOTICE• You cannot access the Phone screenif there is no connected mobilephone. To use the Bluetooth phonefunction, connect a mobile phone tothe system.• The Bluetooth Handsfree functionmay not work when you arepassing out of the cellular servicecoverage area, such as when youare in a tunnel, underground, or in amountainous area.• Call quality may be degraded in thefollowing environments:- The reception of the mobile phoneis poor- The inside of the vehicle is noisy- The mobile phone is placednear metallic objects, such as abeverage can.• Depending on the connected mobilephone, the volume and sound qualityof the Bluetooth Handsfree may vary.5-103Convenience FeaturesMaking a callUsing the favorites listIf your mobile phone is connected to thesystem, you can make a call by selectinga name from your call history or contactslist.1. On the control panel, press the[PHONE] button.• Alternatively, press the Call/Answer button on the steering wheel.2. Select a phone number.• To select a phone number from yourfavorites list, selectFavorites.• To select a phone number from yourcall history, select CallHistory.• To select a phone number from thecontacts list downloaded from theconnected mobile phone, selectContacts.3. To end the call, press the [2 SHFL]button on the control panel.• Alternatively, press the Call endbutton on the steering wheel.1. From the Phone screen, turn the[TUNE] knob on the control panel toselect Favorites, and then press theknob.2. Turn the [TUNE] knob to select thedesired contact, and then press theknob to make a phone call.Registering the favorites listYou can more easily use Bluetoothto talk on the phone hands-free byregistering phone numbers as yourfavorites.1. On the Phone screen, turn the [TUNE]knob on the control panel to selectFavorites and press the knob.2. Select Add New.3. Turn the [TUNE] knob to selectthe desired group of alphanumericcharacters, and then press the knob.4. Turn the [TUNE] knob to select thedesired contact.5-104Press the [MENU/CLOCK] button on thecontrol panel to access the followingmenu options:• Add new favorites: Add a frequentlyused phone number to favorites.• Delete Items: Delete a selectedfavorites item.• Delete All: Delete all favorites items.NOTICE• You can register up to 20 favorites foreach device.• You must first download the contactsto the system to register favorites.• The favorites list saved on the mobilephone is not downloaded to thesystem.• Even if the contact informationon the mobile phone is edited, thefavorites on the system are notautomatically edited. Delete and addthe item to favorites again.• When you connect a new mobilephone, your favorites set for theprevious mobile phone will not bedisplayed, but they will remain inyour system until you delete theprevious phone from the device list.05Using your call history1. From the Phone screen, turn the[TUNE] knob on the control panel toselect Call History, and then press theknob.2. Turn the [TUNE] knob to select thedesired entry, and then press the knobto make a phone call.Press the [MENU/CLOCK] button on thecontrol panel to access the followingmenu options:• Download: Download your call history.• All Calls: View all call records.• Dialed Calls: View only dialed calls.• Received Calls: View only receivedcalls.• Missed Calls: View only missed calls.NOTICE• Some mobile phones may notsupport the download function.• The call history is accessed only afterdownloading the call history whenthe mobile phone is connected to thesystem.• Calls from restricted IDs are notsaved on the call history list.• Up to 50 call records will bedownloaded per individual list.• Call duration and time informationwill not be displayed on the systemscreen.• Permission is required to downloadyour call history from the mobilephone. When you attempt todownload data, you may need topermit the download on the mobilephone. If the download fails, checkthe mobile phone screen for anynotification or the mobile phone’spermission setting.• When you download your call history,any old data will be deleted.Using the contacts list1. From the Phone screen, turn the[TUNE] knob on the control panel toselect Contacts, and then press theknob.2. Turn the [TUNE] knob to select thedesired group of alphanumericcharacters, and then press the knob.3. Turn the [TUNE] knob to select thedesired contact, and then press theknob to make a phone call.5-105Convenience FeaturesPress the [MENU/CLOCK] button on thecontrol panel to access the following amenu option:• Download: Download your mobilephone contacts.NOTICE• Contacts can be viewed only whenthe Bluetooth device is connected.• Only contacts in the supportedformat can be downloaded anddisplayed from the Bluetooth device.Contacts from some applications willnot be included.• Up to 2,000 contacts can bedownloaded from your device.• Some mobile phones may notsupport the download function.• Depending on the system’sspecifications, some of thedownloaded contacts may be lost.• Contacts stored both in the phoneand in the SIM card are downloaded.With some mobile phones, contactsin the SIM card may not bedownloaded.• Special characters and figures usedin the contact name may not bedisplayed properly.5-106• Permission is required to downloadcontacts from the mobile phone.When you attempt to downloaddata, you may need to permit thedownload on the mobile phone. Ifthe download fails, check the mobilephone screen for any notificationor the mobile phone’s permissionsetting.• Depending on the mobile phone typeor status, downloading may takelonger.• When you download your contacts,any old data will be deleted.• You cannot edit or delete yourcontacts on the system.• When you connect a new mobilephone, your contacts downloadedfrom the previous mobile phone willnot be displayed, but they will remainin your system until you delete theprevious phone from the device list.Answering callsWhen a call comes in, a notification popup window of the incoming call appearson the system screen.To answer the call, press the [1 RPT]button on the control panel.• Alternatively, press the Call/Answer button on the steering wheel.05To reject the call, press the [2 SHFL]button on the control panel.• Alternatively, press the Call end buttonon the steering wheel.NOTICE• Depending on the mobile phone type,call rejection may not be supported.• Once your mobile phone is connectedto the system, the call sound may beoutput through the vehicle’s speakerseven after you exit the vehicle if thephone is within the connection range.To end the connection, disconnectthe device from the system ordeactivate Bluetooth on the device.Using options during a callDuring a call, you will see the call screenshown below. Press a button to performthe function you want.To switch the call to your mobile phone,press the [1 RPT] button on the controlpanel.• Alternatively, press and hold the Call/Answer button on the steering wheel.Press the [MENU/CLOCK] button on thecontrol panel to access the following amenu option:• Microphone Volume (OutgoingVolume): Adjust the microphonevolume or turn off the microphone sothe other party cannot hear you.NOTICE• If the caller information is saved inyour contacts list, the caller’s nameand phone number will be displayed.If the caller information is not savedin your contacts list, only the caller’sphone number will be displayed.• You cannot switch to any otherscreen, such as the audio screenor the settings screen, during aBluetooth call.• Depending on the mobile phonetype, call quality may vary. On somephones, your voice may be lessaudible to the other party.• Depending on the mobile phonetype, the phone number may not bedisplayed.• Depending on the mobile phone type,the call switching function may notbe supported.To end the call, press the [2 SHFL]button on the control panel.• Alternatively, press the Call end buttonon the steering wheel.5-107Convenience Features7+((0(5*(1&<&$//6(59,&(ǣ,)(48,33('ǤYou can make an emergency call quicklyin the event of a traffic accident via theemergency call system.• Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP)emergency call serviceSOSDriver or passenger manually canmake an emergency call in the singleduty dispatch service, by pressing SOSbutton to call the necessary emergencyservices.• Stops sound and SOS is displayed onscreen.NOTICE• For more information, refer to the“Emergency situations” in manual.• Depending on your region, theservice may not be supported.• Depending on your region or vehiclemodel, the name of the button mayvary.5-10805SYSTEM STATUS ICONSStatus icons appear at the top of thescreen to display the current systemstatus.Familiarise yourself with the status iconsthat appear when you perform certainactions or functions and their meanings.Signal strengthIconDescriptionSignal strength of the mobilephone connected via BluetoothNOTICEBluetoothIconDescriptionBattery level of connectedBluetooth deviceMobile phone or audio deviceconnected via Bluetooth• The battery level displayed on thescreen may differ from the batterylevel displayed on the connecteddevice.• The signal strength displayed on thescreen may differ from the signalstrength displayed on the connectedmobile phone.• Depending on vehicle models andspecifications, some status icons maynot be displayed.Bluetooth call in progressMicrophone turned off duringBluetooth callDownloading call history froma mobile phone connected viaBluetooth to the systemDownloading contacts from amobile phone connected viaBluetooth to the system5-109Convenience FeaturesINFOTAINMENT SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONSUSBSupported audio formatsAudio file specification- WAVeform audio format- MPEG1/2/2.5 Audio Layer3- Windows Media Audio Ver 7.X/8.XBit rates- MPEG1 (Layer3):32/40/48/56/64/80/96/112/128/160/192/224/256/320 kbps- MPEG2 (Layer3):8/16/24/32/40/48/56/64/80/96/112/128/144/160 kbps- MPEG2.5 (Layer3):8/16/24/32/40/48/56/64/80/96/112/128/144/160 kbps- WMA (High Range):48/64/80/96/128/160/192 kbps• Bits Per Sample- WAV (PCM(Stereo)): 24 bit- WAV (IMA ADPCM): 4 bit- WAV (MS ADPCM): 4 bit• Sampling frequency- MPEG1: 44100/48000/32000 Hz- MPEG2: 22050/24000/16000 Hz- MPEG2.5: 11025/12000/8000 Hz- WMA: 32000/44100/48000 Hz- WAV: 44100/48000 Hz• Maximum length of folder/file names(Based on Unicode): 40 English orKorean characters• Supported characters for folder/file names (Unicode support): 2,604Korean characters, 94 alphanumericcharacters, 4,888 Chinese charactersin common use, 986 specialcharacters• Maximum number of folders: 1,000• Maximum number of files: 5,0005-110NOTICE• Files that are not in a supportedformat may not be recognized orplayed, or information about them,such as the file name, may not bedisplayed properly.• Only files with .mp3/.wma/.wavextensions can be recognized by thesystem. If the file is not in supportedformat, change the file format byusing the latest encoding software.• The device will not support fileslocked by DRM (Digital RightsManagement).• For MP3/WMA compression files andWAV file, differences in sound qualitywill occur depending on the bitrate.(Music files with a higher bitrate havea better sound quality.)• Japanese or Simplified Chinesecharacters in folder or file names maynot be displayed properly.Supported USB storage devices• Byte/Sector: 64 kbyte or less• Format system: FAT12/16/32(recommended), exFAT/NTFS05TRADEMARKSNOTICE• Operation is guaranteed only for ametal cover type USB storage devicewith a plug type connector.- USB storage devices with a plasticplug may not be recognized.- USB storage devices in memorycard types, such as CF card or SDcards, may not be recognized.• USB hard disk drives may not berecognized.• When you use a large capacity USBstorage device with multiple logicaldrives, only files stored on the firstdrive will be recognized.• If an application program is loadedon a USB storage device, thecorresponding media files may notplay.• Use USB 2.0 devices for bettercompatibility.Other trademarks and trade names arethose of their respective owners.• The Bluetooth® word mark and logosare registered trademarks owned byBluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use ofsuch marks by HYUNDAI is underlicence.Bluetooth••••Bluetooth Power Class 2: -6 to 4 dBmAerial power: Max 2.5 mWFrequency range: 2400 to 2483.5 MHzBluetooth patch RAM softwareversion: 15-111Convenience FeaturesDECLARATION OF CONFORMITYCEEU Declaraon of Conformity[1]Product details [2]Product [3]Car Auido SystemModel [4]ACB10HQIG, ACB11HQIG, ACB12HQIG, ACB13HQIG, ACB10HQGG, ACB10HQGN, ACB10HQGL,ACB10HQGP, ACB11HQGG, ACB10HQMG, ACB00GQTP, ACB11GQTP, ACB00GQEG,ACB01GQEG, ACB90GQEG, ACB10GQEG, ACB11GQEG, ACBC0GQEG, ACB00GQEP,ACB90GQEP, ACB10GQEP, ACBC0GQEP, ACB11GQEP, ACBC1GQEP, ACB91GQEP, ACB02GQEP,AU210HQEP, AU211HQEPWe hereby declare, that the product above is in compliance with the essenal requirements of the Direcve2014/53/EU by applicaon of [5]Applied Standards [6]Arcle [7] 3.2Radio [8]EN 300 328 V2.2.2, EN 303 345-1 V1.1.1, EN 303 345-2 V1.2.1,EN 303 345-3 V1.1.1 EN 303 345-4 V1.1.1Arcle [7] 3.1bEMC [9]EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3, EN 301 489-17 V3.2.4EN 55032:2015+A11:2020, EN 55035:2017+A11:2020Arcle [7] 3.1aSafety [10], Health [11]EN IEC 62368̺1:2020+A11:2020EN 62311:2008Manufacturer [12]Representave in the EU [13]Hyundai MOBIS Co., Ltd.MOBIS Parts Europe N.V.203, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu,Wilhelm-Fay-Strabe 51,Seoul, 06141 , KoreaFrankfurt Main, 65936, GermanyTel: +82-31-260-2707Tel: +49-69-85096-5011Signed By [14]25/07/2022This declaraon of conformity is issued under the soleresponsibility of the manufacturer. [15]Seunghoon Cho*representaveHyundai MOBIS Co., Ltd.5-1126. Driving Your VehicleBefore driving ................................................................................................. 6-3Before entering the vehicle ...................................................................................... 6-3Before starting .......................................................................................................... 6-3Ignition switch ................................................................................................6-4Key ignition switch .................................................................................................... 6-4Engine Start/Stop button...........................................................................................6-7Manual transmission .....................................................................................6-12Manual transmission operation .............................................................................. 6-12Good driving practices ............................................................................................6-14Automated Manual Transmission (AMT) ......................................................6-15Automated Manual Transmission (AMT) operation ...............................................6-16Features of the Automated Manual Transmission (AMT) ......................................6-16Parking ..................................................................................................................... 6-24Good driving practices ........................................................................................... 6-24Braking system .............................................................................................. 6-26Power brakes ........................................................................................................... 6-26Disc brakes wear indicator ..................................................................................... 6-26Rear drum brakes .....................................................................................................6-27Parking brake ...........................................................................................................6-27Anti-lock Brake System (ABS)................................................................................. 6-29Electronic Stability Control (ESC) .......................................................................... 6-30Vehicle Stability Management (VSM) .................................................................... 6-33Hill-Start Assist Control (HAC)................................................................................ 6-34Emergency Stop Signal (ESS) ................................................................................. 6-35Brake Assist System (BAS) ...................................................................................... 6-35Good braking practices .......................................................................................... 6-36Special driving conditions ............................................................................ 6-37Hazardous driving conditions .................................................................................6-37Rocking the vehicle ...............................................................................................6-37Smooth cornering ................................................................................................... 6-38Driving at night ........................................................................................................ 6-38Driving in the rain .................................................................................................... 6-38Driving in flooded areas .......................................................................................... 6-39Winter driving............................................................................................... 6-40Snow or icy conditions............................................................................................6-40Winter precautions.................................................................................................. 6-42Vehicle weight ...............................................................................................6-44Overloading .............................................................................................................6-446Driving Your VehicleWARNINGCarbon monoxide (CO) gas is toxic. Breathing CO can cause unconsciousness anddeath.Engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide which cannot be seen or smelled.Do not inhale engine exhaust.If at any time you smell engine exhaust inside the vehicle, open the windowsimmediately. Exposure to CO can cause unconsciousness and death by asphyxiation.Be sure the exhaust system does not leak.The exhaust system should be checked whenever the vehicle is raised to change theoil or for any other purpose. If you hear a change in the sound of the exhaust or if youdrive over something that strikes the underneath side of the vehicle, we recommendthat the exhaust system be checked as soon as possible by an authorized HYUNDAIdealer.Do not run the engine in an enclosed area.Letting the engine idle in your garage, even with the garage door open, is a hazardouspractice. Run the engine only long enough to start the engine and to move the vehicleout of the garage.Avoid idling the engine for prolonged periods with people inside the vehicle.If it is necessary to idle the engine for a prolonged period with people inside thevehicle, be sure to do so only in an open area with the air intake set at “Fresh” and fancontrol set to high so fresh air is drawn into the interior.Keep the air intakes clear.To assure proper operation of the ventilation system, keep the ventilation air intakeslocated in front of the windshield clear of snow, ice, leaves, or other obstructions.If you must drive with the tailgate/trunk open:Close all windows.Open instrument panel air vents.Set the air intake control at “Fresh”, the air flow control at “Floor” or “Face”, and thefan control set to high.6-206BEFORE DRIVINGBefore entering the vehicle• Be sure all windows, outside mirror(s)and outside lights are clean andunobstructed.• Remove frost, snow or ice.• Visually check the tires for unevenwear and damage.• Check under the vehicle for any signof leaks.• Be sure there are no obstacles behindyou if you intend to back up.Before starting• Make sure the hood, the tailgate/trunkand the doors are securely closed andlocked.• Adjust the position of the seat andsteering wheel.• Adjust the inside and outside rearviewmirrors.• Verify all of the lights work.• Fasten your seatbelt. Check thatall passengers have fastened theirseatbelts.• Check the gauges and indicators in theinstrument panel and the messageson the instrument display when theignition switch is in the ON position.• Check that any items you are carryingare stored properly or fastened downsecurely.• Stay focused on the task of driving.Driver distraction can causeaccidents.• Leave plenty of space between youand the vehicle in front of you.WARNINGNEVER drink or take drugs and drive.Drinking or taking drugs and drivingis dangerous and may result in anaccident and SERIOUS INJURY orDEATH.Drunk driving is the number onecontributor to the highway deathtoll each year. Even a small amountof alcohol will affect your reflexes,perceptions and judgment. Justone drink can reduce your ability torespond to changing conditions andemergencies and your reaction timegets worse with each additional drink.Driving while under the influenceof drugs is as dangerous as or moredangerous than driving under theinfluence of alcohol.You are much more likely to have aserious accident if you drink or takedrugs and drive. If you are drinking ortaking drugs, don’t drive. Do not ridewith a driver who has been drinkingor taking drugs. Choose a designateddriver or call a taxi.WARNINGTo reduce the risk of SERIOUSINJURY or DEATH, take the followingprecautions:• ALWAYS wear your seat belt. Allpassengers must be properly beltedwhenever the vehicle is moving.For more information, refer to “SeatBelts” in chapter 3.• Always drive defensively. Assumeother drivers or pedestrians may becareless and make mistakes.6-3Driving Your VehicleIGNITION SWITCHWARNINGTo reduce the risk of SERIOUSINJURY or DEATH, take the followingprecautions:• NEVER allow children or any personwho is unfamiliar with the vehicle totouch the ignition switch or relatedparts. Unexpected and suddenvehicle movement can occur.• NEVER reach through the steeringwheel for the ignition switch, or anyother controls, while the vehicle is inmotion. The presence of your handor arm in this area may cause a lossof vehicle control resulting in anaccident.6-4Key ignition switch(if equipped)OIB054010WARNING• NEVER turn the ignition switch tothe LOCK or ACC position while thevehicle is in motion except in anemergency. This will result in theengine turning off and loss of powerassist for the steering and brakesystems.This may lead to loss of directionalcontrol and braking function, whichcould cause an accident.• Before leaving the driver’s seat,always make sure the shift lever is inthe 1st gear (for manual transmissionvehicle) or N (Neutral) position (forAutomated Manual Transmissionvehicle), apply the parking brake, andturn the ignition switch to the LOCKposition.Unexpected vehicle movement mayoccur if these precautions are notfollowed.06Key ignition switch positionsSwitchPositionActionNoticeLOCKThe steering wheel locks to protectThe ignition key can be removed inthe vehicle from theft.the LOCK position.(if equipped)ACCElectrical accessories are usable.The steering wheel unlocks.If difficulty is experienced turningthe ignition switch to the ACCposition, turn the key while turningthe steering wheel right and left torelease tension.ONThis is the normal key positionwhen the engine has started.All features and accessories areusable.The warning lights can be checkedwhen you turn the ignition switchfrom ACC to ON.Do not leave the ignition switch inthe ON position when the engine isnot running to prevent the batteryfrom discharging.STARTTo start the engine, turn theignition switch to the STARTThe engine will crank until youposition. The switch returns to therelease the key.ON position when you let go of thekey.6-5Driving Your VehicleStarting the engineWARNING• Always wear appropriate shoes whenoperating your vehicle. Unsuitableshoes, such as high heels, ski boots,sandals, flip-flops, etc., may interferewith your ability to use the brake,accelerator and clutch pedals.• Do not start the vehicle with theaccelerator pedal depressed. Thevehicle can move and lead to anaccident.• Wait until the engine RPM is normal.The vehicle may suddenly move ifthe brake pedal is released when theRPM is high.Starting the petrol engineVehicle with Manual Transmission:1. Make sure the parking brake isapplied.2. Make sure the shift lever is in N(Neutral).3. Depress the clutch and brake pedals.4. Turn the ignition switch to the STARTposition. Hold the key (maximum of10 seconds) until the engine starts andrelease it.6-6Vehicle with Automated ManualTransmission :1. Make sure the parking brake isapplied.2. Make sure the shift lever is in N(Neutral).3. Depress the brake pedal firmly.4. Turn the ignition switch to the STARTposition. Hold the key (maximum of10 seconds) until the engine startsand release it. The engine can notbe started unless the shift lever is ‘N’position.06iInformation• Do not wait for the engine to warm upwhile the vehicle remains stationary.Start driving at moderate engine speeds.(Steep accelerating and deceleratingshould be avoided.)• Always start the vehicle with your footon the brake pedal. Do not depress theaccelerator while starting the vehicle.Do not race the engine while warming itup.Engine Start/Stop button(if equipped)NOTICETo prevent damage to the vehicle:• Do not hold the ignition key in theSTART position for more than 10seconds. Wait 5 to 10 seconds beforetrying again.• Do not turn the ignition switch tothe START position with the enginerunning. It may damage the starter.• If traffic and road conditions permit,you may put the shift lever in the N(Neutral) position while the vehicleis still moving and turn the ignitionswitch to the START position in anattempt to restart the engine.• Do not push or tow your vehicle tostart the engine.OAI3069001Whenever the front door is opened, theEngine Start/Stop button will illuminateand will go off 30 seconds after the dooris closed.WARNINGTo reduce risk of serious injury ordeath, NEVER allow children or anyperson who is unfamiliar with thevehicle to touch the Engine Start/Stopbutton or related parts. Unexpectedand sudden vehicle movement canoccur.6-7Driving Your VehicleWARNINGTo turn the engine off in an emergency:Press and hold the Engine Start/Stopbutton for more than two seconds ORRapidly press and release the EngineStart/Stop button three times (withinthree seconds).If the vehicle is still moving, you canrestart the engine without depressingthe brake pedal by pressing the EngineStart/Stop button with the shift lever inthe N (Neutral) position.WARNING• NEVER press the Engine Start/Stopbutton while the vehicle is in motionexcept in an emergency. This willresult in the engine turning off andloss of power assist for the steeringand brake systems.This may lead to loss of directionalcontrol and braking function, whichcould cause an accident.• Before leaving the driver’s seat,always set the parking brake, pressthe Engine Start/Stop button to theOFF position, and take the SmartKey with you. Unexpected vehiclemovement may occur if theseprecautions are not followed.• NEVER reach through the steeringwheel for the Engine Start/Stopbutton or any other control while thevehicle is in motion. The presenceof your hand or arm in this areamay cause a loss of vehicle controlresulting in an accident.6-806Engine Stop/Start button positionsButton PositionActionNoticeOFF• To turn off the engine, stopthe vehicle and then press theEngine Start/Stop button.• The steering wheel locks toprotect the vehicle from theft.(if equipped)If the steering wheel is not lockedproperly when you open thedriver’s door, the warning chimewill sound.• Press the Engine Start/Stopbutton when the button isin the OFF position withoutdepressing the brake pedal.• Electrical accessories areusable.• The steering wheel unlocks.• If you leave the Engine Start/Stop button in the ACCposition for more than onehour, the battery powerwill turn off automaticallyto prevent the battery fromdischarging.• If the steering wheel doesn’tunlock properly, the EngineStart/Stop button will notwork. Press the Engine Start/Stop button while turning thesteering wheel right and left torelease tension.• Press the Engine Start/Stopbutton while it is in the ACCposition without depressingthe clutch pedal.• The warning lights can bechecked before the engine isstarted.Do not leave the Engine Start/Stop button in the ON positionwhen the engine is not runningto prevent the battery fromdischarging.To start the engine, depress theclutch and brake pedals andpress the Engine Start/ Stopbutton with the shift lever inneutral.If you press the Engine Start/Stopbutton without depressing theclutch pedal, the engine does notstart and the Engine Start/Stopbutton changes as follows:OFF o ACC o ON o OFFACCONSTART6-9Driving Your VehicleStarting the engineWARNING• Always wear appropriate shoes whenoperating your vehicle. Unsuitableshoes, such as high heels, ski boots,sandals, flip-flops, etc., may interferewith your ability to use the brake,accelerator and clutch pedals.• Do not start the vehicle with theaccelerator pedal depressed. Thevehicle can move and lead to anaccident.• Wait until the engine RPM is normal.The vehicle may suddenly move ifthe brake pedal is released when theRPM is high.iInformation• The engine will start by pressing theEngine Start/Stop button, only when thesmart key is in the vehicle.• Even if the smart key is in the vehicle,if it is far away from the driver, theengine may not start.• When the Engine Start/Stop button is inthe ACC or ON position, if any door isopen, the system checks for the smartkey. If the smart key is not in the” indicator will blinkvehicle, the “and the warning “Key not in vehicle”will come on, and if all doors are closed,the chime will also sound for about 5seconds. The indicator will turn offwhile the vehicle is moving. Keep thesmart key in the vehicle when using theACC position or if the vehicle engine isON.6-10Vehicle with Manual Transmission:1. Always carry the smart key with you.2. Make sure the parking brake isapplied.3. Make sure the shift lever is in N(Neutral).4. Depress the clutch and brake pedals.5. Press the Engine Start/Stop button.Vehicle with Automated ManualTransmission:1. Always carry the smart key with you.2. Make sure the parking brake isapplied.3. Make sure the shift lever is in N(Neutral).4. Depress the brake pedals.5. Press the Engine Start/Stop button.The engine can not be started unlessthe shift lever is ‘N’ position.06iInformation• Do not wait for the engine to warm upwhile the vehicle remains stationary.Start driving at moderate engine speeds.(Steep accelerating and deceleratingshould be avoided.)• Always start the vehicle with your footon the brake pedal. Do not depress theaccelerator while starting the vehicle.Do not race the engine while warming itup.• When you start to drive, movethe shift lever after checking theRPM(revolutions per minute) is in theproper range (under 1,000 RPM) bydepressing the clutch pedal and brakepedal.After releasing the parking brake, takeyour foot off the clutch and depress theaccelerator slowly while starting yourvehicle.NOTICETo prevent damage to the vehicle:When the stop lamp fuse is blown, youcan’t start the engine normally. Replacethe fuse with a new one. If you are notable to replace the fuse, you can startthe engine by pressing and holdingthe Engine Start/Stop button for 10seconds with the Engine Start/Stopbutton in the ACC position.Do not press the Engine Start/Stopbutton for more than 10 seconds exceptwhen the stop lamp fuse is blown.For your safety, always depress thebrake and/or clutch pedal beforestarting the engine.Emergency startingNOTICETo prevent damage to the vehicle:• If traffic and road conditions permit,you may put the shift lever in the N(Neutral) position while the vehicleis still moving and press the EngineStart/Stop button in an attempt torestart the engine.• Do not push or tow your vehicle tostart the engine.OAI3069002If the smart key battery is weak or thesmart key does not work correctly, youcan start the engine by pressing theEngine Start/Stop button with the smartkey in the direction of the picture above.6-11Driving Your Vehicle0$18$/75$160,66,21ǣ,)(48,33('Ǥ Type AWARNINGBefore leaving the driver’s seat,always make sure the shift lever isin the 1st gear when the vehicle isparked on an uphill and in R (Reverse)on a downhill, set the parking brake,and place the ignition switch in theLOCK/OFF position. Unexpectedvehicle movement may occur if theseprecautions are not followed.OAI3069025 Type BTo shift to R (Reverse), make sure thevehicle has completely stopped, andthen move the shift lever to neutralbefore moving into R (Reverse).OAI3069026The shift lever can be movedwithout pressing the button (1).The button (1) must be pressedwhile moving the shift lever toR (Reverse).Manual transmission operationThe manual transmission has 5forward gears. The transmission is fullysynchronized in all forward gears soshifting to either a higher or a lower gearis easily accomplished.6-12When you’ve come to a complete stopand it’s hard to shift into the 1st gear orR (Reverse):1. Put the shift lever in neutral andrelease the clutch pedal.2. Depress the clutch pedal, and thenshift into the first or R (Reverse) gear.iInformationDuring cold weather, shifting may bedifficult until the transmission lubricanthas warmed up.06Using the clutch (if equipped)DownshiftingThe clutch pedal should be depressed allthe way to the floor before:- Starting the engineThe engine will not start withoutdepressing the clutch pedal.- ShiftingTo start your vehicle, slowly releasethe clutch pedal and depress theaccelerator.Downshift when you must slow down inheavy traffic or drive up a steep hill toprevent engine load.Also, downshifting reduces the chanceof stalling and can accelerate when youneed to increase your speed again.When the vehicle is going downhill,downshifting helps maintain safe speedby providing brake power from theengine and enables less wear on thebrakes.When releasing the clutch pedal, releaseit slowly. The clutch pedal should alwaysbe released while driving.NOTICETo prevent unnecessary wear ordamage to the clutch:• Do not rest your foot on the clutchpedal while driving.• Do not hold the vehicle with theclutch on an incline, while waiting forthe traffic light, etc.• Always depress the clutch pedaldown fully to prevent noise ordamage.• Do not start with the 2nd (second)gear engaged except when you starton a slippery road.• Depress the clutch pedal all the wayand be careful not to depress thepedal again before returning to theupright position after you releasethe pedal. If you depress the pedalbefore returning to the originalposition repeatedly, it may cause theclutch system failure.NOTICETo prevent damage to the engine,clutch and transmission:• When downshifting from the 5thgear to the 4th gear, be careful notto inadvertently push the shift leversideways engaging the 2nd gear.A drastic downshift may cause theengine speed to increase to the pointthe tachometer will enter the redzone.• Do not downshift more than twogears at a time or downshift the gearwhen the engine is running at highspeed (5,000 RPM or higher). Sucha downshifting may damage theengine, clutch and the transmission.6-13Driving Your VehicleGood driving practices• Never take the vehicle out of gear andcoast down a hill. This is extremelydangerous.• Don’t “ride” the brakes. This cancause the brakes and related parts tooverheat and malfunction.When you are driving down a long hill,slow down and shift to a lower gear.Engine braking will help slow downthe vehicle.• Slow down before shifting to a lowergear. This will help avoid over-revvingthe engine, which can cause damage.• Slow down when you encounter crosswinds. This gives you much bettercontrol of your vehicle.• Be sure the vehicle is completelystopped before you shift into R(Reverse) to prevent damage to thetransmission.• Exercise extreme caution when drivingon a slippery surface. Be especiallycareful when braking, accelerating orshifting gears. On a slippery surface,an abrupt change in vehicle speed cancause the drive wheels to lose tractionand may cause loss of vehicle controlresulting in an accident.WARNINGDo not use the engine brake (shiftingfrom a higher gear to lower gear)rapidly on slippery roads. The vehiclemay slip causing an accident.6-14WARNINGTo reduce the risk of SERIOUS INJURYor DEATH:• ALWAYS wear your seatbelt. In acollision, an unbelted occupantis significantly more likely to beseriously injured or killed than aproperly belted occupant.• Avoid high speeds when cornering orturning.• Do not make quick steering wheelmovements, such as sharp lanechanges or fast and sharp turns.• The risk of rollover is greatlyincreased if you lose control of yourvehicle at highway speeds.• Loss of control often occurs if two ormore wheels drop off the roadwayand the driver over steers to reenterthe roadway.• In the event your vehicle leavesthe roadway, do not steer sharply.Instead, slow down before pullingback into the travel lanes.• HYUNDAI recommends you follow allposted speed limits.06$8720$7('0$18$/75$160,66,21ǣ$07Ǥǣ,)(48,33('ǤOAI3069004IPress the shift button, then move shift lever.Move shift lever.The Automated Manual Transmission (AMT) is a transmission equipped with a gearactuator and a clutch actuator in addition to the conventional manual transmission.To improve the driving convenience, gear shift is automatically performed by thetransmission control unit and clutch/gear actuator.6-15Driving Your VehicleAutomated ManualTransmission (AMT) operationThe Automated Manual Transmission(AMT) has five forward speeds and onereverse speed.The individual speeds are selectedautomatically in the D (Drive) position.Features of the AutomatedManual Transmission (AMT)• The Automated Manual Transmission(AMT) can be thought of as anautomatically shifting manualtransmission. It gives the driving feelof a manual transmission.• When D (Drive) is selected, thetransmission will automaticallyshift through the gears similar to aconventional automatic transmission.Unlike a traditional automatictransmission, the gear shifting cansometimes be felt and heard as theactuators engage the clutches andthe gears are selected. When the gearis shifting, you may sometimes hearoperating noise. This is normal anddoes not indicate a problem with yourtransmission.• The Automated Manual Transmission(AMT) adopts a dry-type singleclutch, which is different from thetorque converter of the automatictransmission. It shows betteracceleration performance andincreased fuel efficiency whiledriving but initial launch might belittle bit slower than the automatictransmission.6-16• As a result, gear shifts are sometimesmore noticeable than a conventionalautomatic transmission and a lightvibration during launching can be feltas the transmission speed is matchedwith the engine speed. This is a normalcondition of the Automated ManualTransmission (AMT).• The dry-type clutch transfers torquemore directly and provides a directdrive feeling which may feel differentfrom a conventional automatictransmission with a torque converter.This may be more noticeable whenlaunching the vehicle from a stop orwhen traveling at low, stop-and-govehicle speeds.• When rapidly accelerating at a lowvehicle speed, the engine RPM mayincrease highly depending on thevehicle’s driving condition.• For a smooth launch uphill, depressthe accelerator pedal smoothlydepending on the current conditions.• If you release your foot from theaccelerator pedal at low vehicle speed,you may feel engine braking, which issimilar to manual transmission.06• When you turn the engine on and off,you may hear clicking sounds as thesystem goes through a self-test. Thisis a normal sound for the AutomatedManual Transmission (AMT).• During the first 1,500 km (1,000 miles),you may feel that the vehicle may notbe smooth when accelerating at lowspeed. During this break-in period, theshift quality and performance of yournew vehicle is continuously optimized.iInformation- Creeping functionThe Creeping function helps the vehicleto start smoothly. If you take your footoff the brake pedal when the shift leveris either in R (Reverse), D (Drive) or M(Manual) position, the vehicle will startslowly without depressing the acceleratorpedal. To disable the function, depress thebrake pedal or pull up the parking brakelever.The creeping function will not operatewhen:• The parking brake lever is engagedwith the shift lever in R (Reverse), D(Drive) or M (Manual) positionAutomated Manual Transmission(AMT) instruction labelOAH2038024Read and follow the instruction labelattached on the driver side’s sunvisorbefore driving the vehicle.6-176-18DNRNRDRDNFromTo(Current position) (Desired position)Lever shiftingLever shifting conditionN/AReversing below7 km/h (4 mile/h)Moving forwardbelow2 km/h (1 mile/h)Reversing below7 km/h (4 mile/h)Moving forwardbelow2 km/h (1 mile/h)N/AVehicle speedAppliedAppliedAppliedAppliedBrakeShifting condition-D or N blinkingN blinkingN blinkingR or N blinking-Shift indicator-OnOnOnOn-SoundCluster-OnOnOnOn-Brake pressindicator-NNNN-TransmissionpositionWhen shifting condition is dissatisfiedDriving Your Vehicle06WARNINGTo reduce the risk of serious injury ordeath:• ALWAYS check the surroundingareas near your vehicle for people,especially children, before shifting avehicle into D (Drive) or R (Reverse).• Before leaving the driver’s seat,always make sure the shift lever isin the N (Neutral) position, then setthe parking brake, and place theignition switch in the LOCK/OFFposition. Unexpected and suddenvehicle movement can occur if theseprecautions are not followed.• Do not use engine braking (shiftingfrom a high gear to lower gear)rapidly on slippery roads. The vehiclemay slip causing an accident.The indicator in the instrument clusterdisplays the shift lever position when theignition switch is in the ON position.WARNING• After the vehicle has stopped, alwaysmake sure the shift lever is in N(Neutral), apply the parking brake,and turn the engine off.• Do not use the N (Neutral) position inplace of the parking brake.Automated ManualTransmission (AMT)warning indicatorPress BrakeThe engine can not be started unlessthe shift lever is ‘N’ position and brakepedal is depressed.Automated ManualTransmission (AMT)warning lampClutch Over HeatedThis warning light indicates that theclutch is overheat. It appears for a whilewhen the ignition switch is turned ON.The indicator light illuminates when theClutch’s estimated temperature rises upto limited value.6-19Driving Your VehicleiInformationThe AMT waring lamp may come onwhen clutch slip occurs excessively dueto repeated stop-and-go driving on steepgrades and when Hill Hold is maintainedfor a long time. In order to preventwaring lamp ON, use the brake duringlow speed driving on hill or whenstopping the vehicle on an Uphill slope.• If the vehicle is held on a hill byusing only the accelerator pedal orby creeping with brake pedal disengaged, the clutch may overheatwhich can result in damage. At thistime, a warning lamp will appear onthe cluster.• If the warning lamp is active, the footbrake must be applied.• Ignoring the warnings can leadto damage to the clutch andtransmission.Clutch High temperatureFirst warning• Under certain conditions, such asrepeated stop-and-go launches onsteep grades, sudden take off oracceleration, or other harsh drivingconditions, the clutch temperature willincrease excessively.• When the clutch temperature is high,the safe protection mode and warninglamp engages and the gear positionindicator on the cluster blinks threetimes with a chime.6-20Second warning• After first warning, clutch temperatureis increased continuously, thenwarning sound and shift indicatorblinks continuously.• If this occurs, pull over to a safelocation, stop the vehicle with theengine running, apply the brakes andallow the clutch to cool for a fewminutes with engine on.• If you ignore this warning, the drivingcondition may become worse.You may experience abrupt shifts,jerkiness.To return to the normal drivingcondition, stop the vehicle andapply the foot brake. Then allow thetransmission to cool for a few minuteswith engine on.WARNINGOn an uphill road, never hold thevehicle at a stop using only theaccelerator pedal or the creepingmode.This may cause clutch overheatingand excessive damage, resulting in thereduction of the clutch’s life cycle.06Clutch overheatedN (Neutral)Final warningThe wheels and transmission are notengaged.Use N (Neutral) if you need to restarta stalled engine, or if it is necessary tostop with the engine ON.Always depress the brake pedal whenyou are shifting from N (Neutral) toanother gear.• If the vehicle continues to be drivenand the clutch temperatures reachthe maximum temperature limit,the warning lamp will be blinkedcontinuously.• If this occurs, pull over to a safelocation, stop the vehicle with theengine running, apply the brakesand allow the clutch to cool for afew minutes with engine on untilthe warning lamp disappear on thecluster.• When possible, drive the vehiclesmoothly.• If any of the warnings continue toblink, for your safety, we recommendyou contact an authorized HYUNDAIdealer and have the system checked.R (Reverse)Use this position to drive the vehiclebackward.NOTICE• Always come to a complete stopbefore shifting into R (Reverse)position.• When moving to R (Reverse) positionthe gear is not shifted if the vehiclespeed is over 3 km/h.• Depress the brake pedal fully. Ifnot, the brake press indicator willilluminate and the gear is not shifted.WARNINGDo not shift into gear unless your foot isfirmly on the brake pedal. Shifting intogear when the engine is running at highspeed can cause the vehicle to movevery rapidly. You could lose control ofthe vehicle and hit people or objects.D (Drive)This is the normal forward drivingposition. The transmission willautomatically shift to the appropriategear position upon operation of theaccelerator pedal and variation ofvehicle speed.For extra power when passing anothervehicle or driving uphill, depress theaccelerator further until you feel thetransmission downshift to a lower gear.6-21Driving Your VehicleWhen starting off on an uphill• Engage the parking brake firmlyto prevent the vehicle from rollingbackwards.• Move the shift lever to D (Drive)position while depressing the brakepedal. Make sure that the shiftindicator in the cluster displays 1stgear.• Take your foot of the brake pedaland depress the accelerator pedalgradually. Then, when the vehiclestarts moving, release the parkingbrake and depress the acceleratorpedal.When starting off on a downhill• Depress the brake pedal and move theshift lever to D (Drive) position. Makesure that the shift indicator in thecluster displays 1st gear.• Take your foot off the brake pedal andslowly depress the accelerator pedal.When the vehicle speed increases, theclutch will be engaged.6-22NOTICE• If the gear is not shifted afterchanging the shift lever from N(Neutral) to D (Drive)/M (Manual)/R(Reverse), try to shift the gearagain. In this case, time delay andintermittent noise may occur whichare normal.• Always come to a complete stopand depress the brake pedal beforeshifting into D (Drive) position .• When moving from R (Reverse) toD (Drive) position, the gear is notshifted if the vehicle speed is over 8km/h (5 mph).• Depress the brake pedal fully. Ifnot, the brake press indicator willilluminate and the gear is not shifted.06Manual shift modeiOAI3069005IWhether the vehicle is stationary or inmotion, Manual shift mode is selectedby pushing the shift lever from theD (Drive) position into the manualgate (M). To return to D (Drive) rangeoperation, push the shift lever back intothe main gate.In Manual shift mode, moving the shiftlever backwards and forwards will allowyou to select the desired range of gearsfor the current driving conditions.+ (Up) : Push the lever forward once toshift up one gear.- (Down) : Pull the lever backwards onceto shift down one gear.Information• Only the five forward gears can beselected. To reverse or park the vehicle,move the shift lever to the R (Reverse)or N (Neutral) position as required.• Downshifts are made automaticallywhen the vehicle slows down. When thevehicle stops, 1st gear is automaticallyselected.• When the engine rpm approaches thered zone the transmission will upshiftautomatically.• If the driver presses the lever to + (Up)or - (Down) position, the transmissionmay not make the requested gearchange if the next gear is outside ofthe allowable engine RPM range.The driver must execute upshifts inaccordance with road conditions, takingcare to keep the engine RPMs below thered zone.• When accelerating from a stop ona slippery road, push the shift leverforward into the + (Up) position. Thisallows the transmission to shift into the2nd gear which is better for smoothdriving on a slippery road. Push theshift lever to the - (Down) side to shiftback to the 1st gear.NOTICEIf you cannot move the shift leverinto any position or if the gear isautomatically moved to N (Neutral)position when the vehicle speedbecomes below 10 km/h, this mayindicate malfunction of the system. Inthis case, we recommend the systembe checked by an authorized HYUNDAIdealer.6-23Driving Your VehicleParkingGood driving practicesTo park your vehicle, always come to acomplete stop and continue to depressthe brake pedal.• When parking on the flat road, movethe shift lever from D (Drive)/R(Reverse) to N (Neutral) position.Then, engage the parking brake firmlybefore turning off the engine.• When parking on a slope, it isrecommended to place the shift leverin D (Drive) for uphill and R (Reverse)for downhill and to engage the parkingbrake before turning off the engine.If the engine was turned off with theshift lever in D (Drive) or R (Reverse)position, it is necessary to depress thebrake pedal and move the shift leverto N (Neutral) position to turn on theengine. Take the Key with you whenexiting the vehicle.• Never move the shift lever from N(Neutral) to any other position with theaccelerator pedal depressed.• Be sure the vehicle is completelystopped before you attempt to shiftinto R (Reverse) or D (Drive).• Do not move the shift lever to N(Neutral) when driving. Doing so mayresult in an accident because of a lossof engine braking and the transmissioncould be damaged.• Driving uphill or downhill, always shiftto D (Drive) when driving forward or toR (Reverse) when driving backwards,and check the gear position indicatedon the cluster before driving. If youdrive in the opposite direction of theselected gear, the engine will turnoff and a serious accident might beoccurred due to the degraded brakeperformance.• Do not drive with your foot restingon the brake pedal. Even light, butconsistent pedal pressure can resultin the brakes overheating, brake wearand possibly even brake failure.• Depressing both accelerator and brakepedals at the same time can triggerlogic for engine power reduction toassure vehicle deceleration. Vehicleacceleration will resume after thebrake pedal is released.• When driving in Manual shift mode,slow down before shifting to a lowergear. Otherwise, the lower gear maynot be engaged if the engine RPMs areoutside of the allowable range.WARNINGWhen you stay in the vehicle withthe engine running, be careful not todepress the accelerator pedal for a longperiod of time. The engine or exhaustsystem may overheat and start a fire.The exhaust gas and the exhaustsystem are very hot. Keep away fromthe exhaust system components.Do not stop or park over flammablematerials, such as dry grass, paper orleaves. They may ignite and cause afire.6-2406• Always apply the parking brake whenleaving the vehicle. Do not depend onplacing the transmission in N (Neutral)to keep the vehicle from moving.• Exercise extreme caution when drivingon a slippery surface. Be especiallycareful when braking, accelerating orshifting gears. On a slippery surface,an abrupt change in vehicle speed cancause the drive wheels to lose tractionand may cause loss of vehicle controlresulting in an accident• Optimum vehicle performance andeconomy is obtained by smoothlydepressing and releasing theaccelerator.WARNINGTo reduce the risk of SERIOUS INJURYor DEATH:• ALWAYS wear your seatbelt. In acollision, an unbelted occupantis significantly more likely to beseriously injured or killed than aproperly belted occupant.• Avoid high speeds when cornering orturning.• Do not make quick steering wheelmovements, such as sharp lanechanges or fast, sharp turns.• The risk of rollover is greatlyincreased if you lose control of yourvehicle at highway speeds.• Loss of control often occurs if two ormore wheels drop off the roadwayand the driver over steers to reenterthe roadway.• In the event your vehicle leavesthe roadway, do not steer sharply.Instead, slow down before pullingback into the travel lanes.• HYUNDAI recommends you follow allposted speed limits.6-25Driving Your VehicleBRAKING SYSTEMPower brakesYour vehicle has power-assisted brakesthat adjust automatically through normalusage.If the engine is not running or is turnedoff while driving, the power assist forthe brakes will not work. You can stillstop your vehicle by applying greaterforce to the brake pedal than typical.The stopping distance, however, will belonger than with power brakes.Pump the brake pedal only whennecessary to maintain steering controlon slippery surfaces.iInformation• When the brake pedal is depressedunder certain driving conditionsor weather conditions, you maytemporarily hear a noise. This is normaland does not indicate a problem withyour brakes.• While driving on a road with deicingchemicals, brake noise or abnormaltire wear may occur due to deicingchemicals. In a safe traffic condition,additionally apply the brakes to removedeicing chemicals on the brake discsand pads.WARNINGTake the following precautions:• Do not drive with your foot restingon the brake pedal. This will createabnormal high brake temperatures,excessive brake lining and pad wear,and increased stopping distances.6-26• When descending a long or steephill, shift to a lower gear and avoidcontinuous application of the brakes.Applying the brakes continuouslywill cause the brakes to overheat andcould result in a temporary loss ofbraking performance.• Wet brakes may impair the vehicle’sability to safely slow down; thevehicle may also pull to one sidewhen the brakes are applied.Applying the brakes lightly willindicate whether they have beenaffected in this way. Always test yourbrakes in this fashion after drivingthrough deep water. To dry thebrakes, lightly tap the brake pedal toheat up the brakes while maintaininga safe forward speed until brakeperformance returns to normal.Avoid driving at high speeds until thebrakes function correctly.Disc brakes wear indicatorWhen your brake pads are worn and newpads are required, you will hear a highpitched warning sound from your frontor rear brakes. You may hear this soundcome and go or it may occur wheneveryou depress the brake pedal.NOTICETo avoid costly brake repairs, do notcontinue to drive with worn brake pads.iInformationAlways replace brake pads as completefront or rear axle sets.06Rear drum brakesYour rear drum brakes do not havewear indicators.Therefore, have the rearbrake linings inspected if you hear a rearbrake rubbing noise. Also have your rearbrakes inspected each time you changeor rotate your tires and when you havethe front brakes replaced.Parking brakeOAI3069007To release:Firmly depress the brake pedal.Slightly pull up the parking brake lever.While pressing the release button (1),lower the parking brake (2).OAI3069006Always set the parking brake beforeleaving the vehicle, to apply:Firmly depress the brake pedal.Pull up the parking brake lever as far aspossible.WARNINGTo reduce the risk of SERIOUS INJURYor DEATH, do not operate the parkingbrake while the vehicle is movingexcept in an emergency situation. Itcould damage the brake system andlead to an accident.If the parking brake does not releaseor does not release all the way, werecommend that the system be checkedby an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.WARNING• Whenever leaving the vehicle orparking, always come to a completestop and continue to depress thebrake pedal. Move the shift lever intothe 1st gear (for manual transmissionvehicle) or N (Neutral) position (forAutomated Manual Transmissionvehicle), then apply the parkingbrake, and place the ignition switchin the LOCK/OFF position.Vehicles with the parking brake notfully engaged are at risk for movinginadvertently and causing injury toyourself or others.6-27Driving Your Vehicle• NEVER allow anyone who isunfamiliar with the vehicle to touchthe parking brake. If the parkingbrake is released unintentionally,serious injury may occur.• Only release the parking brake whenyou are seated inside the vehicle withyour foot firmly on the brake pedal.NOTICE• Do not apply the accelerator pedalwhile the parking brake is engaged.If you depress the accelerator pedalwith the parking brake engaged, itwill make warning sounds. Damageto the parking brake may occur.• Driving with the parking brake oncan overheat the braking system andcause premature wear or damage tobrake parts. Make sure the parkingbrake is released and the BrakeWarning Light is off before driving.6-28Parking brake warning lightCheck the Parking BrakeWarning Light by placing theignition switch to the ONposition (do not start theengine).This light will be illuminated when theparking brake is applied with the ignitionswitch in the START or ON position.Before driving, be sure the parking brakeis released and the Brake Warning Lightis OFF.If the Parking Brake Warning Lightremains on after the parking brake isreleased while the engine is running,there may be a malfunction in thebrake system. Immediate attention isnecessary.If at all possible, cease driving thevehicle immediately. If that is notpossible, use extreme caution whileoperating the vehicle and only continueto drive the vehicle until you can reach asafe location.06Anti-lock Brake System (ABS)WARNINGAn Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) oran Electronic Stability Control (ESC)system will not prevent accidentsdue to improper or dangerous drivingmaneuvers. Even though vehiclecontrol is improved during emergencybraking, always maintain a safedistance between you and objectsahead of you. Vehicle speeds shouldalways be reduced during extremeroad conditions. The braking distancefor vehicles equipped with ABS or ESCmay be longer than for those withoutthese systems in the following roadconditions.Drive your vehicle at reduced speedsduring the following conditions:• Rough, gravel or snow-coveredroads.• On roads where the road surface ispitted or has different surface height.• Tire chains are installed on yourvehicle.The safety features of an ABS or ESCequipped vehicle should not be testedby high speed driving or cornering. Thiscould endanger the safety of yourselfor others.ABS is an electronic braking system thathelps prevent a braking skid. ABS allowsthe driver to steer and brake at the sametime.Using ABSTo obtain the maximum benefit fromyour ABS in an emergency situation,do not attempt to modulate your brakepressure and do not try to pump yourbrakes. Depress your brake pedal ashard as possible.When you apply your brakes underconditions which may lock the wheels,you may hear sounds from the brakes,or feel a corresponding sensation in thebrake pedal. This is normal and it meansyour ABS is active.ABS does not reduce the time ordistance it takes to stop the vehicle.Always maintain a safe distance from thevehicle in front of you.ABS will not prevent a skid that resultsfrom sudden changes in direction, suchas trying to take a corner too fast ormaking a sudden lane change. Alwaysdrive at a safe speed for the road andweather conditions.ABS cannot prevent a loss of stability.Always steer moderately when brakinghard. Severe or sharp steering wheelmovement can still cause your vehicleto veer into oncoming traffic or off theroad.On loose or uneven road surfaces,operation of the anti-lock brake systemmay result in a longer stopping distancethan for vehicles equipped with aconventional brake system.) will stayThe ABS warning light (on for several seconds after the ignitionswitch is in the ON position. Duringthat time, the ABS will go through selfdiagnosis and the light will go off ifeverything is normal. If the light stayson, you may have a problem with yourABS. We recommend that you contactan authorized HYUNDAI dealer as soonas possible.6-29Driving Your VehicleWARNINGIf the ABS warning light () is on andstays on, you may have a problem withthe ABS. Your power brakes will worknormally. To reduce the risk of seriousinjury or death, we recommend thatyou contact your HYUNDAI dealer assoon as possible.Electronic Stability Control(ESC) (if equipped)NOTICEWhen you drive on a road having poortraction, such as an icy road, and applyyour brakes continuously, the ABS willbe active continuously and the ABS) may illuminate. Pullwarning light (your vehicle over to a safe place andturn the engine off.Restart the engine. If the ABS warninglight is off, then your ABS system isnormal.Otherwise, you may have a problemwith your ABS system. We recommendthat you contact an authorizedHYUNDAI dealer as soon as possible.iInformationWhen you jump start your vehiclebecause of a drained battery, the ABS) may turn on at thewarning light (same time. This happens because of thelow battery voltage. It does not mean yourABS is malfunctioning. Have the batteryrecharged before driving the vehicle.6-30OAI3062008The Electronic Stability Control (ESC)system helps to stabilize the vehicleduring cornering maneuvers.ESC checks where you are steering andwhere the vehicle is actually going.ESC applies braking pressure to any oneof the vehicle’s brakes and intervenes inthe engine management system to assistthe driver with keeping the vehicle onthe intended path. It is not a substitutefor safe driving practices. Always adjustyour speed and driving to the roadconditions.WARNINGNever drive too fast for the roadconditions or too quickly whencornering. The ESC system will notprevent accidents.Excessive speed in turns, abruptmaneuvers, and hydroplaning on wetsurfaces can result in severe accidents.06ESC operationESC ON conditionWhen the ignition switch is in theON position, the ESC and the ESCOFF indicator lights illuminate forapproximately three seconds and goesoff, then the ESC is turned on.When operatingWhen the ESC is inoperation, the ESC indicatorlight blinks:• When you apply your brakes underconditions which may lock the wheels,you may hear sounds from the brakes,or feel a corresponding sensation inthe brake pedal. This is normal and itmeans your ESC is active.• When the ESC activates, the enginemay not respond to the accelerator asit does under routine conditions.• If the Cruise Control was in use whenthe ESC activates, it automaticallydisengages. The Cruise Control can bereengaged when the road conditionsallow. See “Cruise Control” in thischapter 7 (if equipped).• When moving out of the mud ordriving on a slippery road, the engineRPM (revolutions per minute) maynot increase even if you press theaccelerator pedal deeply. This is tomaintain the stability and traction ofthe vehicle and does not indicate aproblem.ESC OFF conditionTo cancel ESC operation :• State 1Press the ESC OFF button briefly.The ESC OFF indicator light and/ormessage “Traction control disabled”will illuminate and a warning chime willsound. In this state, the traction controlfunction of ESC (engine management) isdisabled, but the brake control functionof ESC (braking management) stilloperates.6-31Driving Your Vehicle• State 2Press and hold the ESC OFF buttoncontinuously for more than 3 seconds.The ESC OFF indicator light and/ormessage “Traction control and ESCdisabled” illuminates and a warningchime sounds. In this state, both thetraction control function of ESC (enginemanagement) and the brake controlfunction of ESC (braking management)are disabled.If the ignition switch is placed in theLOCK/OFF position when the ESC is off,the ESC remains off. Upon restarting thevehicle, the ESC will automatically turnon again.Indicator lightsESC indicator light (blinks)OTD059012ESC OFF indicator light (comes on)OTD059013When the ignition switch is in theON position, the ESC indicator lightilluminates, then goes off if the ESCsystem is operating normally.The ESC indicator light blinks wheneverthe ESC is operating.If the ESC indicator light stays on, yourvehicle may have a malfunction withthe ESC system. When this warning lightilluminates, we recommend that thevehicle be checked by an authorizedHYUNDAI dealer as soon as possible.The ESC OFF indicator light comes onwhen the ESC is turned off with thebutton.WARNINGWhen the ESC is blinking, this indicatesthe ESC is active:Drive slowly and NEVER attempt toaccelerate. NEVER turn the ESC offwhile the ESC indicator light is blinkingor you may lose control of the vehicleresulting in an accident.NOTICEDriving with wheels and tires withdifferent sizes may cause the ESCsystem to malfunction. Beforereplacing tires, make sure all four tiresand wheels are the same size. Neverdrive the vehicle with different sizedwheels and tires installed.6-3206ESC OFF usageWhen DrivingVehicle Stability Management(VSM) (if equipped)The ESC OFF mode should only be usedbriefly to help free the vehicle if stuck insnow or mud, by temporarily stoppingoperation of the ESC, to maintain wheeltorque.To turn the ESC off while driving, pressthe ESC OFF button while driving on aflat road surface.The Vehicle Stability Management (VSM)is a function of the Electronic StabilityControl (ESC) system. It helps ensure thevehicle stays stable when acceleratingor braking suddenly on wet, slippery andrough roads where traction over the fourtires can suddenly become uneven.NOTICETo prevent damage to the transmission:• Do not allow wheel(s) of one axle tospin excessively while the ESC, ABS,and parking brake warning lightsare displayed. The repairs would notbe covered by the vehicle warranty.Reduce engine power and do not spinthe wheel(s) excessively while theselights are displayed.• When operating the vehicle ona dynamometer, make sure theESC is turned off (ESC OFF lightilluminated).iWARNINGTake the following precautions whenusing the Vehicle Stability Management(VSM):• ALWAYS check the speed and thedistance to the vehicle ahead. TheVSM is not a substitute for safedriving practices.• Never drive too fast for the roadconditions. The VSM system will notprevent accidents. Excessive speedin bad weather, slippery and unevenroads can result in severe accidents.InformationTurning the ESC off does not affect ABSor standard brake system operation.6-33Driving Your VehicleVSM operationWhen operatingHill-Start Assist Control (HAC)(if equipped)When you apply your brakes underconditions which may activate the ESC,you may hear sounds from the brakes,or feel a corresponding sensation in thebrake pedal. This is normal and it meansyour VSM is active.Hill-Start Assist Control helps preventthe vehicle from rolling backwardswhen starting a vehicle from a stopon a hill. The system operates thebrakes automatically for approximately2 seconds (maximum of 5 secondswhen the accelerator pedal is slightlydepressed during HAC operation) andreleases the brake after 2 seconds orwhen the accelerator pedal is depressed.iInformationThe VSM does not operate when:• Driving on a banked road such asgradient or incline• Driving in reverse.• The ESC OFF indicator light is on.• The MDPS (Motor Driven Power) is on or blinks.Steering) (WARNINGIf the ESC indicator light () or the) stays onMDPS warning light (or blinks, your vehicle may have amalfunction with the VSM system.When the warning light illuminateswe recommend that the vehicle bechecked by an authorized HYUNDAIdealer as soon as possible.NOTICEDriving with wheels and tires withdifferent sizes may cause the ESCsystem to malfunction. Beforereplacing tires, make sure all four tiresand wheels are the same size. Neverdrive the vehicle with different sizedtires and wheels installed.6-34WARNINGAlways be ready to depress theaccelerator pedal when starting offan incline. Hill-Start Assist Controlactivates only for approximately 2seconds (maximum of 5 secondswhen the accelerator pedal is slightlydepressed during HAC operation).iInformation• Hill-Start Assist Control does notoperate when the gear is shifted to P(Park) or N (Neutral).• Hill-Start Assist Control activates evenwhen the ESC (Electronic StabilityControl) is off. However, it does notactivate, when ESC does not operatenormally.06Emergency Stop Signal (ESS)The Emergency Stop Signal systemalerts the driver behind by blinking thestop light when the vehicle is brakedrapidly and severely.The system is activated when:• The vehicle suddenly stops (vehiclespeed is over 55 km/h and the vehicledeceleration at greater than 7 m/s2)• The ABS is activatingWhen the vehicle speed is under 40km/h and the ABS deactivates or thesudden stop situation is over, the stoplight blinking will stop. Instead, thehazard warning flasher will turn onautomatically.The hazard warning flasher will turn offwhen the vehicle speed is over 10 km/h(6.2 mph) after the vehicle has stopped.Also, it will turn off when the vehicle isdriven at low speed for some time. Youcan turn it off manually by pushing thehazard warning flasher switch.CAUTIONThe Emergency Stop Signal (ESS)system will not work if the hazardwarning flasher is already on.Brake Assist System (BAS)(if equipped)The Brake Assistant System providesadditional pressure when the brakepedal is momentarily and stronglydepressed in a situation sudden brakingis required whilst driving. The BrakeAssistant System reduces the time forABS (Anti-Lock Brake System) controlto enter and consequently reducesthe braking distance, by providingadditional pressure up to the point ofABS intervention.BAS operation• When the vehicle speed is more than30 km/h (20 mph) and the ABS controlis not entered.• When the brake pedal is depressedstrongly over a certain level.• When the friction of the road surfaceis above a certain level.BAS operation off• The vehicle speed is below 10 km/h (6mph).• The brake pedal is depressed over acertain conditions.• The friction of the road surface isbelow a certain level.WARNINGThe system may not operate dependingon driver’s driving habit, the degree towhich the brake pedal is depressed andthe road surface condition.6-35Driving Your VehicleGood braking practicesWARNINGWhenever leaving the vehicle orparking, always come to a completestop and continue to depress the brakepedal. Move the shift lever into the 1stgear (for manual transmission vehicle)or N (Neutral) position (for AutomatedManual Transmission vehicle), thenapply the parking brake, and placethe ignition switch in the LOCK/OFFposition.Vehicles with the parking brake notfully engaged are at risk for movinginadvertently and causing injury toyourself or others.Wet brakes can be dangerous! Thebrakes may get wet if the vehicle isdriven through standing water or if it iswashed. Your vehicle will not stop asquickly if the brakes are wet. Wet brakesmay cause the vehicle to pull to oneside.To dry the brakes, apply the brakeslightly until the braking action returns tonormal, taking care to keep the vehicleunder control at all times. If the brakingaction does not return to normal, stopas soon as it is safe to do so and werecommend that you call an authorizedHYUNDAI dealer for assistance.DO NOT drive with your foot resting onthe brake pedal. Even light, but constantpedal pressure can result in the brakesoverheating, brake wear, and possiblyeven brake failure.If a tire goes flat while you are driving,apply the brakes gently and keep thevehicle pointed straight ahead while youslow down. When you are moving slowlyenough for it to be safe to do so, pull offthe road and stop in a safe location.Keep your foot firmly on the brake pedalwhen the vehicle is stopped to preventthe vehicle from rolling forward.6-360663(&,$/'5,9,1*&21',7,216Hazardous driving conditionsWhen hazardous driving conditions areencountered such as water, snow, ice,mud or sand:Drive cautiously and allow extra distancefor braking.Avoid sudden movements in braking orsteering.If stuck in snow, mud, or sand, usesecond gear. Accelerate slowly to avoidspinning the drive wheels.WARNINGDownshifting with an Automatedmanual transmission while drivingon slippery surfaces can cause anaccident. The sudden change in tirespeed could cause the tires to skid. Becareful when downshifting on slipperysurfaces.Use sand, rock salt, or other non-slipmaterial under the drive wheels toprovide traction when stalled in ice,snow, or mud.Rocking the vehicleIf it is necessary to rock the vehicle tofree it from snow, sand, or mud, firstturn the steering wheel to the rightand left to clear the area around yourfront wheels. Then, shift back andforth between the 1st and R (Reverse,for manual transmission vehicle) orR (Reverse) and a forward gear (forAutomated manual transmissionvehicle). Try to avoid spinning thewheels, and do not race the engine.To prevent transmission wear, wait untilthe wheels stop spinning before shiftinggears. Release the accelerator pedalwhile shifting, and press lightly on theaccelerator pedal while the transmissionis in gear. Slowly spinning the wheels inforward and reverse directions causesa rocking motion that may free thevehicle.NOTICEIf the tires spin at high speed, the tirescan explode and you or others may beinjured. Do not attempt this procedureif people or objects are anywhere nearthe vehicle.The vehicle can overheat causing anengine compartment fire or otherdamage. Spin the wheels as little aspossible and avoid spinning the wheelsat speeds over 56 km/h (35 mph) asindicated on the speedometer.NOTICEIf you are still stuck after rocking thevehicle a few times, have the vehiclepulled out by a tow vehicle to avoidengine overheating, possible damageto the transmission, and tire damage.See “Towing” in chapter 8.6-37Driving Your VehicleSmooth corneringDriving in the rainAvoid braking or gear changing incorners, especially when roads are wet.Ideally, corners should always be takenunder gentle acceleration.Rain and wet roads can make drivingdangerous. Here are a few things toconsider when driving in the rain or onslick pavement:• Slow down and allow extra followingdistance. A heavy rainfall makesit harder to see and increases thedistance needed to stop your vehicle.• Replace your windshield wiper bladeswhen they show signs of streaking ormissing areas on the windshield.• Be sure your tires have enough tread.If your tires do not have enough tread,making a quick stop on wet pavementcan cause a skid and possibly lead toan accident. See “Tire replacement” inchapter 9.• Turn on your headlights to make iteasier for others to see you.• Driving too fast through large puddlescan affect your brakes. If you must gothrough puddles, try to drive throughthem slowly.• If you believe your brakes may be wet,apply them lightly while driving untilnormal braking operation returns.Driving at nightNight driving presents more hazardsthan driving in the daylight. Here aresome important tips to remember:• Slow down and keep more distancebetween you and other vehicles, as itmay be more difficult to see at night,especially in areas where there maynot be any street lights.• Adjust your mirrors to reduce the glarefrom other driver’s headlights.• Keep your headlights clean andproperly aimed. Dirty or improperlyaimed headlights will make it muchmore difficult to see at night.• Avoid staring directly at the headlightsof oncoming vehicles. You could betemporarily blinded, and it will takeseveral seconds for your eyes toreadjust to the darkness.HydroplaningIf the road is wet enough and you aregoing fast enough, your vehicle mayhave little or no contact with the roadsurface and actually ride on the water.The best advice is SLOW DOWN whenthe road is wet. The risk of hydroplaningincreases as the depth of tire treaddecreases, refer to “Tire replacement” inchapter 9.6-3806Driving in flooded areasAvoid driving through flooded areasunless you are sure the water is nohigher than the bottom of the wheelhub. Drive through any water slowly.Allow adequate stopping distancebecause brake performance may bereduced.After driving through water, dry thebrakes by gently applying them severaltimes while the vehicle is moving slowly.6-39Driving Your VehicleWINTER DRIVINGSnow or icy conditionsYou need to keep sufficient distancebetween your vehicle and the vehicle infront of you.Apply the brakes gently. Speeding, rapidacceleration, sudden brake applications,and sharp turns are potentiallyvery hazardous practices. Duringdeceleration, use engine braking to thefullest extent. Sudden brake applicationson snowy or icy roads may cause skidsto occur.To drive your vehicle in deep snow, itmay be necessary to use snow tires or toinstall tire chains on your tires.Always carry emergency equipment.Some of the items you may want tocarry include tire chains, tow straps orchains, a flashlight, emergency flares,sand, a shovel, jumper cables, a windowscraper, gloves, ground cloth, coveralls,a blanket, etc.Snow tiresWARNINGSnow tires should be equivalent in sizeand type to the vehicle’s standard tires.Otherwise, the safety and handling ofyour vehicle may be adversely affected.If you mount snow tires on your vehicle,make sure to use radial tires of the samesize and load range as the original tires.Mount snow tires on all four wheelsto balance your vehicle’s handling inall weather conditions. The tractionprovided by snow tires on dry roadsmay not be as high as your vehicle’soriginal equipment tires. Check withthe tire dealer for maximum speedrecommendations.We recommend you use snow tireswhen road temperature is below 7 °C(45 °F).6-40iInformationDo not install studded tires without firstchecking local and municipal regulationsfor possible restrictions against their use.Tire chainsOAI3062020Since the sidewalls of radial tires arethinner than other types of tires, theymay be damaged by mounting sometypes of tire chains on them. Therefore,the use of snow tires is recommendedinstead of tire chains. Do not mounttire chains on vehicles equipped withaluminum wheels; if possible use a wiretype chain. If tire chains must be used,Use wire-type chains with a thickness ofless than 15 mm (0.59 in) and install thetire chain after reviewing the instructionsprovided with the tire chains. Damageto your vehicle caused by improper tirechain use is not covered by your vehiclemanufacturer’s warranty.06WARNINGThe use of tire chains may adverselyaffect vehicle handling:• Drive less than 30 km/h (20 mph)or the chain manufacturer’srecommended speed limit,whichever is lower.• Drive carefully and avoid bumps,holes, sharp turns, and other roadhazards, which may cause the vehicleto bounce.• Avoid sharp turns or locked wheelbraking.iInformation• Install tire chains on the front tires.It should be noted that installingtire chains on the tires will providea greater driving force, but will notprevent side skids.• Do not install tire chains withoutfirst checking local and municipalregulations for possible restrictionsagainst their use.Chain InstallationWhen installing tire chains, follow themanufacturer’s instructions and mountthem as tightly possible. Drive slowly(less than 30 km/h (20 mph)) withchains installed. If you hear the chainscontacting the body or chassis, stop andtighten them. If they still make contact,slow down until the noise stops. Removethe tire chains as soon as you begindriving on cleared roads.When mounting snow chains, parkthe vehicle on level ground away fromtraffic. Turn on the vehicle HazardWarning Flasher and place a triangularemergency warning device behind thevehicle (if available). Always place thevehicle in N (Neutral), apply the parkingbrake and turn off the engine beforeinstalling snow chains.NOTICEWhen using tire chains:• Wrong size chains or improperlyinstalled chains can damage yourvehicle’s brake lines, suspension,body and wheels.• Use SAE “S” class or wire chains.• If you hear noise caused by chainscontacting the body, retighten thechain to prevent contact with thevehicle body.• To prevent body damage, retightenthe chains after driving 0.5~1.0 km(0.3~0.6 miles).• Do not use tire chains on vehiclesequipped with aluminum wheels. Ifunavoidable, use a wire type chain.• Use wire chains less than 15 mm (0.59in) wide to prevent damage to thechain’s connection.6-41Driving Your VehicleWinter precautionsUse high quality ethylene glycolcoolantYour vehicle is delivered with highquality ethylene glycol coolant in thecooling system. It is the only type ofcoolant that should be used because ithelps prevent corrosion in the coolingsystem, lubricates the water pump andprevents freezing. Be sure to replace orreplenish your coolant in accordancewith the maintenance schedule inchapter 9. Before winter, have yourcoolant tested to assure that its freezingpoint is sufficient for the temperaturesanticipated during the winter.Check battery and cablesWinter puts additional burdens on thebattery system. Visually inspect thebattery and cables as described inchapter 8. The level of charge in yourbattery can be checked by an authorizedHYUNDAI dealer or a service station.Change to “winter weight” oil ifnecessaryIn some climates, it is recommendedthat a lower viscosity “winter weight”oil be used during cold weather. Seechapter 2 for recommendations. If youaren’t sure what weight oil you shoulduse, we recommend that you consultwith an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.6-42Check spark plugs and ignitionsystemInspect your spark plugs as describedin chapter 9 and replace them ifnecessary. Also check all ignition wiringand components to be sure they are notcracked, worn or damaged in any way.To keep locks from freezingTo keep the locks from freezing, squirtan approved de-icer fluid or glycerineinto the key opening. If a lock is coveredwith ice, squirt it with an approvedde-icing fluid to remove the ice. If thelock is frozen internally, you may be ableto thaw it out by using a heated key.Handle the heated key with care to avoidinjury.Use approved window washer antifreeze in systemTo keep the water in the window washersystem from freezing, add an approvedwindow washer anti-freeze solution inaccordance with instructions on thecontainer. Window washer anti-freeze isavailable from an authorized HYUNDAIdealer and most auto parts outlets. Donot use engine coolant or other typesof anti-freeze as these may damage thepaint finish.06Don’t let your parking brake freezeUnder some conditions, your parkingbrake can freeze in the engagedposition. This is most likely to happenwhen there is an accumulation of snowor ice around or near the rear brakes orif the brakes are wet. If there is a riskthe parking brake may freeze, applyit only temporarily while you put theshift lever in N (for Automated ManualTransmission) or in the first or reversegear (for Manual Transmission) andblock the rear wheels so the vehiclecannot roll. Then release the parkingbrake.Don’t let ice and snow accumulateunderneathUnder some conditions, snow and icecan build up under the fenders andinterfere with the steering. When drivingin severe winter conditions where thismay happen, you should periodicallycheck underneath the car to be sure themovement of the front wheels and thesteering components is not obstructed.Don’t place foreign objectsor materials in the enginecompartmentPlacement of foreign objects ormaterials which prevent cooling of theengine, in the engine compartment,may cause a failure or combustion. Themanufacturer is not responsible for thedamage caused by such placement.Drive your vehicle when watervapor condenses and accumulatesinside the exhaust pipesWhen the vehicle is stopped for along time in winter while the engine isrunning, water vapor may condense andaccumulate inside the exhaust pipes.Water in the exhaust pipes may causenoise, etc., but it is drained driving atmedium to high speed.Carry emergency equipmentDepending on the severity of theweather, you should carry appropriateemergency equipment. Some of theitems you may want to carry include tirechains, tow straps or chains, flashlight,emergency flares, sand, shovel, jumpercables, window scraper, gloves, groundcloth, coveralls, blanket, etc.6-43Driving Your VehicleVEHICLE WEIGHTTwo labels on your driver’s door sill showhow much weight your vehicle wasdesigned to carry: the Tire and LoadingInformation Label and the CertificationLabel.Before loading your vehicle, familiarizeyourself with the following terms fordetermining your vehicle’s weightratings, from the vehicle’s specificationsand the Certification Label:Base Curb WeightThis is the weight of the vehicleincluding a full tank of fuel and allstandard equipment. It does notinclude passengers, cargo, or optionalequipment.Vehicle Curb WeightThis is the weight of your new vehiclewhen you picked it up from your dealerplus any aftermarket equipment.Cargo WeightThis figure includes all weight added tothe Base Curb Weight, including cargoand optional equipment.GAW (Gross Axle Weight)This is the total weight placed on eachaxle (front and rear) - including vehiclecurb weight and all payload.GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rating)This is the maximum allowable weightthat can be carried by a single axle (frontor rear). These numbers are shown onthe Certification Label. The total load oneach axle must never exceed its GAWR.6-44GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight)This is the Base Curb Weight plus actualCargo Weight plus passengers.GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating)This is the maximum allowable weightof the fully loaded vehicle (includingall options, equipment, passengersand cargo). The GVWR is shown onthe Certification Label located on thedriver’s door sill.OverloadingWARNINGThe Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR)and the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating(GVWR) for your vehicle are on theCertification Label attached to thedriver’s (or front passenger’s) door.Exceeding these ratings can cause anaccident or vehicle damage. You cancalculate the weight of your load byweighing the items (and people) beforeputting them in the vehicle. Be carefulnot to overload your vehicle.7. Driver Assistance SystemCruise Control (CC) ..........................................................................................7-2Cruise Control operation .......................................................................................... 7-2Rear View Monitor (RVM) ............................................................................... 7-6Rear View Monitor operation ....................................................................................7-6Rear View Monitor malfunction and limitations ..................................................... 7-7Reverse Parking Distance Warning (PDW) .................................................... 7-8Reverse Parking Distance Warning settings............................................................ 7-8Reverse Parking Distance Warning operation ..........................................................7-9Reverse Parking Distance Warning malfunction and precautions .........................7-97Driver Assistance System&58,6(&21752/ǣ&&Ǥǣ,)(48,33('ǤCruise Control operationTo set speedOTM070111(1) Cruise indicator(2) Set speedCruise Control will allow you to drive atspeeds above 30 km/h (20 mph) withoutdepressing the accelerator pedal.NOTICEDuring cruise-speed driving of amanual transmission vehicle, do notshift into neutral without depressingthe clutch pedal, as the engine will beoverrevved. If this happens, depressthe clutch pedal or press the DrivingAssist button.OAI30600181. Press the Driving Assist button on thesteering wheel to turn the function on.The CRUISE indicator on the clusterwill illuminate.2. Accelerate to the desired speed, whichmust be more than 30 km/h (20 mph).InformationFor manual transmission vehicles, youshould depress the brake pedal at leastonce to set the cruise control after startingthe engine.OAI30690113. Push the SET- switch down, andrelease it. The Set indicator on thecluster display will illuminate.4. Release the accelerator pedal.7-207To decrease speedInformationThe vehicle may slow down or speed upslightly while going uphill or downhill.To increase speedOAI3069011OAI3069012• Push the RES+ switch up and hold it,while monitoring the speedometeron the instrument cluster. Releasethe toggle switch when the desiredspeed is shown and the vehicle willaccelerate to that speed.• Push the RES+ switch up and releaseit immediately. The set speed willincrease 2 km/h (1.2 mph) each timethe toggle switch is operated in thismanner.• Depress the accelerator pedal. Whenthe vehicle attains the desired speed,push the SET- switch down.• Push the SET- switch down and holdit. Your vehicle will gradually slowdown. Release the toggle switch at thespeed you want to maintain.• Push the SET- switch down andrelease it immediately. The set speedwill decrease 2 km/h (1.2 mph) eachtime the toggle switch is operated inthis manner.• Lightly tap the brake pedal. When thevehicle attains the desired speed, pushthe SET- switch down.To temporarily accelerateDepress the accelerator pedal. Whenyou take your foot off the accelerator,the vehicle will return to the previouslyset speed.If you push SET- switch down at theincreased speed, Cruise Control willmaintain the increased speed.7-3Driver Assistance SystemTo temporarily pause the CruiseControlTo resume Cruise ControlOAI3069012OAI3069019Cruise Control will be paused when:• Depressing the brake pedal.• Depressing the clutch pedal. (formanual transmission vehicle)• Pressing the CANCEL button locatedon the steering wheel. The indicatorwill turn off.• Decreasing the vehicle speed lowerthan the memory speed by 20 km/h(12 mph).• Decreasing the vehicle speed to lessthan approximately 30 km/h (20 mph).InformationEach of the above actions will cancelCruise Control operation (the SETindicator light in the instrument clusterwill go off), but only pressing the DrivingAssist button will turn the system off.If you wish to resume Cruise Controloperation, push the RES+ switch uplocated on your steering wheel. You willreturn to your previously preset speed,unless the system was turned off using theDriving Assist button.7-4Push the RES+ switch up. If the vehiclespeed is over 30 km/h (20 mph), thevehicle will resume the preset speed.07To turn off the Cruise ControlOAI3060018Pressing the Driving Assist button. Thecruise indicator will go off.WARNINGTake the following precautions whenusing Cruise Control:• Always set the vehicle speed to thespeed limit in your country.• Keep Cruise Control off when thefunction is not in use, to avoidinadvertently setting a speed. Check) indicator isthat the Cruise (off.• Cruise Control does not substitutefor proper and safe driving. It is theresponsibility of the driver to alwaysdrive safely and should always beaware of unexpected and suddensituations from occurring.• Always drive cautiously to preventunexpected and sudden situationsfrom occurring. Pay attention to theroad conditions at all times.• Do not use Cruise Control when itmay be unsafe to keep the vehicle ata constant speed:- When driving in heavy traffic, orwhen traffic conditions make itdifficult to drive at a constant speed- When driving on rainy, icy, or snowcovered roads- When driving on hilly or windy roads- When driving in windy areas- When driving with limited view(possibly due to bad weather, suchas fog, snow, rain and sandstorm)• Do not use Cruise Control whentowing a trailer.7-5Driver Assistance System5($59,(:021,725ǣ590Ǥǣ,)(48,33('ǤRear View Monitor shows the areabehind the vehicle to assist you whenparking or backing up.Detecting sensorRear View Monitor operationRear view• Shift the gear to R (Reverse), theimage will appear on the screen.5 DoorOff conditions• The rear view cannot be turned offwhen the gear is in R (Reverse).• Shift the gear from R (Reverse) to P(Park), the rear view will turn off.OAI30720224 DoorOAI3072024Refer to the picture above for thedetailed location of the detecting sensor.7-607Rear View Monitor malfunctionand limitationsRear view while driving(if equipped)Rear View Monitor malfunctionWhen Rear View Monitor is not workingproperly, or the screen flickers, orthe camera image does not displaynormally, we recommend that thefunction beinspected by an authorizedHYUNDAIdealer.OAI3059050The driver is able to check the rear viewon the screen while driving, it is to assistwith safe driving.Limitations of the Rear ViewMonitorWhen the vehicle is stopped for a longtime in winter or when the vehicle isparked in an indoor parking lot, theexhaust fumes may temporarily blur theimage.Operating conditions• The ignition switch is turned ON.• The rear view monitor button (1) ispressed when gear shift status is D(Drive) or N (Neutral).Off conditionsThe rear view monitor button (1) ispressed again.When operating• When the vehicle is reversing, thescreen switches to the parkingguidance screen.• When Rear view while driving isdisplayed on the screen, an icon ( )will appear on the upper right sideof the screen indicating that the rearview is being displayed.WARNING• The rear view camera does not coverthe complete area behind the vehicle.The driver should always check therear area directly through the insideand outside rearview mirror beforeparking or backing up.• The image shown on the screen maydiffer from the actual distance of theobject. Make sure to directly checkthe vehicle's surroundings for safety.• Always keep the rear view cameralens clean. If the lens is covered withforeign material, it may adverselyaffect camera performance andRear View Monitor may not operatenormally. However, do not usechemical solvents such as strongdetergents containing high alkalineor volatile organic solvents (gasoline,acetone etc.). This may damage thecamera lens.7-7Driver Assistance System5(9(56(3$5.,1*',67$1&(:$51,1*ǣ3':ǤReverse Parking Distance Warning willhelp warn the driver if an obstacle isdetected within a certain distance whenthe vehicle is moving in reverse at lowspeeds.Detecting sensor5 DoorOAI30720234 DoorOAI3059059[A]: Rear sensorsRefer to the picture above for thedetailed location of the detectingsensors.7-8Reverse Parking DistanceWarning settingsWarning Volume6HOHFWœ'ULYHUDVVLVWDQFHƟ:DUQLQJvolume’ from the cluster Settings menuto change the Warning volume to ‘High’,‘Medium’, or ‘Low’ for Reverse ParkingDistance Warning.If you change the Warning Volume,the warning volume of other DriverAssistance systems may change.07Reverse Parking DistanceWarning operationReverse Parking Distance Warning• Reverse Parking Distance Warningwill operate when the gear is in R(Reverse).• Reverse Parking Distance Warningdetects a person, animal or object inthe rear when the vehicle’s rearwardspeed is below 10 km/h (6 mph).Distancefrom objectWarningindicatorwhiledrivingbackwardWarningsound100 ~ 61 cm(39 ~ 24 in.)Buzzer beepsintermittently60 ~ 31 cm(24 ~ 12 in.)Beeps morefrequentlywithin 30cm (12 in.)Beepscontinuously• The corresponding indicator willilluminate whenever each senordetects a person, animal or objectin its sensing range. Also an audiblewarning will sound.• When more than two objects aredetected at the same time, the closestone will be warned with an audiblewarning.• The shape of the indicator in theillustration may differ from the actualvehicle.Reverse Parking DistanceWarning malfunction andprecautionsReverse Parking Distance WarningmalfunctionAfter starting the engine, a beep willsound when the gear is shifted to R(Reverse) to indicate the function isoperating properly.However, if one or more of the followingoccurs, first check whether the sensoris damaged or blocked with foreignmaterials. If it still does not workproperly, we recommend that thefunction be inspected by an authorizedHYUNDAI dealer.• The audible warning does not sound.• The buzzer sounds intermittently.• The ‘Senseor error or blockage.System limited’ warning messageappears on the cluster.OBI30700147-9Driver Assistance SystemWARNING• Reverse Parking Distance Warningis a supplemental function. Theoperation of the function can beaffected by several factors (includingenvironmental conditions). It is theresponsibility of the driver to alwayscheck the rear view before and whileparking.• Your new vehicle warranty does notcover any accidents or damage tothe vehicle due to the malfunction ofReverse Parking Distance Warning.• Pay close attention when driving nearobjects, pedestrians, and especiallychildren. Some objects may not bedetected by the ultrasonic sensors,due to the objects distance, size ormaterial, all of which can limit theeffectiveness of the sensor.Limitations of Reverse ParkingDistance Warning• Reverse Parking Distance Warningmay not operate normally when:- Moisture is frozen to the sensor- Sensor is covered with foreignmaterials, such as snow or water(Reverse Parking Distance Warningwill operate normally when suchforeign materials are removed.)- The weather is extremely hot or cold- The sensor or sensor assembly isdisassembled- The surface of the sensor is pressedhard or an impact is applied with ahard object- The surface of the sensor isscratched with a sharp object- The sensors or its surroundingareas are directly sprayed with highpressure washer7-10• Reverse Parking Distance Warningmay malfunction when:- Heavy rain or water spray is present- Water flows on the surface of thesensor- Affected by another vehicle’s sensors- The sensor is covered with snow- Driving on uneven roads, gravelroads or bushes- Objects that generate ultrasonicwaves are near the sensor- Installing the license plate differentlyfrom the original location- The vehicle bumper height or sensorinstallation has been modified- Attaching equipments or accessoriesaround the sensors• The following objects may not bedetected:- Sharp or slim objects such as ropes,chains or small poles.- Objects, which tend to absorb sensorfrequency, such as clothes, spongymaterial or snow.- Objects smaller than 100 cm (40 in.)in length and narrower than 14 cm (6in.) in diameter.- Pedestrians, animals or objects thatare very close to the sensors• Parking Distance Warning Indicatorsmay be displayed differently fromthe actual detected location whenthe obstacle is located between thesensors.• Parking Distance Warning indicatormay not occur sequentially dependingon vehicle speed or obstacle shape.• If Reverse Parking Distance Warningneeds repair, we recommend thatReverse Parking Distance Warning beinspected by an authorizedHYUNDAIdealer.8. Emergency SituationsHazard warning flasher................................................................................... 8-2In case of an emergency while driving.......................................................... 8-2If the engine stalls while driving .............................................................................. 8-2If the engine stalls at a crossroad or crossing ......................................................... 8-2If you have a flat tire while driving ........................................................................... 8-3If the engine will not start .............................................................................. 8-3If the engine doesn’t turn over or turns over slowly ............................................... 8-3If the engine turns over normally but doesn’t start ................................................ 8-3Jump starting ..................................................................................................8-4If the engine overheats................................................................................... 8-7Tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) ......................................................8-9Check tire pressure ................................................................................................... 8-9Tire pressure monitoring system.............................................................................8-10Low tire pressure telltale ..........................................................................................8-11Low tire pressure position telltale and tire pressure telltale ..................................8-11TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System) malfunction indicator .......................... 8-12Changing a tire with TPMS ...................................................................................... 8-12If you have a flat tire ......................................................................................8-14Jack and tools ..........................................................................................................8-14Removing and storing the spare tire.......................................................................8-14Changing tires ......................................................................................................... 8-15Jack label ..................................................................................................................8-19EC declaration of conformity for jack .................................................................... 8-20Towing ...........................................................................................................8-21Towing service .......................................................................................................... 8-21Removable towing hook ........................................................................................ 8-22Emergency towing ................................................................................................. 8-23Emergency commodity ................................................................................ 8-25First aid kit ............................................................................................................... 8-25Triangle reflector ..................................................................................................... 8-258Emergency SituationsHAZARD WARNING FLASHERIN CASE OF AN EMERGENCYWHILE DRIVINGIf the engine stalls while drivingOAI3079001The hazard warning flasher serves asa warning to other drivers to exerciseextreme caution when approaching,overtaking, or passing your vehicle.It should be used whenever emergencyrepairs are being made or when thevehicle is stopped near the edge of aroadway.To turn the hazard warning flasher onor off, press the hazard warning flasherbutton with the ignition switch in anyposition. The button is located in thecrash pad garnish panel.All turn signal lights will flashsimultaneously.• The hazard warning flasher operateswhether your vehicle is running or not.• The turn signals do not work when thehazard flasher is on.8-2• Reduce your speed gradually, keepinga straight line. Move cautiously off theroad to a safe place.• Turn on your hazard warning flasher.• Try to start the engine again. If yourvehicle will not start, we recommendthat you contact an authorizedHYUNDAI dealer.If the engine stalls at acrossroad or crossingIf the engine stalls at a crossroad orcrossing, if safe to do so, move the shiftlever to the N (Neutral) position and thenpush the vehicle to a safe location.• If your vehicle has a manualtransmission not equipped with aignition lock switch, the vehicle canmove forward by shifting to the2(second) or 3(third) gear and thenturning the starter without depressingthe clutch pedal.08If you have a flat tire whiledrivingIf a tire goes flat while you are driving:• Take your foot off the acceleratorpedal and let the vehicle slow downwhile driving straight ahead. Do notapply the brakes immediately orattempt to pull off the road as thismay cause loss of vehicle controlresulting in an accident. When thevehicle has slowed to such a speedthat it is safe to do so, brake carefullyand pull off the road. Drive off theroad as far as possible and park onfirm, level ground. If you are on adivided highway, do not park in themedian area between the two trafficlanes.• When the vehicle is stopped, pressthe hazard warning flasher button,move the shift lever into N (Neutral,for Automated manual transmission)or neutral (for manual transmissionvehicle), apply the parking brake, andplace the ignition switch in the LOCK/OFF position.• Have all passengers get out of thevehicle. Be sure they all get out on theside of the vehicle that is away fromtraffic.• When you have a flat tire, follow theinstructions provided later in thischapter.IF THE ENGINE WILL NOTSTARTIf the engine doesn’t turn overor turns over slowly• Be sure the gear is in N (Neutral). Theengine starts only when the shift leveris in N (Neutral).• Check the battery connections to besure they are clean and tight.• Turn on the interior light. If the lightdims or goes out when you operatethe starter, the battery is drained.Do not push or pull the vehicle to startit. This could cause damage to yourvehicle.See instructions for “Jump Starting”provided in this chapter.WARNINGPush or pull starting the vehicle maycause the catalytic converter tooverload which can lead to damage tothe emission control system.If the engine turns over normallybut doesn’t start• Check the fuel level and add fuel ifnecessary.If the engine still does not start, werecommend that you call an authorizedHYUNDAI dealer for assistance.8-3Emergency SituationsJUMP STARTINGJump starting can be dangerous if doneincorrectly. Follow the jump startingprocedure in this section to avoid seriousinjury or damage to your vehicle. If indoubt about how to properly jump startyour vehicle, we strongly recommendthat you have a service technician ortowing service do it for you.WARNINGTo prevent SERIOUS INJURY or DEATHto you or bystanders, always followthese precautions when working nearor handling the battery:Always read and followinstructions carefully whenhandling a battery.Wear eye protection designedto protect the eyes from acidsplashes.Keep all flames, sparks, orsmoking materials away fromthe battery.Hydrogen is always present inbattery cells, is highlycombustible, and may explodeif ignited.Keep batteries out of reach ofchildren.Batteries contain sulfuric acidwhich is highly corrosive. Donot allow acid to contact youreyes, skin or clothing.8-4If acid gets into your eyes, flush youreyes with clean water for at least 15minutes and get immediate medicalattention. If acid gets on your skin,thoroughly wash the area. If youfeel pain or a burning sensation, getmedical attention immediately.• When lifting a plastic-cased battery,excessive pressure on the case maycause battery acid to leak. Lift with abattery carrier or with your hands onopposite corners.• Do not attempt to jump start yourvehicle if your battery is frozen.• NEVER attempt to recharge thebattery when the vehicle’s batterycables are connected to the battery.• The electrical ignition system workswith high voltage. NEVER touch thesecomponents with the engine runningor when the ignition switch is in theON position.• Do not allow the (+) and (-) jumpercables to touch. It may cause sparks.• The battery may rupture or explodewhen you jump start with a low orfrozen battery.• Never attempt jump start if youobserve cracks, leaks or otherdamage on Battery.08CAUTION• Improper jump starting procedurecan result in battery explosion andacid burn hazard.• Loosely connected battery cablescould damage the electronic controlunits.• To disconnect battery terminalswait for at least 2 minutes to allowdischarge of high voltage or it couldlead to personal injury.• While disconnecting, alwaysdisconnect the -VE terminal first andwhile connecting, always connect the-VE terminal last.Jump starting procedure1. Position the vehicles close enoughthat the jumper cables will reach, butdo not allow the vehicles to touch.2. Avoid fans or any moving parts in theengine compartment at all times, evenwhen the vehicles are turned off.3. Turn off all electrical devices suchas radios, lights, air conditioning,etc. Put the vehicles in N (Neutral,for Automated manual transmissionvehicle) or neutral (for manualtransmission vehicle), and set theparking brakes. Turn both vehiclesOFF.Jumper CablesNOTICETo prevent damage to your vehicle:• Only use a 12-volt power supply(battery or jumper system) to jumpstart your vehicle.• Do not attempt to jump start yourvehicle by push-starting.iPbInformationAn inappropriately disposedbattery can be harmful to theenvironment and human health.Dispose the battery according toyour local law(s) or regulation.(-)(-)(+)Jumper Terminal(+)Booster BatteryOAI30790024. Connect the jumper cables inthe exact sequence shown in theillustration. First connect one jumpercable to the red, positive (+) jumperterminal of your vehicle (1).5. Connect the other end of the jumpercable to the red, positive (+) battery/jumper terminal of the assistingvehicle (2).6. Connect the second jumper cable tothe black, negative (-) battery/chassisground of the assisting vehicle (3).8-5Emergency Situations7. Connect the other end of the secondjumper cable to the black, negative (-)chassis ground of your vehicle (4).Do not allow the jumper cables tocontact anything except the correctbattery or jumper terminals or thecorrect ground. Do not lean over thebattery when making connections.8. Start the engine of the assistingvehicle and let it run at approximately2,000 RPM for a few minutes. Thenstart your vehicle.WARNINGDo not connect the jumper cable tothe negative (-) jumper terminal ofthe discharged battery. A spark couldcause the battery to explode and leadto a personal injury or vehicle damage.If your vehicle will not start after afew attempts, it probably requiresservicing. In this event, please seekqualified assistance. If the cause of yourbattery discharging is not apparent,we recommend that your vehicle bechecked by an authorized HYUNDAIdealer.WARNINGNever connect Jumper Cable directly tothe negative (-) terminal of dischargedBattery (Your Vehicle Battery), or anExplosion may occur.8-6Disconnect the jumper cables in theexact reverse order you connectedthem:1. Disconnect the jumper cable from theblack, negative (-) chassis ground ofyour vehicle (4).2. Disconnect the other end of thejumper cable from the black, negative(-) battery/chassis ground of theassisting vehicle (3).3. Disconnect the second jumper cablefrom the red, positive (+) battery/jumper terminal of the assistingvehicle (2).4. Disconnect the other end of thejumper cable from the red, positive (+)jumper terminal of your vehicle (1).WARNINGWhile jump starting your vehicle, avoidthe positive (+) and negative (-) cablesto come in contact. A spark could causepersonal injury.08IF THE ENGINE OVERHEATSIf your temperature gauge indicatesoverheating, you experience a loss ofpower, or hear loud pinging or knocking,the engine may be overheating. If thishappens, you should:1. Pull off the road and stop as soon as itis safe to do so.2. Place the shift lever in N (Neutral,for Automated manual transmissionvehicle) or neutral (for manualtransmission vehicle) and set theparking brake. If the air conditioning isON, turn it OFF.3. If the engine coolant is running outunder the vehicle or steam is comingout from the hood, stop the engine.Do not open the hood until the coolanthas stopped running or the steaminghas stopped. If there is no visibleloss of engine coolant and no steam,leave the engine running and checkto be sure the engine cooling fan isoperating. If the fan is not running,turn the engine off.WARNINGWhile the engine is running,keep hands, clothing andtools away from the movingparts such as the coolingfan and drive belt toprevent serious injury.4. Check for coolant leaking from theradiator, hoses or under the vehicle. (Ifthe air conditioning had been in use, itis normal for cold water to be drainingfrom it when you stop.)5. If the engine coolant is leakingout, stop the engine immediatelyand we recommend that you callan authorized HYUNDAI dealer forassistance.WARNINGNEVER remove the radiatorcap or the drain plug whilethe engine and radiator arehot. Hot coolant and steammay blow out underpressure, causing serious injury.Turn the engine off and wait until theengine cools down. Use extreme carewhen removing the radiator cap. Wrapa thick towel around it, and turn itcounterclockwise slowly to the firststop. Step back while the pressureis released from the cooling system.When you are sure all the pressurehas been released, press down on thecap, using a thick towel, and continueturning counterclockwise to remove it.8-7Emergency Situations6. If you cannot find the cause of theoverheating, wait until the enginetemperature has returned to normal.Then, if coolant has been lost,carefully add coolant to the reservoirto bring the fluid level in the reservoirup to the halfway mark.7. Proceed with caution, keeping alertfor further signs of overheating.If overheating happens again,we recommend that you call anauthorized HYUNDAI dealer forassistance.NOTICE• Serious loss of coolant indicates aleak in the cooling system and werecommend the system be checkedby an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.• When the engine overheats fromlow engine coolant, suddenly addingengine coolant may cause cracksin the engine. To prevent damage,add engine coolant slowly in smallquantities.8-8087,5(35(6685(021,725,1*6<67(0ǣ7306Ǥǣ,)(48,33('ǤCheck tire pressureOAI3082101OSU2I049054OSU2I049052(1) Low tire pressure telltale /TPMS malfunction indicator(2) Low tire pressure position telltale andtire pressure telltale (Shown on thecluster display)• You can check the tire pressure in theAssist mode on the cluster.Refer to the “User settings mode” inchapter 4.• Tire pressure is displayed 1~2 minuteslater after driving.• If tire pressure is not displayed whenthe vehicle is stopped, “Drive todisplay” message will appear. Afterdriving, check the tire pressure.• The displayed tire pressure values maydiffer from those measured with a tirepressure gauge.• You can change the tire pressureunit in the User Settings mode on theinstrument cluster.- psi, kpa, bar (Refer to the “Usersettings mode” in chapter 4).8-9Emergency SituationsTire pressure monitoring systemWARNINGOver-inflation or under-inflation canreduce tire life, adversely affect vehiclehandling, and lead to sudden tirefailure that may cause loss of vehiclecontrol resulting in an accident.Each tire, including the spare (ifprovided), should be checked monthlywhen cold and inflated to the inflationpressure recommended by the vehiclemanufacturer on the vehicle placardor tire inflation pressure label. (If yourvehicle has tires of a different sizethan the size indicated on the vehicleplacard or tire inflation pressure label,you should determine the proper tireinflation pressure for those tires.)As an added safety feature, yourvehicle has been equipped with a tirepressure monitoring system (TPMS)that illuminates a low tire pressuretelltale when one or more of your tires issignificantly under-inflated.Accordingly, when the low tire pressuretelltale illuminates, you should stop andcheck your tires as soon as possible,and inflate them to the proper pressure.Driving on a significantly under-inflatedtire causes the tire to overheat and canlead to tire failure. Under-inflation alsoreduces fuel efficiency and tire tread life,and may affect the vehicle’s handlingand stopping ability.Please note that the TPMS is not asubstitute for proper tire maintenance,and it is the driver’s responsibility tomaintain correct tire pressure, even ifunder-inflation has not reached the levelto trigger illumination of the TPMS lowtire pressure telltale.8-10Your vehicle has also been equippedwith a TPMS malfunction indicatorto indicate when the system isnot operating properly. The TPMSmalfunction indicator is combined withthe low tire pressure telltale. Whenthe system detects a malfunction, thetelltale will flash for approximately oneminute and then remain continuouslyilluminated. This sequence will continueupon subsequent vehicle start-ups aslong as the malfunction exists. Whenthe malfunction indicator is illuminated,the system may not be able to detector signal low tire pressure as intended.TPMS malfunctions may occur fora variety of reasons, including theinstallation of replacement or alternatetires or wheels on the vehicle thatprevent the TPMS from functioningproperly. Always check the TPMSmalfunction telltale after replacingone or more tires or wheels on yourvehicle to ensure that the replacementor alternate tires and wheels allow theTPMS to continue to function properly.NOTICEIf any of the below happens, werecommend that you have the systemchecked by an authorized HYUNDAIdealer.1. The Low Tire Pressure Telltale/ TPMSMalfunction Indicator does notilluminate for 3 seconds when theEngine Start/Stop button is pressedto the ON position or when theengine is running.2. The TPMS Malfunction Indicatorremains illuminated after blinking forapproximately 1 minute.3. The Low Tire Pressure PositionTelltale remains illuminated.08Low tire pressuretelltaleLow tire pressure positiontelltale and tire pressure telltaleIf you drive the vehicle for about 10minutes at speeds above 25 km/h afterreplacing the low pressure tire with thespare tire, the following will happen:• The TPMS malfunction indicator mayblink for approximately 1 minute andthen remain continuously illuminatedbecause the TPMS sensor is notmounted on the spare wheel.NOTICEOSU2I049054When the tire pressure monitoringsystem warning indicators areilluminated and a warning messagedisplayed on the cluster display, oneor more of your tires is significantlyunder-inflated. The low tire pressureposition telltale light will indicate whichtire is significantly under-inflated byilluminating the corresponding positionlight.If either telltale illuminates, immediatelyreduce your speed, avoid hard corneringand anticipate increased stoppingdistances. You should stop and checkyour tires as soon as possible. Inflatethe tires to the proper pressure asindicated on the vehicle’s placard or tireinflation pressure label located on thedriver’s side center pillar outer panel.If you cannot reach a service station orif the tire cannot hold the newly addedair, replace the low pressure tire with aspare tire.In winter or cold weather, the low tirepressure telltale may be illuminated ifthe tire pressure was adjusted to therecommended tire inflation pressurein warm weather. It does not meanyour TPMS is malfunctioning becausethe decreased temperature leads to aproportional lowering of tire pressure.When you drive your vehicle from awarm area to a cold area or from a coldarea to a warm area, or the outsidetemperature is greatly higher or lower,you should check the tire inflationpressure and adjust the tires to therecommended tire inflation pressure.WARNINGLow pressure damageSignificantly low tire pressure makesthe vehicle unstable and can contributeto loss of vehicle control and increasedbraking distances.Continued driving on low pressure tirescan cause the tires to overheat and fail.8-11Emergency SituationsTPMS (Tire PressureMonitoring System)malfunction indicatorThe TPMS malfunction indicatorwill illuminate after it blinks forapproximately one minute when thereis a problem with the Tire PressureMonitoring System.We recommend that the system bechecked by an authorized HYUNDAIdealer.NOTICEIf there is a malfunction with the TPMS,the low tire pressure position telltalewill not be displayed even though thevehicle has an under-inflated tire.NOTICEThe TPMS Malfunction Indicator mayilluminate after blinking for one minuteif the vehicle is near electric powersupply cables or radio transmitterssuch as police stations, governmentand public offices, broadcastingstations, military installations, airports,transmitting towers, etc.Additionally, the TPMS MalfunctionIndicator may illuminate if snow chainsare used or electronic devices such ascomputers, chargers, remote starters,navigation, etc. This may interfere withnormal operation of the TPMS.8-12Changing a tire with TPMSIf you have a flat tire, the Low TirePressure and Position telltales will comeon. We recommend that the flat tirebe repaired by an authorized HYUNDAIdealer as soon as possible or replace theflat tire with the spare tire.NOTICEIt is recommended that you do notuse a puncture-repairing agent notapproved by an authorized HYUNDAIdealer or the equivalent specified foryour vehicle to repair and/or inflatea low pressure tire. Tire sealant notapproved by an authorized HYUNDAIdealer or the equivalent specifiedfor your vehicle may damage the tirepressure sensor.The spare tire (if equipped) does notcome with a tire pressure monitoringsensor. When the low pressure tire orthe flat tire is replaced with the sparetire, the Low Tire Pressure Telltale willremain on. Also, the TPMS MalfunctionIndicator will illuminate after blinkingfor one minute if the vehicle is drivenat speed above 25 km/h (15.5 mph) forapproximately 10 minutes.Once the original wheel equipped witha tire pressure monitoring sensor isreinflated to the recommended pressureand reinstalled on the vehicle, theLow Tire Pressure Telltale and TPMSMalfunction Indicator will go off within afew minutes of driving.08If the indicators do not extinguish after afew minutes we recommend to consultan authorized HYUNDAI dealer.Each wheel is equipped with a tirepressure sensor mounted inside the tirebehind the valve stem (except for thespare tire). You must use TPMS specificwheels. It is recommended that youalways have your tires serviced by anauthorized HYUNDAI dealer.You may not be able to identify a tirewith low pressure by simply looking at it.Always use a good quality tire pressuregauge to measure. Please note that a tirethat is hot (from being driven) will have ahigher pressure measurement than a tirethat is cold.A cold tire means the vehicle has beensitting for 3 hours and driven for lessthan 1.6 km (1 mile) in that 3 hour period.Allow the tire to cool before measuringthe inflation pressure. Always be surethe tire is cold before inflating to therecommended pressure.WARNING• The TPMS cannot alert you to severeand sudden tire damage caused byexternal factors such as nails or roaddebris.• If you feel any vehicle instability,immediately take your foot offthe accelerator, apply the brakesgradually and with light force, andslowly move to a safe position off theroad.WARNINGProtecting TPMSTampering with, modifying, or disablingthe Tire Pressure Monitoring System(TPMS) components may interferewith the system’s ability to warn thedriver of low tire pressure conditionsand/or TPMS malfunctions. Tamperingwith, modifying, or disabling the TirePressure Monitoring System (TPMS)components may void the warranty forthat portion of the vehicle.8-13Emergency SituationsIF YOU HAVE A FLAT TIREWARNINGChanging a tire can be dangerous.Follow the instructions in this sectionwhen changing a tire to reduce the riskof serious injury or death.Removing and storing the sparetireJack and toolsOBI3081009OAI3079004c Jackd Jack handlee Wheel lug nut wrenchf Towing hookTurn the winged hold down boltcounterclockwise to remove the sparetire.Store the spare tire in the samecompartment by turning the wingedhold down bolt clockwise.To prevent the spare tire and tools from“rattling” store them in their properlocation.The jack, jack handle, and wheel lug nutwrench, towing hook are stored in theluggage compartment.The jack is provided for emergency tirechanging only.OBI3081010If it is hard to loosen the tire hold-downwing bolt by hand, you can loosen iteasily using the wheel lug nut wrench.1. Put the wrench (1) inside of the tirehold-down wing bolt.2. Turn the tire hold-down wing boltcounterclockwise with the wrench.8-1408Changing tiresWARNINGA vehicle can slip or roll off of a jackcausing serious injury or death to youor those nearby. Take the followingsafety precautions:• Do not get under a vehicle that issupported by a jack.• NEVER attempt to change a tire inthe lane of traffic. ALWAYS move thevehicle completely off the road onlevel, firm ground away from trafficbefore trying to change a tire. If youcannot find a level, firm place offthe road, call a towing service forassistance.• Be sure to use the jack provided withthe vehicle.• ALWAYS place the jack on thedesignated jacking positions on thevehicle and NEVER on the bumpersor any other part of the vehicle forjacking support.• Do not start or run the engine whilethe vehicle is on the jack.• Do not allow anyone to remain in thevehicle while it is on the jack.• Keep children away from the roadand the vehicle.Follow these steps to change yourvehicle’s tire:1. Park on a level and firm surface.2. Move the shift lever into N (Neutral,for Automated manual transmissionvehicle) or neutral (for manualtransmission vehicle), apply theparking brake, and place the ignitionswitch in the LOCK/OFF position.3. Press the hazard warning flasherbutton.4. Remove the wheel lug nut wrench,jack, jack handle, and spare tire fromthe vehicle.5. Block both the front and rear of thetire diagonally opposite of the tire youare changing.OAI30821026. Loosen the wheel lug nutscounterclockwise one turn each inthe order shown above, but do notremove any lug nuts until the tire hasbeen raised off of the ground.8-15Emergency Situations10. Install the spare tire onto the studs ofthe hub.11. Tighten the lug nuts with your fingersonto the studs with the smaller end ofthe lug nuts closest to the wheel.12. Lower the vehicle to the groundby turning the jack handlecounterclockwise.OAI30790097. Place the jack at the designatedjacking position under the frameclosest to the tire you are changing.The jacking positions are plateswelded to the frame with two tabsand a raised dot. Never jack any otherposition or part of the vehicle.OAI308210313. Use the wheel lug nut wrench totighten the lug nuts in the ordershown. Double-check each lug nutuntil they are tight. After changingtires, we recommend that anauthorized HYUNDAI dealer tightenthe lug nuts to their proper torque assoon as possible. The wheel lug nutshould be tightened to 11~13 kgf.m(79~94 lbf.ft).OAI3I0710218. Insert the jack handle into the jack andturn it clockwise, raising the vehicleuntil the tire clears the ground. Beforeremoving the wheel lug nuts, makesure the vehicle is stable on the jack.9. Loosen the lug nuts with the wheellug nut wrench and remove them withyour fingers. Remove the wheel fromthe studs and lay it flat on the groundout of the way. Before removing thewheel lug nuts, make sure the vehicleis stable on the jack.8-1608If you have a tire gauge, check the tirepressure (see “Tires and Wheels” inchapter 2 for tire pressure instructions.).If the pressure is lower or higher thanrecommended, drive slowly to thenearest service station and adjust it tothe recommended pressure. Alwaysreinstall the valve cap after checkingor adjusting tire pressure. If the cap isnot replaced, air may leak from the tire.If you lose a valve cap, buy anotherand install it as soon as possible. Afterchanging tires, secure the flat tire andreturn the jack and tools to their properstorage locations.iInformationCheck the tire pressure as soon as possibleafter installing a spare tire. Adjust it tothe recommended pressure.NOTICEYour vehicle has metric threads onthe studs and lug nuts. Make certainduring tire changing that the samenuts that were removed are reinstalled.If you have to replace your lug nutsmake sure they have metric threads toavoid damaging the studs and ensurethe wheel is properly secured to thehub. We recommend that you consultan authorized HYUNDAI dealer forassistance.Use of compact spare tires(if equipped)Compact spare tires are designed foremergency use only. Drive carefully onthe compact spare tire and always followthe safety precautions.WARNINGTo prevent compact spare tire failureand loss of control possibly resulting inan accident:• Use the compact spare tire only in anemergency.• NEVER operate your vehicle over 80km/h (50 mph).• Do not exceed the vehicle’smaximum load rating or the loadcarrying capacity shown on thesidewall of the compact spare tire.• Do not use the compact spare tirecontinuously. Repair or replace theoriginal tire as soon as possible toavoid failure of the compact sparetire.If any of the equipment such as the jack,lug nuts, studs, or other equipment isdamaged or in poor condition, do notattempt to change the tire and call forassistance.8-17Emergency SituationsWhen driving with the compact sparetire mounted to your vehicle:• Check the tire pressure after installingthe compact spare tire. The compactspare tire should be inflated to 420kPa (60 psi).• Do not take this vehicle through anautomatic car wash while the compactspare tire is installed.• Do not use the compact spare tire onany other vehicle because this tirehas been designed especially for yourvehicle.• The compact spare tire’s tread lifeis shorter than a regular tire. Inspectyour compact spare tire regularly andreplace worn compact spare tires withthe same size and design, mounted onthe same wheel.• Do not use more than one compactspare tire at a time.• Do not tow a trailer while the compactspare tire is installed.iInformationWhen the original tire and wheel arerepaired and reinstalled on the vehicle,the lug nut torque must be set correctlyto prevent wheel vibration. The correctlug nut tightening torque is 11~13 kgf.m(79~94 lbf.ft).8-18NOTICETo prevent damaging the compactspare tire and your vehicle:• Drive slowly enough for the roadconditions to avoid all hazards, suchas a potholes or debris.• Avoid driving over obstacles. Thecompact spare tire diameter issmaller than the diameter of aconventional tire and reduces theground clearance approximately 25mm (1 inch).• Do not use tire chains on the compactspare tire. Because of the smallersize, a tire chain will not fit properly.• Do not use the compact spare tireon any other wheels, nor shouldstandard tires, snow tires, wheelcovers or trim rings be used with thecompact spare wheel.• Do not suddenly accelerate ordecelerate 0 l 40 km/h (0 l 25mph) in any driving mode. It maycause leakage of transfer oil.08Jack labelExample• Type AOHYK065010• Type BOHYK065011K The actual Jack label in the vehicle may differ from the illustration.For more detailed specifications, refer to the label attached to the jack.1. Model Name2. Maximum allowable load3. When using the jack, set your parkingbrake.4. When using the jack, stop the engine.5. Do not get under a vehicle that issupported by a jack.6. The designated locations under theframe7. When supporting the vehicle, the baseplate of jack must be vertical underthe lifting point.8. Shift into Reverse gear on vehicleswith manual transmission or move theshift lever to the N (Neutral) positionon vehicles with Automated manualtransmission9. The jack should be used on firm levelground.10. Jack manufacture11. Production date12. Representative company and address8-19Emergency SituationsEC Declaration of conformity for JackNX4I0820018-2008TOWINGNOTICETowing service• Do not tow the vehicle with 4 wheelson the ground (such as dinghy towingbehind a motorhome or other motorvehicle) as this can seriously damagethe Transmission.OAI3079011OAI3082105[A] : DolliesIf emergency towing is necessary,we recommend having it done byan authorized HYUNDAI dealer or acommercial tow-truck service. Properlifting and towing procedures arenecessary to prevent damage to thevehicle. The use of wheel dollies orflatbed is recommended.It is acceptable to tow the vehicle withthe rear wheels on the ground (withoutdollies) and the front wheels off theground. If any of the loaded wheels orsuspension components are damaged orthe vehicle is being towed with the frontwheels on the ground, use a towing dollyunder the front wheels.When being towed by a commercial towtruck and wheel dollies are not used, thefront of the vehicle should always belifted, not the rear.• Do not tow the vehicle with the frontwheels on the ground as this maycause damage to the vehicle and theTransmissions.OAI3079013• Do not tow with sling-typeequipment. Use a wheel lift or flatbedequipment.OAI30790128-21Emergency SituationsWhen towing your vehicle in anemergency without wheel dollies:1. Place the ignition switch in the ACCposition.2. Place the shift lever in N (Neutral).3. Release the parking brake.Removable towing hook5 DoorNOTICEFailure to place the shift lever in N(Neutral) when being towed with thefront wheels on the ground can causeinternal damage to the transmission.OAI30821084 DoorOAI30821071. Open the tailgate/trunk, and removethe towing hook from the tool case.2. Remove the hole cover pressing thelower part of the cover on the frontbumper.3. Install the towing hook by turning itclockwise into the hole until it is fullysecured.4. Remove the towing hook and installthe cover after use.8-2208Emergency towingCAUTIONFrontThe driver must be in the vehicle forsteering and braking operations whenthe vehicle is being towed. Passengersother than the driver must not be in thevehicle.OAI3082106RearOAI3082104If towing is necessary, we recommendyou have it done by an authorizedHYUNDAI dealer or a commercial towtruck service.If towing service is not available inan emergency, your vehicle may betemporarily towed using a cable or chainsecured to the emergency towing hookat the front (or rear) of the vehicle.Use extreme caution when towing thevehicle with a cable or chain. A drivermust be in the vehicle to steer it andoperate the brakes.Towing in this manner may be doneonly on hard-surfaced roads for a shortdistance and at low speeds.Also, the wheels, axles, power train,steering and brakes must all be in goodcondition.Always follow these emergency towingprecautions:• Place the ignition switch in the ACCposition so the steering wheel is notlocked.• Place the shift lever in N (Neutral).• Release the parking brake.• Depress the brake pedal with moreforce than normal since you will havereduced braking performance.• More steering effort will be requiredbecause the power steering systemwill be disabled.• Use a vehicle heavier than your own totow your vehicle.• The drivers of both vehicles shouldcommunicate with each otherfrequently.• Before emergency towing, check thatthe hook is not broken or damaged.• Fasten the towing cable or chainsecurely to the hook.• Do not jerk the hook. Apply steady andeven force.8-23Emergency SituationsNOTICEOAI3079017• Use a towing cable or chain less than 5m (16 feet) long. Attach a white or redcloth (about 30 cm (12 inches) wide)in the middle of the cable or chain foreasy visibility.• Drive carefully so the towing cable orchain remains tight during towing.• Before towing, check the Automatedmanual transmission for fluid leaksunder your vehicle. If the Automatedmanual transmission fluid is leaking,flatbed equipment or a towing dollymust be used.NOTICEAccelerate or decelerate the vehiclein a slow and gradual manner whilemaintaining tension on the tow ropeor chain to start or drive the vehicle,otherwise tow hooks and the vehiclemay be damaged.8-24To avoid damage to your vehicle andvehicle components when towing:• Always pull straight ahead whenusing the towing hooks. Do not pullfrom the side or at a vertical angle.• Do not use the towing hooks to pulla vehicle out of mud, sand or otherconditions from which the vehiclecannot be driven out under its ownpower.• The vehicle should be towed at aspeed of 25 km/h (15 mph) or lesswithin the distance of 20 km (12miles). (for Manual transmission/Automated manual transmissionvehicle)08(0(5*(1&<&2002',7<ǣ,)(48,33('ǤYour vehicle is equipped withemergency commodities to help yourespond to emergency situation.First aid kitSupplies for use in giving first aid suchas bandage and adhesive tape, etc., areprovided.Triangle reflectorPlace the triangle reflector on the roadto warn oncoming vehicles duringemergencies, such as when the vehicleis parked by the roadside due toproblems.8-25Emergency Situations8-269. MaintenanceEngine compartment......................................................................................9-4Maintenance services .....................................................................................9-5Owner’s responsibility .............................................................................................. 9-5Owner maintenance precautions ........................................................................... 9-5Owner maintenance ...................................................................................... 9-7Owner maintenance schedule .................................................................................9-7Scheduled maintenance service ...................................................................9-9Normal maintenance schedule (petrol engine) .....................................................9-10Maintenance under severe usage conditions (petrol engine)...............................9-14Normal maintenance schedule - CNG Components .............................................9-16Explanation of scheduled maintenance items ........................................... 9-18Engine oil ....................................................................................................... 9-22Checking the engine oil level ................................................................................. 9-22Changing the engine oil and filter.......................................................................... 9-23Engine coolant .............................................................................................. 9-25Checking the coolant level ..................................................................................... 9-25Recommended engine coolant ...............................................................................9-27Changing the coolant ..............................................................................................9-27Brake/clutch fluid .........................................................................................9-28Checking the brake/clutch fluid level .................................................................... 9-28Washer fluid ..................................................................................................9-30Checking the washer fluid level ........................................................................... 9-30Parking brake .................................................................................................9-31Checking the parking brake .................................................................................... 9-31Air cleaner ..................................................................................................... 9-32Filter replacement ................................................................................................... 9-32Climate control air filter................................................................................9-34Filter inspection....................................................................................................... 9-349Filter replacement ................................................................................................... 9-34Wiper blades ................................................................................................9-36Blade inspection...................................................................................................... 9-36Blade replacement ................................................................................................ 9-36Battery ...........................................................................................................9-39For best battery service .......................................................................................... 9-39Battery capacity label .............................................................................................9-41Battery recharging .................................................................................................. 9-42Reset items .............................................................................................................. 9-42Battery replacement ............................................................................................... 9-42Tires and wheels ..........................................................................................9-43Tire care ................................................................................................................... 9-43Recommended cold tire inflation pressures ....................................................... 9-43Checking tire inflation pressure .............................................................................9-44Tire rotation ............................................................................................................ 9-45Wheel alignment and tire balance .........................................................................9-46Tire replacement ..................................................................................................... 9-47Wheel replacement ................................................................................................9-48Tire traction .............................................................................................................9-48Tire maintenance ....................................................................................................9-49Tire sidewall labeling...............................................................................................9-49Low aspect ratio tire................................................................................................ 9-52Fuses ..............................................................................................................9-54Instrument panel fuse replacement ...................................................................... 9-55Engine compartment panel fuse replacement ..................................................... 9-579Fuse/relay panel description .................................................................................. 9-58Light bulbs .....................................................................................................9-69Headlight, Parking (Position) Light, Turn signal Light, Fog Light and DaytimeRunning Light bulb replacement ........................................................................... 9-70Side repeater light replacement .............................................................................9-73Rear combination light bulb replacement .............................................................9-74High mounted stop light ..........................................................................................9-77License plate light bulb replacement ....................................................................9-77Interior light bulb replacement .............................................................................. 9-78Appearance care ........................................................................................... 9-79Exterior care ............................................................................................................ 9-79Interior care ............................................................................................................. 9-85Emission control system.............................................................................. 9-88Crankcase emission control system ......................................................................9-88Evaporative emission control system ....................................................................9-88Exhaust emission control system ...........................................................................9-89Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) ..................................................................9-929MaintenanceENGINE COMPARTMENTPetrol Engine (Kappa 1.2 MPI)The actual engine room in the vehicle may differ from the illustration.OAI30890011. Engine coolant reservoir6. Battery2. Engine oil filler cap7. Windshield washer fluid reservoir3. Brake/clutch* fluid reservoir8. Radiator cap4. Air cleaner9. Engine oil dipstick5. Fuse box9-409MAINTENANCE SERVICESYou should exercise the utmost careto prevent damage to your vehicle andinjury to yourself whenever performingany maintenance or inspectionprocedures. Inadequate, incompleteor insufficient servicing may result inoperational problems with your vehiclethat could lead to vehicle damage, anaccident, or personal injury.Owner maintenanceprecautionsOwner’s responsibilityImproper owner maintenance during thewarranty period may affect warrantycoverage. For details, read the separateService Passport provided with thevehicle. If you’re unsure about anyservicing or maintenance procedure, werecommend that the system be serviced byan authorized HYUNDAI dealer.iInformationMaintenance Service and RecordRetention are the owner’s responsibility.We recommend in general that you haveyour vehicle serviced by an authorizedHYUNDAI dealer.You should retain documents that showproper maintenance has been performedon your vehicle in accordance withthe scheduled maintenance servicecharts shown on the following pages.You need this information to establishyour compliance with the servicingand maintenance requirements of yourvehicle warranties.Detailed warranty information isprovided in your Service Passport.Repairs and adjustments required asa result of improper maintenance or alack of required maintenance are notcovered when your vehicle is covered bywarranty.Improper or incomplete service mayresult in problems. This chapter givesinstructions only for the maintenanceitems that are easy to perform.iInformationWARNINGMaintenance work• Performing maintenance work on avehicle can be dangerous. You canbe seriously injured while performingsome maintenance procedures.If you lack sufficient knowledgeand experience or the proper toolsand equipment to do the work, werecommend that the system beserviced by an authorized HYUNDAIdealer.• Working under the hood with theengine running is dangerous. Itbecomes even more dangerous whenyou wear jewelry or loose clothing.These can become entangled inmoving parts and result in injury.Therefore, if you must run the enginewhile working under the hood, makecertain that you remove all jewelry(especially rings, bracelets, watches,and necklaces) and all neckties,scarves, and similar loose clothingbefore getting near the engine orcooling fans.9-5MaintenanceWARNINGDo not leave gloves, rags or any othercombustible material in the enginecompartment. Doing so may cause aheat-induced fire.NOTICE• Do not put heavy objects or applyexcessive force on top of the enginecover (if equipped) or fuel relatedparts.• When you inspect the fuel system(fuel lines and fuel injection devices),we recommend that you contact anauthorized HYUNDAI dealer.• Do not drive long time with theengine cover (if equipped) removed.• When checking the engine room, donot go near fire. Fuel, washer fluid,etc., are flammable oils that maycause fire.• Before touching the battery, ignitioncables and electrical wiring, youshould disconnect the battery “-”terminal. Otherwise, you may getan electric shock from the electriccurrent.• When you remove the interior trimcover with a flat head (-) driver, becareful not to damage the cover.• Be careful when you replace andclean bulbs to avoid burns orelectrical shock.9-609OWNER MAINTENANCEThe following lists are vehicle checksand inspections that should beperformed at the frequencies indicatedto help ensure safe, dependableoperation of your vehicle.Any adverse conditions should bebrought to the attention of your dealeras soon as possible.These Owner Maintenance Checks aregenerally not covered by warranties andyou may be charged for labor, parts andlubricants used.Owner maintenance scheduleWhen you stop for fuel:• Check the coolant level in coolantreservoir.• Check the windshield washer fluidlevel.• Look for low or under-inflated tires.• Check the radiator and condenser.Check if the front of the radiator andcondenser are clean and not blockedwith leaves, dirt or insects etc.If any of the above parts are extremelydirty or you are not sure of theircondition, we recommend that youcontact an authorized HYUNDAIdealer.WARNINGBe careful when checking your enginecoolant level if the engine is hot.Scalding hot coolant and steam mayblow out under pressure. This couldcause burns or other serious injury.9-7MaintenanceWhile operating your vehicle:• Note any changes in the sound of theexhaust or any smell of exhaust fumesin the vehicle.• Check for vibrations in the steeringwheel. Notice any increased steeringeffort or looseness in the steeringwheel, or change in its straight-aheadposition.• Notice if your vehicle constantly turnsslightly or “pulls” to one side whentraveling on smooth, level road.• When stopping, listen and check forunusual sounds, pulling to one side,increased brake pedal travel or “hardto-push” brake pedal.• If any slipping or changes in theoperation of your transmission occurs,check the transmission fluid level.• Check the parking brake.• Check for fluid leaks under yourvehicle (water dripping from the airconditioning system during or afteruse is normal).At least monthly:• Check the coolant level in the enginecoolant reservoir.• Check the operation of all exteriorlights, including the stoplights, turnsignals and hazard warning flashers.• Check the inflation pressures of alltires including the spare for tires thatare worn, show uneven wear, or aredamaged.• Check for loose wheel lug nuts.9-8At least twice a year(for example, every Spring and Fall):• Check the radiator, heater and airconditioning hoses for leaks ordamage.• Check the windshield washer sprayand wiper operation. Clean wiperblades with clean cloth dampenedwith washer fluid.• Check the headlight alignment.• Check the muffler, exhaust pipes,shields and clamps.• Check the lap/shoulder belts for wearand function.At least once a year:• Clean the body and door drain holes.• Lubricate the door hinges and checks,and hood hinges.• Lubricate the door and hood locks andlatches.• Lubricate the door rubberweatherstrips.• Check the air conditioning system.• Inspect and lubricate Automatedmanual transmission linkage andcontrols.• Clean the battery and terminals.• Check the brake/clutch fluid level.09SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE SERVICE*1.*2.*3.*4.*5.*6.*7.*8.*9.As it is normal for engine oil to be consumed during driving, the amount of engineoil should be checked regularly. Operating with an insufficient amount of oil candamage the engine, and such damage is not covered by warranty.Check the engine oil level and leak every 500km(350miles) or before starting a longtrip.The engine oil change interval for normal operating conditions is based on theuse of the recommended engine specification. If the recommended engineoil specification is not used, then replace the engine oil according to themaintenance schedule under severe operating conditions.Inspect for excessive valve noiseand/or engine vibration and adjust if necessary.We recommend that an authorized HYUNDAI dealer should perform the operation.When adding coolant, use only deionized water or soft water for your vehicle andnever mix hard water in the coolant filled at the factory. An improper coolantmixture can result in serious malfunction or engine damage.Transmission fluid and differential oil should be changed anytime the vehicle hasbeen submerged in water.This maintenance schedule depends on fuel quality. It is applicable only whenusing a qualified fuel <”EN228 or equivalent”>. If there are some important safetymatters like fuel flow restriction, surging, loss of power, hard starting problemetc., replace the fuel filter immediately regardless of maintenance schedule. Werecommend that you consult an authorized HYUNDAI dealer for details.Inspect drive belt tensioner, idler & alternator pulley, starter & all chassis electricalitems. Correct or replace if necessary.For your convenience, it can be replacedprior to it’s interval when you do maintenance of other items.For your convenience, it can be replaced prior to it’s interval when you domaintenance of other items.9-99-101.52-Battery condition & specific gravityICIR40484ICIR50605Replace at every 60,000 kmsIRIR30363IRIR60726I--I-ICIR70847Inspect when replacing the drive belt or timing belt/chain-Inspect at every 90,000 kms or 108 monthsICIR20242IICIR80968Inspect at every 60,000 kms or 48 monthsC : Clean and Replace if necessaryI : Inspect and if necessary adjust,top-up, clean or replaceR : ReplaceInspect at every 60,000 kms or 48 monthsAutomated manual Transmission fluid(if equipped) *6Inspect at every service;Replace first at 1,00,000 Km or 60 months; then at every 40,000 Km or 24 monthsInspect at every service; Replace at every 40,000 km or 36 months-ICIR10121Manual transaxle fluid *6Engine Coolant (topup & specify gravity) *Brake/Clutch fluidIdler / damper pulley/Adj. BoltVaccum HoseValve clearance *4-IAir FilterSpark Plugs*9CDrive beltI5Kmsx1,000MonthsYearsNumber of months or driving distance, whichever comes firstEngine oil & filter *1 *2 *3ENGINE BAYMAINTENANCE ITEMMAINTENANCEINTERVALSNORMAL MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE - PETROL ENGINE (CONT.)MaintenanceIIIFuel filler capClimate control air filterCheck AC system (refrigerant/Compressor)Cooling system (water pump,hoses) & leakage-I : Inspect and if necessary adjust,top-up, clean or replaceFront & rear suspension (linkages & ball joints)Fuel tank air filter--Fuel filter*7-IIIICIII10121Exhaust systemSteering gear rack, linkage and bootsIIVEHICLE ON LIFTI1.52--IIIIICIII30363-Not Applicable-IIIIRIII40484--IIIICIII50605C : Clean and Replace if necessary--IIIIRIII20242--IIIICIII70847R : ReplaceIRIIIIRIII60726Number of months or driving distance, whichever comes firstBrake/Clutch (Pedal free play/Pipes/Hoses/Connectors)Kmsx1,000MonthsYearsWiper (wiper blade , washer fluid)VEHICLE ON FLOORMAINTENANCE ITEMMAINTENANCEINTERVALSNORMAL MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE - PETROL ENGINE (CONT.)I-IIIIRIII80968099-119-12IIDriveshafts & bootsFluid leakages-Wheel Alignment & BalancingIIIWarning lights operation & GDS system checkExt & int. lights, horn & gaugesI : Inspect and if necessary adjust,top-up, clean or replaceI-Check all electrical systems (Drive belts ,alternator)*8-LIILubricate locks & hingesICIIIIIII,TR20242IIII,TR30363IIII,TR40484IIII,TR50605IIII,TR60726CCCIIILIIIILIIIILIIIILICIIII,TR70R : ReplaceIIILIInspect and if necessary, adjustCC : Clean and Replace if necessaryIIILIC784Inspect and if necessary, adjust, top-up, clean or replaceI,TR10121Bolt and nuts on chasis and bodyFINAL CHECKS-Parking brake (disc/drum ,shoe & operation)Front and rear wheel bearings & bushes-1.52-Fuel lines, hoses and connectionsKmsx1,000MonthsYearsNumber of months or driving distance, whichever comes firstTyre Pressure,condition & rotationMAINTENANCE ITEMMAINTENANCEINTERVALSNORMAL MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE - PETROL ENGINE (CONT.)IIILICIIII,TR80968Maintenance-Road testI : Inspect and if necessary adjust,top-up, clean or replaceIAll seat belt operation1.52--II10121III30363-II40484-II50605C : Clean and Replace if necessary-II20242-II70847R : Replace-II60726Number of months or driving distance, whichever comes firstIKmsx1,000MonthsYearsPower window / Sunroof operation (if equipped)MAINTENANCE ITEMMAINTENANCEINTERVALSNORMAL MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE - PETROL ENGINE (CONT.)III80968099-139-14RRRRRIIAir cleaner filterSpark plugsManual transmission fluid (if equipped)Automated manual transmission fluid (if euqipped)Steering gear rack, linkage and bootsFront suspension ball jointsMaintenanceoperationC, D, E, F,G, H, I, JC, D, E, F, GC, D, E, F, GEvery 120,000 km (80,000 miles)Inspect more frequentlydepending on the conditionInspect more frequentlydepending on the conditionC, D, E, F,G, H, I, JA, B, F, G,H, I, KReplace more frequentlydepending on the conditionEvery 120,000 km (80,000 miles)C, EReplace more frequentlydepending on the conditionMaintenance intervalsDrivingconditionA, B, C, D, E, F, G,Every 5,000 km (3,000 miles) or 6 monthsH, I, J, K, LR : Replace or changeEngine oil and engine oil filterMaintenance itemI : Inspect and if necessary, adjust, correct, clean or replaceThe following items must be serviced more frequently on cars mainly used under severe driving conditions.Refer to the chart below for the appropriate maintenance intervals.MAINTENANCE UNDER SEVERE USAGE CONDITIONS (PETROL ENGINE)MaintenanceIIIRDrum brakes and linings (if equipped)Parking brakeDriveshaft and bootsClimate control air filterA : Repeated short distance drivingB : Extensive idlingC : Driving in dusty, rough roadsD : Driving in areas using salt or other corrosive materials or invery cold weatherE : Driving in the condition of inflowing sand or dust into engineSevere driving conditionsIMaintenanceoperationDisc brakes and pads, calipers and rotorsMaintenance itemC, D, E, G, HC, D, E, G, HC, D, G, HC, D, E, F,G, H, I, JC, EInspect more frequentlydepending on the conditionInspect more frequentlydepending on the conditionInspect more frequentlydepending on the conditionInspect more frequentlydepending on the conditionReplace more frequentlydepending on the conditionF : Driving in heavy traffic areaG : Driving in mountainous areasH : Towing a trailerI : Driving for patrol car, taxi, commercial car or vehicle towingJ : Driving over 170 km/h (106 mile/h)DrivingconditionMaintenance intervals099-159-16Tar drain plug *I40I50Drain at Every 20,000 kmI30IIIIIIIII60IIIIIIIIIRICReplace at every 160,000 km.IReplace at every 80,000 km.RICNOTE : Time interval between any two consecutive services should not exceed more than six months.I : InspectR : ReplaceC : Clean (After Inspection Adjust, Repair, Clean or Replace if necessary)Spark plugCNG fuel tank *1 *3IICNG gas injectorCNG gas fuel filter (Gaseous fuel filter)ISolenoid valveIII20I70IIIIReplace at every 80,000 km.Replacement mandatory on every dissassembly.CCRCCRCIICNG filterDiaphragm kit ‘o’ rings2101.5CNG fuel line and hose for damage, leakageCNG solenoid assemblyVaporizer assembly *1MAINTENANCE ITEMCNG fuel system compartmentsMAINTENANCE INTERVALSKm x 1,000NORMAL MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE - CNG COMPONENTSIIIICI80Maintenance*1 : Check with soapy water for leakage at pipe assembly and major parts.1) Vaporizer and inlet/outlet connection2) Injector/fuel delivery pipe assembly and inlet/outlet connection3) Fuel hose connection in the engine room4) Fuel feed line5) Gaseous fuel filter body and inlet/outlet connection6) Multi valve body and feed/return connection7) CNG filling inlet8) Emergency valve body and inlet/outlet connection9) Bombe assembly10) Fuel gauge11) Refuel valve body and connection*2 : It is recommanded to visit the nearest HYUNDAI Authorised Workshop for draining Tar at every 15,000 km.*3 : CNG Fuel Tank has to be tested by Goverment approved agency at every 5 years.099-17MaintenanceEXPLANATION OF SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE ITEMSEngine oil and filterThe engine oil and filter should bechanged at the intervals specified inthe maintenance schedule. If the caris being driven in severe conditions,more frequent oil and filter changes arerequired.Fuel lines, fuel hoses andconnectionsCheck the fuel lines, fuel hoses andconnections for leakage and damage.We recommend that the fuel lines, fuelhoses and connections be replaced byan authoized HYUNDAI dealer.Drive beltsVapor hose and fuel filler capInspect all drive belts for evidenceof cuts, cracks, excessive wear or oilsaturation and replace if necessary.Drive belts should be checkedperiodically for proper tension andadjusted as necessary.The vapor hose and fuel filler cap shouldbe inspected at those intervals specifiedin the maintenance schedule. Make surethat a new vapor hose or fuel filler cap iscorrectly replaced.NOTICEWhen you are inspecting the belt, placethe ignition switch in the LOCK/OFF orACC position.Fuel filterA clogged filter can limit the speedat which the vehicle may be driven,damage the emission system and causemultiple issues such as hard starting.If an excessive amount of foreignmatter accumulates in the fuel tank, thefilter may require replacement morefrequently.After installing a new filter, run theengine for several minutes, and checkfor leaks at the connections.We recommend that the fuel filter bereplaced by an authoized HYUNDAIdealer.9-1809Vacuum crankcase ventilationhoses (if equipped)Inspect the surface of hoses forevidence of heat and/or mechanicaldamage. Hard and brittle rubber,cracking, tears, cuts, abrasions, andexcessive swelling indicate deterioration.Particular attention should be paid toexamine those hose surfaces nearest tohigh heat sources, such as the exhaustmanifold.Inspect the hose routing to assure thatthe hoses do not come in contact withany heat source, sharp edges or movingcomponent which might cause heatdamage or mechanical wear. Inspectall hose connections, such as clampsand couplings, to make sure they aresecure, and that no leaks are present.Hoses should be replaced immediately ifthere is any evidence of deterioration ordamage.Air cleaner filterCooling systemCheck cooling system components, suchas radiator, coolant reservoir, hoses andconnections for leakage and damage.Replace any damaged parts.CoolantThe coolant should be changed at theintervals specified in the maintenanceschedule.Manual transmission fluid(if equipped)Inspect the manual transmission fluidaccording to the maintenance schedule.Automated manual transmissionfluid (if equipped)Inspect the Automated manualtransmission fluid according to themaintenance schedule.We recommend that the air cleaner filterbe replaced by an authorized HYUNDAIdealer.Spark plugsMake sure to install new spark plugs ofthe correct heat range.When assembling parts, be sure towipe out foreign substances insideand outside of the boot bottom of theignition coil and the insulator of thespark plug with a soft cloth to preventcontamination of the spark pluginsulator.WARNINGDo not disconnect and inspect sparkplugs when the engine is hot. You mayburn yourself.9-19MaintenanceNOTICEThe use of non-specified fluid(even marked as compatible withgenuine) could result in shift qualitydeterioration and vibrations,eventually, the transmission failure.Use only specified Automatedmanual transmission fluid. (Refer tothe “Recommended lubricants andcapacities” in chapter 2.)Brake hoses and linesVisually check for proper installation,chafing, cracks, deterioration and anyleakage. Replace any deteriorated ordamaged parts immediately.Brake/clutch fluid (if equipped)Check brake/clutch fluid level in thebrake fluid reservoir. The level shouldbe between “MIN” (Minimum) and“MAX” (Maximum) marks on the side ofthe reservoir. Use only hydraulic brake/clutch fluid conforming to DOT 4.Parking brakeInspect the parking brake systemincluding the parking brake lever andcables.Rear brake drums and linings(if equipped)Check the rear brake drums and liningsfor scoring, burning, leaking fluid,broken parts, and excessive wear.Brake pads, calipers and discsCheck the pads for excessive wear, discsfor run out and wear, and calipers forfluid leakage.Suspension mounting boltsCheck the suspension connections forlooseness or damage. Retighten to thespecified torque.9-2009Steering gear box, linkage &boots/lower arm ball jointWith the vehicle stopped and engineoff, check for excessive free-play in thesteering wheel.Check the linkage for bends or damage.Check the dust boots and ball jointsfor deterioration, cracks, or damage.Replace any damaged parts.Drive shafts and bootsCheck the drive shafts, boots andclamps for cracks, deterioration, ordamage. Replace any damaged partsand, if necessary, repack the grease.Air conditioning refrigerant(if equipped)Check the air conditioning lines andconnections for leakage and damage.9-21MaintenanceENGINE OILEngine oil is used for lubricating,cooling, and operating various hydrauliccomponents in the engine. Engine oilconsumption while driving is normal,and it is necessary to check and refill theengine oil regularly. Also, check and refillthe oil level within the recommendedmaintenance schedule to preventdeterioration of oil performance.Check the engine oil following the belowprocedure.Checking the engine oil level1. Follow all of the oil manufacturer’sprecautions.2. Be sure the vehicle is on the lovelground in P (Park) with the parkingbrake set. if possible, block thewheels.3. Turn the engine on and warmthe engine up until the coolanttemperature reaches a constantnormal temperature.4. Turn the engine off, remove the oilfiller cap and pull the dipstick out.Wait for 15 minutes for the oil to returnto the oil pan.5. Wipe the dipstick clean and re-insert itfully.OAI30890026. Pull the dipstick out again and checkthe level.OAI30890037. If the oil level is below L, add enoughoil to bring the level to F (Full). Do notoverfill.Use a funnel to help prevent oil frombeing spilled on engine components.Use only the specified engine oil. (Referto the “Recommended lubricants andcapacities” in chapter 2.)WARNINGRadiator hoseBe very careful not totouch the radiator hose when checkingor adding the engine oil as it may behot enough to burn you.9-2209NOTICETo prevent damage to you engine:• Do not spill engine oil when adding orchanging engine oil. Wipe off spilledoil immediately.• The engine oil consumption mayincrease while you break in a newvehicle and it will be stabilized afterdriving 6,000 km (4,000 miles).• The engine oil consumption can beaffected by driving habits, climateconditions, traffic conditions,oil quality, etc. Therefore, it isrecommended that you inspect theengine oil level regularly and refill it ifnecessary.Changing the engine oil andfilter• We recommend that the engine oiland filter be replaced by an authorizedHYUNDAI dealer.• If the maintenance schedule toreplace engine oil is exceeded,the engine oil performance maydeteriorate, and the engine conditionmay be affected. Therefore, replacethe engine oil according to themaintenance schedule.• To keep the engine in optimalcondition, use the recommendedengine oil and filter. If therecommended engine oil and filter arenot used replace it according to themaintenance schedule under severeusage conditions.• The purpose of the maintenanceschedule for engine oil replacementis to prevent oil deterioration and it isirrelevant to oil consumption. Checkand refill engine oil regularly.9-23MaintenanceCAUTIONThe engine oil is very hot immediatelyafter the vehicle has been driven andcan cause burns during replacement.Replace the engine oil after the engineoil has cooled down.WARNINGUsed engine oil may cause skinirritation or cancer if left in contactwith the skin for prolonged periodsof time. Used engine oil containschemicals that have caused cancer inlaboratory animals. Always protect yourskin by washing your hands thoroughlywith soap and warm water as soon aspossible after handling used oil.9-2409ENGINE COOLANTThe high-pressure cooling systemhas a reservoir filled with year-roundantifreeze coolant. The reservoir is filledat the factory.Check the antifreeze protection andcoolant level at least once a year, at thebeginning of the winter season, andbefore traveling to a colder climate.Checking the coolant levelNOTICE• Do not drive with no engine coolant.It may cause water pump failure andengine seizure, etc.• When the engine overheats fromlow engine coolant, suddenly addingengine coolant may cause cracksin the engine. To prevent damage,add engine coolant slowly in smallquantities.OAI3089004ICheck the condition and connectionsof all cooling system hoses andheater hoses. Replace any swollen ordeteriorated hoses.The coolant level should be filledbetween F (Full) and L (Low) marked onthe side of the coolant reservoir whenthe engine is cool.If the coolant level is low, add enoughdistilled (deionized) water.Bring the level to F (Full), but donot overfill. If frequent additions arerequired, we recommend that thesystem be inspected by an authorizedHYUNDAI dealer.9-25MaintenanceOAI3089005WARNINGRemoving radiator cap• Never attempt to remove the radiatorcap while the engine is operating orhot. Doing so might lead to coolingsystem and engine damage and couldresult in serious personal injury fromescaping hot coolant or steam.9-26• Turn the engine off and wait until itcools down. Use extreme care whenremoving the radiator cap. Wrapa thick towel around it, and turn itcounterclockwise slowly to the firststop. Step back while the pressureis released from the cooling system.When you are sure all the pressurehas been released, press down on thecap, using a thick towel, and continueturning counterclockwise to removeit.• Even if the engine is not operating,do not remove the radiator capor the drain plug while the engineand radiator are hot. Hot coolantand steam may still blow out underpressure, causing serious injury.WARNINGThe electric motor (coolingfan) is controlled by enginecoolant temperature,refrigerant pressure andvehicle speed. It maysometimes operate even when theengine is not running. Use extremecaution when working near the bladesof the cooling fan so that you are notinjured by a rotating fan blades. As theengine coolant temperature decreases,the electric motor will automaticallyshut off. This is a normal condition.09Recommended engine coolant• Use only soft (distilled) water in thecoolant mixture.• The engine in your vehicle hasaluminum engine parts and must beprotected by an ethylene-glycol-basedcoolant to prevent corrosion andfreezing.• DO NOT USE alcohol or methanolcoolant or mix them with the specifiedcoolant.• Do not use a solution that containsmore than 60% antifreeze or less than35% antifreeze, which would reducethe effectiveness of the solution.For mixture percentage, refer to thefollowing table.AmbientTemperatureMixture Percentage(volume)AntifreezeWater-15 °C (5 °F)3565-25 °C (-13 °F)4060WARNINGRadiator capDo not remove the radiatorcap when the engine andradiator are hot. Scaldinghot coolant and steammay blow out under pressure causingserious injury.Changing the coolantWe recommend that the coolant bereplaced by an authorized HYUNDAIdealer.NOTICEPut a thick cloth or fabric around theradiator cap before refilling the coolantin order to prevent the coolant fromoverflowing into engine parts such asthe alternator.WARNING-35 °C (-31 °F)5050Coolant-45 °C (-49 °F)6040• Do not use radiator coolant orantifreeze in the washer fluidreservoir.• Radiator coolant can severelyobscure visibility when sprayed onthe windshield and may cause lossof vehicle control or damage to paintand body trim.9-27Maintenance%5$.(&/87&+ǣ,)(48,33('Ǥ)/8,'Checking the brake/clutch fluidlevelWARNINGLoss of brake fluidIn the event the brake systemrequires frequent additions of fluid,we recommend that the system beinspected by an authorized HYUNDAIdealer.iInformationBefore removing the brake/clutch filtercap, read the warning on the cap.OAI3089006Check the fluid level in the reservoirperiodically. The fluid level should bebetween MAX (Maximum) and MIN(Minimum) marks on the side of thereservoir.Before removing the reservoir cap andadding the brake/clutch fluid, cleanthe area around the reservoir capthoroughly to prevent brake/clutch fluidcontamination. If the level is low, addthe fluid to the MAX (Maximum) level.The level will fall with accumulatedmileage. This is a normal conditionassociated with the wear of the brakelinings and/or clutch disc (if equipped).If the fluid level is excessively low, werecommend that the system be checkedby an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.Use only the specified brake/clutch fluid.(Refer to “Recommended lubricants orcapacities” in chapter 2.)Never mix different types of fluid.9-28WARNINGClean the filler cap before removing.Use only DOT 4 brake/clutch fluid froma sealed container.09WARNINGBrake/clutch fluidWhen changing and adding the brake/clutch fluid, handle it carefully. Do notlet it come in contact with your eyes. Ifthe brake/clutch fluid come in contactwith your eyes, immediately flush themwith a large quantity of fresh tap water.Have your eyes examined by a doctoras soon as possible.NOTICE• Do not allow the brake/clutch fluid tocontact the vehicle’s body paint, as itwill result in paint damage.• NEVER use brake/clutch fluid whichhave been exposed to open air for anextended time, as its quality cannotbe guaranteed. It should be properlydisposed.• Don’t put in the wrong kind of fluid.A few drops of mineral-based oilin your brake/clutch system candamage brake/clutch system parts.9-29MaintenanceWASHER FLUIDChecking the washer fluid levelWARNINGCoolantOBI3090038Check the fluid level in the washer fluidreservoir and add fluid if necessary. Plainwater may be used if washer fluid is notavailable.However, use washer solvent withantifreeze characteristics in coldclimates to prevent freezing.9-30• Do not use radiator coolant orantifreeze in the washer fluidreservoir.• Radiator coolant can severelyobscure visibility when sprayed onthe windshield and may cause lossof vehicle control or damage to thepaint and body trim.• Windshield washer fluid agentscontain some amounts of alcoholand can be flammable under certaincirc*mstances. Do not allow sparksor flame come in contact with thewasher fluid or the washer fluidreservoir. Damage to the vehicle oroccupants could occur.• Windshield washer fluid is poisonousto humans and animals. Do not drinkand avoid coming in contact withthe windshield washer fluid. Seriousinjury or death could occur.09PARKING BRAKEChecking the parking brakeOAI3069006Check the stroke of the parking brake bycounting the number of “clicks’’ heardwhile fully applying it from the releasedposition.Also, the parking brake alone shouldsecurely hold the vehicle on a fairlysteep grade. If the stroke is more or lessthan specified, we recommend that thesystem be inspected by an authorizedHYUNDAI dealer.Stroke : 5~7 “clicks’’ at a force of 20 kg(44 lbs, 196 N).9-31MaintenanceAIR CLEANERFilter replacementThe air cleaner filter can be cleaned forinspection using compressed air.Do not attempt to wash or to rinse it.Otherwise, water will damage the filter.If soiled, the air cleaner filter must bereplaced.OAH2078017OAI3089040OAI30890411. Loosen the hose clamp and removehose from cleaner.2. Open the cleaner cover by openingtheclips.9-323. Remove the used filter and wipethe inside of the air cleaner housingcarefully not to remain dusts incoverhousing.4. Place the new filter with clean handsand ensure the rubber gasket is nottaken off.5. Reassemble in the reverse order ofremoval.09iInformationIf the vehicle is operated in extremelydusty or sandy areas, replace the elementmore often than the usual recommendedintervals (refer to “Maintenance UnderSevere Usage Conditions” in this chapter).NOTICE• Do not drive with the air cleaner filterremoved. This will result in excessiveengine wear.• When removing the air cleaner filter,be careful that dust or dirt does notenter the air intake, or damage mayresult.• Use HYUNDAI genuine parts or theequivalent specified for your vehicle.Use of non-genuine parts coulddamage the air flow sensor.9-33MaintenanceCLIMATE CONTROL AIR FILTERFilter inspectionIf the vehicle is operated in the severelyair-polluted cities or on dusty roughroads for a long period, it should beinspected more frequently and replacedearlier. When you, the owner, replacethe climate control air filter, replace itperforming the following procedure,and be careful to avoid damaging othercomponents.Replace the filter according to themaintenance Schedule.Filter replacementOAI30890092. Push in both sides of the glove box asshown. This will ensure that the glovebox stopper pins will get releasedfrom its holding location allowing theglove box to hang.OAI30590351. Open the glove box.OAH20780213. Remove the climate control air filtercover.9-3409ODH0730124. Clean the climate control air filter.5. Reassemble in the reverse order ofdisassembly.NOTICEInstall a new climate control air filterin the correct direction with the arrowsymbol () facing downwards.Otherwise, the climate control effectsmay decrease, possibly with a noise.9-35MaintenanceWIPER BLADESBlade inspectionBlade replacementWhen the wipers no longer cleanadequately, the blades may be worn orcracked, and require replacement.NOTICETo prevent damage to the wiper armsor other components, do not attemptto move the wipers manually.1JBA5122iInformationCommercial hot waxes applied byautomatic car washes have been known tomake the windshield difficult to clean.Contamination of either the windshieldor the wiper blades with foreign mattercan reduce the effectiveness of thewindshield wipers. Common sourcesof contamination are insects, tree sap,and hot wax treatments used by somecommercial car washes. If the bladesare not wiping properly, clean both thewindow and the blades with a goodcleaner or mild detergent, and rinsethoroughly with clean water.NOTICETo prevent damage to the wiper blades,do not use petrol, kerosene, paintthinner, or other solvents on or nearthem.9-36NOTICEThe use of a non-specified wiper bladecould result in wiper malfunction andfailure.09Front windshield wiper bladeOLMB073021OLMB0730201. Raise the wiper arm and turn the wiperblade assembly to expose the plasticlocking clip.NOTICEDo not allow the wiper arm to fallagainst the windshield, since it maychip or crack the windshield.OLMB0730222. Compress the clip and slide the bladeassembly downward.3. Lift it off the arm.4. Install the blade assembly in thereverse order of removal.9-37MaintenanceRear window wiper blade(if equipped)OLMB0730231. Raise the wiper arm and rotate thewiper blade assembly (1).2. Pull out the wiper blade assembly.OLMB0730243. Install the new blade assembly byinserting the center part into the slotin the wiper arm until it clicks intoplace.4. Make sure the blade assembly isinstalled firmly by trying to pull itslightly.To prevent damage to the wiper armsor other components, we recommendthat the wiper blade be replaced by anauthorized HYUNDAI dealer.9-3809BATTERYFor best battery serviceiInformation - For batteriesmarked with UPPER andLOWEROBI3090013• Keep the battery securely mounted.• Keep the battery top clean and dry.• Keep the terminals and connectionsclean, tight, and coated withpetroleum jelly or terminal grease.• Rinse any spilled electrolyte from thebattery immediately with a solution ofwater and baking soda.• If the vehicle is not going to be usedfor an extended time, disconnect thenegative terminal cable of the batteryto prevent discharge.OHYK077011If your vehicle is equipped with a batterymarked with LOWER (MIN) and UPPER(MAX) on the side, you should check theelectrolyte level.The electrolyte level should be betweenLOWER (MIN) and UPPER (MAX).Be careful not to spill distilled (orde-mineralized) water over the batterysurface or other adjacent components.Also, do not overfill the battery cells.If not, it may corrode the battery or othercomponents. Finally, securely close thecell cap. However, we recommend you tocontact an authorized HYUNDAI dealerfor better battery service.NOTICEIf the Electrolyte level is Low, adddistilled (or demineralized) water.Never add sulfuric acid or otherelectrolyte.9-39MaintenanceWARNINGBattery dangersAlways read the followinginstructions carefully whenhandling a battery.Keep lighted cigarettes andall other flames or sparksaway from the battery.Hydrogen, a highlycombustible gas, is alwayspresent in battery cells andmay explode if ignited.Keep batteries out of thereach of children becausebatteries contain highlycorrosive SULFURIC ACID.Do not allow battery acid tocontact your skin, eyes,clothing or paint finish.9-40If any electrolyte gets intoyour eyes, flush your eyeswith clean water for at least15 minutes and getimmediate medicalattention. If electrolyte getson your skin, thoroughlywash the contacted area. Ifyou feel a pain or a burningsensation, get medicalattention immediately.Wear eye protection whencharging or working near abattery. Always provideventilation when working inan enclosed space.An inappropriatelydisposed battery can beharmful to the environmentand human health. Disposethe battery according toyour local law(s) orregulation.The battery contains lead.Do not dispose of it afteruse. Please return thebattery to an authorizedHYUNDAI dealer to berecycled.• When lifting a plastic-cased battery,excessive pressure on the case maycause battery acid to leak, resultingin personal injury. Lift with a batterycarrier or with your hands onopposite corners.• Never attempt to recharge thebattery when the battery cables areconnected.• The electrical ignition system workswith high voltage. Never touch thesecomponents with the engine runningor the ignition switched on.Failure to follow the above warningscan result in serious bodily injury ordeath.09NOTICEIf you connect unauthorized electronicdevices to the battery, the battery maybe discharged. Never use unauthorizeddevices.Battery capacity labelExampleWARNINGAlways follow these instructions whenhandling your vehicle’s battery toprevent damage to your battery:• When you do not use the vehicle for along time in a low temperature area,disconnect the battery and keep itindoors.• Always charge the battery fully toprevent battery case damage in lowtemperature areas.• Prevent liquid from wetting thebattery terminals. The performanceof the battery may be degraded, andmay cause injury. Be cautious whenloading liquid in the trunk.• Do not tilt the battery.• If you connect unauthorizedelectronic devices to the battery, thebattery may be discharged. Neveruse unauthorized devices.OQXI079062❈ The actual battery label in the vehiclemay differ from the illustration.1. CMF45L-DIN : The HYUNDAI modelname of battery2. 12V : The nominal voltage3. 45Ah(20HR) : The nominal capacity (inAmpere hours)4. RC 80min : The nominal reservecapacity (in min.)5. CCA410 : The cold-test current inamperes by SAE6. 410A : The cold-test current inamperes by EN9-41MaintenanceBattery rechargingYour vehicle has a maintenance-free,calcium-based battery.• If the battery becomes discharged in ashort time (because, for example, theheadlights or interior lights were lefton while the vehicle was not in use),recharge it by slow charging (trickle)for 10 hours.• If the battery gradually dischargesbecause of high electric load while thevehicle is being used, recharge it at20-30A for two hours.WARNINGRecharging batteryWhen recharging the battery, observethe following precautions:• The battery must be removed fromthe vehicle and placed in an area withgood ventilation.• Do not allow cigarettes, sparks, orflame near the battery.• Watch the battery during charging,and stop or reduce the chargingrate if the battery cells begingassing (boiling) violently or if thetemperature of the electrolyte of anycell exceeds 49°C (120°F).• Wear eye protection when checkingthe battery during charging.• Disconnect the battery charger in thefollowing order.1. Turn off the battery charger mainswitch.2. Unhook the negative clamp from thenegative battery terminal.3. Unhook the positive clamp from thepositive battery terminal.9-42WARNING• Before performing maintenance orrecharging the battery, turn off allaccessories and stop the engine.• The negative battery cable must beremoved first and installed last whenthe battery is disconnected.Reset itemsItems should be reset after the batteryhas been discharged or the battery hasbeen disconnected.• Auto up/down window(See chapter 5)• Climate control system(See chapter 5)• Audio (See chapter 5)Battery replacementReplacing a Battery requiredprecautionary measures.We recommend that you consult anauthorized HYUNDAI dealer.NOTICEMake sure the battery is installedsecurely when the it is replaced.If the battery vibrates while driving,thecase and electrode plate can bedamaged.09TIRES AND WHEELSTire careWARNINGFor proper maintenance, safety andmaximum fuel economy, you mustalways maintain recommended tireinflation pressures and stay withinthe load limits and weight distributionrecommended for your vehicle.Recommended cold tireinflation pressuresAll tire pressures (including the spare)should be checked when the tires arecold. “Cold Tires” means the vehicle hasnot been driven for at least three hoursor driven less than 1.6 km (one mile).Recommended pressures must bemaintained for the best ride, top vehiclehandling, and minimum tire wear.For recommended inflation pressure,refer to “Tire and wheels” in chapter 2.Tire underinflationSevere underinflation (70 kPa (10 psi) ormore) can lead to severe heat build-up,causing blowouts, tread separation andother tire failures that can result in theloss of vehicle control leading to severeinjury or death. This risk is much higheron hot days and when driving for longperiods at high speeds.NOTICE• Underinflation also results inexcessive wear, poor handlingand reduced fuel economy. Wheeldeformation also is possible. Keepyour tire pressures at the properlevels. If a tire frequently needsrefilling, we recommend that thesystem be checked by an authorizedHYUNDAI dealer.• Overinflation produces a harsh ride,excessive wear at the center of thetire tread, and a greater possibility ofdamage from road hazards.NOTICEOAI3019023All specifications (sizes and pressures)can be found on a label attached to thedriver’s side center pillar.• Warm tires normally exceedrecommended cold tire pressuresby 28 to 41 kPa (4 to 6 psi). Do notrelease air from warm tires to adjustthe pressure or the tires will beunderinflated.• Be sure to reinstall the tire inflationvalve caps. Without the valve cap,dirt or moisture could get into thevalve core and cause air leakage. If avalve cap is missing, install a new oneas soon as possible.9-43MaintenanceWARNINGTire InflationOverinflation or underinflation canreduce tire life, adversely affectvehicle handling, and lead to suddentire failure. This could result in loss ofvehicle control and potential injury.NOTICETire pressureAlways observe the following:• Check tire pressure when the tiresare cold. (After vehicle has beenparked for at least three hours orhasn’t been driven more than 1.6 km(one mile) since startup.)• Check the pressure of your spare tireeach time you check the pressure ofother tires.• Never overload your vehicle. Becareful not to overload a vehicleluggage rack if your vehicle isequipped with one.• Worn, old tires can cause accidents.If your tread is badly worn, or if yourtires have been damaged, replacethem.9-44Checking tire inflation pressureCheck your tires once a month or more.Also, check the tire pressure of the sparetire.How to checkUse a good quality gage to checktire pressure. You can not tell if yourtires are properly inflated simply bylooking at them. Radial tires may lookproperly inflated even when they’reunderinflated.Check the tire’s inflation pressure whenthe tires are cold. - “Cold” means yourvehicle has been sitting for at least threehours or driven no more than 1.6 km (1mile).Remove the valve cap from the tire valvestem. Press the tire gage firmly onto thevalve to get a pressure measurement. Ifthe cold tire inflation pressure matchesthe recommended pressure on the tireand loading information label, no furtheradjustment is necessary. If the pressureis low, add air until you reach therecommended amount.If you overfill the tire, release air bypushing on the metal stem in thecenter of the tire valve. Recheck thetire pressure with the tire gage. Besure to put the valve caps back on thevalve stems. They help prevent leaks bykeeping out dirt and moisture.09WARNING• Inspect your tires frequently forproper inflation as well as wear anddamage. Always use a tire pressuregauge.• Tires with too much or too littlepressure wear unevenly causing poorhandling, loss of vehicle control,and sudden tire failure leading toaccidents, injuries, and even death.The recommended cold tire pressurefor your vehicle can be found in thismanual and on the tire label locatedon the driver’s side center pillar.• Worn tires can cause accidents.Replace tires that are worn, showuneven wear, or are damaged.• Remember to check the pressureof your spare tire. HYUNDAIrecommends that you check thespare every time you check thepressure of the other tires on yourvehicle.Tire rotationTo equalize tread wear, it isrecommended that the tires be rotatedaccording to the maintenance scheduleor sooner if irregular wear develops.During rotation, check the tires forcorrect balance.When rotating tires, check for unevenwear and damage. Abnormal wearis usually caused by incorrect tirepressure, improper wheel alignment,out-of-balance wheels, severe brakingor severe cornering. Look for bumpsor bulges in the tread or side of tire.Replace the tire if you find either ofthese conditions. Replace the tire iffabric or cord is visible. After rotation,be sure to bring the front and rear tirepressures to specification and check lugnut tightness.Refer to “Tire and wheels” in chapter 2.9-45MaintenanceWith a full-size spare tire (if equipped)WARNING• Do not use the compact spare tire fortire rotation.• Do not mix bias ply and radial plytires under any circ*mstances.This may cause unusual handlingcharacteristics that could resultin death, severe injury or propertydamage.CBGQ0706Without a spare tireCBGQ0707Directional tires (if equipped)Wheel alignment and tirebalanceThe wheels on your vehicle were alignedand balanced carefully at the factory togive you the longest tire life and bestoverall performance.In most cases, you will not need to haveyour wheels aligned again. However,if you notice unusual tire wear or yourvehicle pulling one way or the other, thealignment may need to be reset.If you notice your vehicle vibrating whendriving on a smooth road, your wheelsmay need to be rebalanced.NOTICEImproper wheel weights can damageyour vehicle’s aluminum wheels. Useonly approved wheel weights.CBGQ0707ADisc brake pads should be inspected forwear whenever tires are rotated.iInformationRotate radial tires that have anasymmetric tread pattern only from frontto rear and not from right to left.9-4609Tire replacementWARNINGReplacing tiresTread wear indicatorOEN076053If the tire is worn evenly, a tread wearindicator will appear as a solid bandacross the tread. This shows there isless than 1.6 mm (1/16 inch) of tread lefton the tire. Replace the tire when thishappens.Do not wait for the band to appearacross the entire tread before replacingthe tire.NOTICEWhen replacing the tires, recheck andtighten the wheel nuts after drivingabout 1,000 km (620 miles). If thesteering wheel shakes or the vehiclevibrates while driving, the tire mightbe out of balance so align the tirebalance. If the problem is not solved,we recommend that you contact anauthorized HYUNDAI dealer.To reduce the chance or serious or fatalinjuries from an accident caused by tirefailure or loss of vehicle control:• Replace tires that are worn, showuneven wear, or are damaged.Worn tires can cause loss of brakingeffectiveness, steering control, andtraction.• Do not drive your vehicle with toolittle or too much pressure in yourtires. This can lead to uneven wearand tire failure.• When replacing tires, never mixradial and bias-ply tires on thesame car. You must replace all tires(including the spare) if moving fromradial to bias-ply tires.• It is best to replace all four tires at thesame time. If that is not possible, ornecessary, then replace the two frontor two rear tires as a pair. Replacingjust one tire can seriously affect yourvehicle’s handling.• Using tires and wheels other thanthe recommended sizes could causeunusual handling characteristics andpoor vehicle control, resulting in aserious accident.• Wheels that do not meet HYUNDAI’sspecifications may fit poorly andresult in damage to the vehicle orunusual handling and poor vehiclecontrol.• The works by comparing the speed ofthe wheels. Tire size can affect wheelspeed. When replacing tires, all 4tires must use the same size originallysupplied with the vehicle. Using tiresof a different size can cause the ABS(Anti-lock Brake System) and ESC(Electronic Stability Control) to workirregularly. (if equipped)9-47MaintenanceCompact spare tire replacement(if equipped)A compact spare tire has a shorter treadlife than a regular size tire. Replaceit when you can see the tread wearindicator bars on the tire. The replacedcompact spare tire should be the samesize and design tire as the one providedwith your new vehicle and should bemounted on the same compact sparetire wheel. The compact spare tire is notdesigned to be mounted on a regularsize wheel, and the compact spare tirewheel is not designed to mount a regularsize tire.Wheel replacementWhen replacing the metal wheels for anyreason, make sure the new wheels areequivalent to the original factory units indiameter, rim width and offset.WARNINGA wheel that is not the correct size mayadversely affect wheel and bearing life,braking and stopping abilities, handlingcharacteristics, ground clearance,body-to-tire clearance, snow chainclearance, speedometer and odometercalibration, headlight aim and bumperheight.Tire tractionTire traction can be reduced if you driveon worn tires, tires that are improperlyinflated or on slippery road surfaces.Tires should be replaced when treadwear indicators appear. Slow downwhenever there is rain, snow or ice onthe road, to reduce the possibility oflosing control of the vehicle.9-4809Tire maintenance1. Manufacturer or brand nameIn addition to proper inflation, correctwheel alignment helps decrease tirewear. If you find a tire worn unevenly,have your dealer check the wheelalignment.When you have new tires installed,make sure they are balanced. This willincrease vehicle ride comfort and tirelife. Additionally, a tire should alwaysbe rebalanced if it is removed from thewheel.Tire sidewall labelingManufacturer or Brand name is shown.2. Tire size designationA tire’s sidewall is marked with a tiresize designation. You will need thisinformation when selecting replacementtires for your car. The following explainswhat the letters and numbers in the tiresize designation mean.Example of tire size designation:(These numbers are provided as anexample only; your tire size designatorcould vary depending on your vehicle.)165/70R14 81T15,674231I030B04JMThis information identifies and describesthe fundamental characteristics ofthe tire and also provides the tireidentification number (TIN) for safetystandard certification. The TIN can beused to identify the tire in case of arecall.165 - Tire width in millimeters.70 - Aspect ratio. The tire’s chapterheight as a percentage of its width.R - Tire construction code (Radial).14 - Rim diameter in inches.81 - Load Index, a numerical codeassociated with the maximum load thetire can carry.T - Speed Rating Symbol. See the speedrating chart in this chapter for additionalinformation.9-49MaintenanceWheel size designationWheels are also marked with importantinformation that you need if you everhave to replace one. The followingexplains what the letters and numbers inthe wheel size designation mean.Example wheel size designation:5.0JX145.0 - Rim width in inches.J - Rim contour designation.14 - Rim diameter in inchesTire speed ratingsThe chart below lists many of thedifferent speed ratings currently beingused for passenger car tires. The speedrating is part of the tire size designationon the sidewall of the tire. This symbolcorresponds to that tire’s designedmaximum safe operating speed.Speed RatingSymbolS180 km/h (112 mph)T190 km/h (118 mph)H210 km/h (130 mph)V240 km/h (149 mph)9-50Maximum SpeedW270 km/h (168 mph)Y300 km/h (186 mph)3. Checking tire life (TIN : TireIdentification Number)Any tires that are over 6 years old,based on the manufacturing date,(including the spare tire) should bereplaced by new ones. You can findthe manufacturing date on the tiresidewall (possibly on the inside ofthe wheel), displaying the DOT Code.The DOT Code is a series of numberson a tire consisting of numbers andEnglish letters. The manufacturing dateis designated by the last four digits(characters) of the DOT code.DOT : XXXX XXXX OOOOThe front part of the DOT means a plantcode number, tire size and tread patternand the last four numbers indicate weekand year manufactured.For example:DOT XXXX XXXX 2222 represents thatthe tire was produced in the 22th weekof 2022.WARNINGTire ageTires degrade over time, even whenthey are not being used.Regardless of the remaining tread, it isrecommended that tires generally bereplaced after six (6) years of normalservice. Heat caused by hot climatesor frequent high loading conditions canaccelerate the aging process. Failure tofollow this warning could cause suddentire failure, which could lead to a lossof control and an accident involvingserious injury or death.094. Tire ply composition and material7. Uniform tire quality gradingThe number of layers or plies ofrubber-coated fabric in the tire. Tiremanufacturers also must indicate thematerials in the tire, which include steel,nylon, polyester, and others. The letter“R” means radial ply construction; theletter “D” means diagonal or bias plyconstruction; and the letter “B” meansbelted-bias ply construction.Quality grades can be found whereapplicable on the tire sidewall betweentread shoulder and maximum chapterwidth.For example:TREAD wear 200TRACTION AATEMPERATURE A5. Maximum permissible inflationpressureTread wearThis number is the greatest amountof air pressure that should be put inthe tire. Do not exceed the maximumpermissible inflation pressure. Refer tothe Tire and Loading Information labelfor recommended inflation pressure.6. Maximum load ratingThis number indicates the maximumload in kilograms and pounds that canbe carried by the tire. When replacingthe tires on the vehicle, always use atire that has the same load rating as thefactory installed tire.The tread wear grade is a comparativerating based on the wear rate of the tirewhen tested under controlled conditionson a specified government test course.For example, a tire graded 150 wouldwear one-and-a-half times (1½) as wellon the government course as a tiregraded 100.The relative performance of tiresdepends upon the actual conditionsof their use, however, and may departsignificantly from the norm due tovariations in driving habits, servicepractices and differences in roadcharacteristics and climate.These grades are molded on the sidewalls of passenger vehicle tires. Thetires available as standard or optionalequipment on your vehicle may varywith respect to grade.9-51MaintenanceTraction - AA, A, B & CThe traction grades, from highest tolowest, are AA, A, B and C. Those gradesrepresent the tire’s ability to stop on wetpavement measured under controlledconditions on specified governmenttest surfaces of asphalt and concrete.A tire marked C may have poor tractionperformance.WARNINGThe traction grade assigned to this tireis based on straight-ahead brakingtraction tests, and does not includeacceleration, cornering, hydroplaning,or peak traction characteristics.Temperature -A, B & CThe temperature grades are A (thehighest), B, and C, representing the tire’sresistance to the generation of heatand its ability to dissipate heat whentested under controlled conditions on aspecified indoor laboratory test wheel.Sustained high temperature can causethe material of the tire to degenerateand reduce tire life, and excessivetemperature can lead to sudden tirefailure. Grades B and A represent higherlevels of performance on the laboratorytest wheel than the minimum requiredby law.9-52WARNINGTire temperatureThe temperature grade for this tire isestablished for a tire that is properlyinflated and not overloaded. Excessivespeed, underinflation or excessiveloading, either separately or incombination, can cause heat build-upand sudden tire failure. This can causeloss of vehicle control and seriousinjury or death.Low aspect ratio tire(if equipped)Low aspect ratio tires, whose aspectratio is lower than 50, are provided forsporty looks.Because the low aspect ratio tires areoptimized for handling and braking, itmay be more uncomfortable to ride inand there is more noise compare withnormal tires.09NOTICEBecause the sidewall of the low aspectratio tire is shorter than the normal, thewheel and tire of the low aspect ratiotire is easier to be damaged. So, followthe instructions below.- When driving on a rough road oroff road, drive cautiously becausetires and wheels may be damaged.And after driving, inspect tires andwheels.- When passing over a pothole, speedbump, manhole, or curb stone, driveslowly so that the tires and wheelsare not damaged.- If the tire is impacted, werecommend that you inspect the tirecondition or contact an authorizedHYUNDAI dealer.- To prevent damage to the tire,inspect the tire condition andpressure every 3,000 km (1864 miles).NOTICE• It is not easy to recognize the tiredamage with your own eyes. But,if there is the slightest hint of tiredamage, even though you cannot seethe tire damage with your own eyes,have the tire checked or replacedbecause the tire damage may causeair leakage from the tire.• If the tire is damaged by drivingon a rough road, off road, pothole,manhole, or curb stone, it will not becovered by the warranty.• You can find out the tire informationon the tire sidewall.9-53MaintenanceFUSESIf the electrical system does not work,first check the driver’s side fuse panel.Before replacing a blown fuse, turn theengine and all switches off, and thendisconnect the negative battery cable.Always replace a blown fuse with one ofthe same rating.If the replacement fuse blows, thisindicates an electrical problem.Avoid using the system involved andwe recommend that all inspect anauthorized HYUNDAI dealer.Blade typeNormalBlownCartridge typeNormalBlowniMulti fuseInformationThree kinds of fuses are used: blade typefor lower amperage rating, cartridgetype, and multi fuse for higher amperageratings.NormalWARNINGBlownOTA070039A vehicle’s electrical system is protectedfrom electrical overload damage byfuses.This vehicle has 2 fuse panels, onelocated in the driver’s side panel bolster,the other in the engine compartment.If any of your vehicle’s lights,accessories or controls do not work,check the appropriate circuit fuse. If afuse has blown, the element inside thefuse will be melted or broken.NEVER replace a fuse with anything butanother fuse of the same rating.• A higher capacity fuse could causedamage and possibly cause a fire.• Do not install a wire or aluminumfoil instead of the proper fuse even as a temporary repair. It maycause extensive wiring damage andpossibly a fire.NOTICEDo not use a screwdriver or any othermetal object to remove fuses becauseit may cause a short circuit and damagethe system.iInformationThe actual fuse/relay panel label maydiffer from equipped items.9-5409NOTICE• When replacing a blown fuse or relaywith a new one, make sure the newfuse or relay fits tightly into the clips.The incomplete fastening fuse orrelay may cause the vehicle wiringand electric systems damage and apossible fire.• Do not remove fuses, relays andterminals fastened with bolts or nuts.The fuses, relays and terminals maybe fastened incompletely, and it maycause a possible fire. If fuses, relaysand terminals fastened with bolts ornuts are blown, consult an authorizedHYUNDAI dealer.• Do not input any other objectsexcept fuses or relays into fuse/relayterminals such as a driver or wiring. Itmay cause contact failure and systemmalfunction.• Check the blown fuse with checkingthe fuse information on the fuse boxcover.• Replace the blown fuse on the safeplace after turning off the ignitionswitch and all electric switches anddisconnecting the negative batterycable.Instrument panel fusereplacementOAI30890111. Turn the vehicle off.2. Turn all other switches OFF.3. Open the fuse panel cover.4. Refer to the label on the inside ofthe fuse panel cover to locate thesuspected fuse location.9-55MaintenanceMemory fuseOAI30890125. Pull the suspected fuse straight out.Use the removal tool provided in theengine compartment fuses panel.6. Check the removed fuse; replace it ifit is blown. Spare fuses are provided inthe instrument panel fuse panels (or inthe engine compartment fuse panel).7. Push in a new fuse of the same rating,and make sure it fits tightly in theclips.If it fits loosely, we recommendthat you consult an authorizedHYUNDAI dealer.In an emergency, if you do not havea spare fuse, use a fuse of the samerating from a circuit you may not needfor operating the vehicle, such as thecigarette lighter fuse.If the headlights or other electricalcomponents do not work and the fusesare undamaged, check the fuse panelin the engine compartment. If a fuseis blown, it must be replaced with thesame rating.9-56OAI3089013Your vehicle is equipped with thememory fuse to prevent batterydischarge if your vehicle is parkedwithout being operated for prolongedperiods. Use the following proceduresbefore parking the vehicle for prolongedperiods.1. Turn off the engine.2. Turn off the headlights and tail lights.3. Open the driver’s side panel cover andpull up the memory fuse.iInformation• If the memory fuse is pulled up fromthe fuse panel, the warning chime,audio, clock and interior lamps, etc.,will not operate. Some items mustbe reset after replacement. Refer to“Battery” in this chapter.• Even though the memory fuse is pulledup, the battery can still be dischargedby operation of the headlights or otherelectrical devices.09Engine compartment panel fusereplacementMulti fuse (Main fuse)OAI3089014OAI30890141. Turn the vehicle off.2. Turn all other switches OFF.3. Remove the fuse panel cover bypressing the tab and pulling up.4. Check the removed fuse; replace itif it is blown. To remove or insert thefuse, use the fuse puller in the enginecompartment fuse panel.5. Push in a new fuse of the same rating,and make sure it fits tightly in theclips. If it fits loosely, we recommendthat you consult an authorizedHYUNDAI dealer.NOTICEAfter checking the fuse panel in theengine compartment, securelyinstall the fuse panel cover. You mayhear a clicking sound if the cover issecurely latched. If it is not securelylatched, electrical failure may occurfrom water contact.OAI3089015If the multi fuse is blown, it must beremoved as follows:1. Turn the vehicle off.2. Disconnect the negative battery cable.3. Remove the fuse panel cover bypressing the tab and pulling it up.4. Remove the nuts shown in the pictureabove.5. Replace the fuse with a new one ofthe same rating.6. Reinstall in the reverse order ofremoval.If the multi fuse is blown, werecommend that you consult anauthorized HYUNDAI dealer.9-57MaintenanceFuse/relay panel descriptionInner fuse paneliInformationNot all fuse panel descriptions in thismanual may be applicable to your vehicle.It is accurate at the time of printing.When you inspect the fuse panel in yourvehicle, refer to the fuse panel label.OBI3090015Inside the fuse/relay panel covers, youcan find the fuse/relay label describingfuse/relay name and capacity.ICUPCBOAI3089018/OAI30890179-5809Inner Compartment Fuse Panel (ICU)Fuse NameSymbolROOM LAMPFuseratingCircuit Protected10APCB/ICU: Room Lamp10AOutside Mirror Heated25AFRT Power Window LHS10AF_Water SensorPOWEROUTLET20AICU/PCB: Front Power OutletIBU115AICU: BODY CONTROL MODULE (IBU)MULTIMEDIA20AICU: AUDIOPOWERWINDOW RH25AFRT Power Window RHTCU15APCB/ICU: AT : Speed Sensor Out, Inhibit SW.AMT: AMT Lever.BRAKESWITCH10APCB/ICU: Stop SwitchMEMORY10AICU: A/Con (FATC), ClusterSTART7.5APCB: Inhibitor Switch, Start RelayFOLDINGMIRROR10AICU/PCB: Folding MirrorMODULE17.5AICU/PCB: Stop Switch10AICU/PCB: Multi Function Switch10AICU/PCB: ACUOUTSIDEMIRRORHEATEDPOWERWINDOW LHSENSORPOWEROUTLETFRONTREARFOG LAMPAirbagFRTFRT9-59MaintenanceInner Compartment Fuse Panel (ICU)Fuse NameSymbolDOOR LOCKFuseratingCircuit Protected20AICU: Door Lock10AICU/PCB: ECU, A_FLOW_SNSRDRL10AICU: DRL , DRL Position LampMODULE610AICU/PCB: OBDHAZARD15APCB: HAZARD Switch, ICU: IBU (Turn Signal)MODULE210APCB: ESC Switch, ICU: BCM(IBU)*for CNG:CNG_SW:IGN1MODULE37.5APCB/ICU: FATC, AT Lever Indicator,Head Lamp Projection, Audio Compact, AVNSPARE110AICU: Spare FuseREARWIPER15APCB: RR Wiper Motor, ICU : Washer MotorAirbagINDICATOR7.5APCB/ICU: Cluster10AICU: BCM (IBU)ABS7.5APCB/ICU: ABS/ESC UnitFRONTWIPER20APCB/ICU: MFSW, Wiper MotorA/CON27.5APCB/ICU: MTC, FATC, Dual SwitchCLUSTER7.5APCB/ICU: ClusterACC10APCB/ICU: Crash_VDMS_Extension, USB Charger,Audio_B, IBUECUIBU29-60EIBU09Inner Compartment Fuse Panel (ICU)Fuse NameSymbolFuseratingCircuit ProtectedMDPS7.5APCB/ICU: Motor Driven Power Steering UnitMODULE510APCB/ICU: Crash_VDMS_ExtensionMODULE47.5AICU: BCM (IBU)20APCB/ICU: RR Power Outlet7.5APCB/ICU: FATC, Blower MotorREARPOWEROUTLEtA/CON1RRPOWEROUTLET9-61MaintenanceInner Compartment Fuse Panel (ICU)Fuse NameSymbolTAIL LHOUTSIDEMIRRORHEATEDPOWERWINDOW LHSENSORPOWEROUTLET FRONTSPOWEROUTLETFRTFuseratingCircuit Protected7.5APCB: Position Lamp LH, Head Lamp LH,RR Combi Lamp LH10AOutside Mirror Heated25AFRT Power Window LH10AF_Water Sensor20A ICU/PCB: Front Power OutletTAIL RH7.5APCB: Position Lamp RH, Head Lamp RH,RR Combi Lamp RHPOWERWINDOW RH25AFRT Power Window RHTCU15APCB/ICU: AT : Speed Sensor Out, Inhibit SWAMT: AMT Lever.BRAKESWITCH10APCB/ICU: Stop Switch15APCB: Stop Lamp, RR Combi Lamp, HMSLSTOP LAMPSTARTSTOP LAMP7.5A PCB: Inhibitor Switch, Start RelayFOLDINGMIRROR10AMODULE17.5A ICU/PCB: Stop SwitchICU/PCB: Folding MirrorIMMOBILIZER10APCB: Immobilizer UnitAirbag10AICU/PCB: ACU9-6209Inner Compartment Fuse Panel (PCB)Fuse NameSymbolDOOR LOCKFuseratingCircuit Protected20A ICU: Door Lock10AICU/PCB: ECU, A_FLOW_SNSRMODULE610AICU/PCB: OBDHAZARD15APCB: HAZARD Switch, ICU: IBU (Turn Signal)MODULE210APCB: ESC Switch, ICU: BCM (IBU)MODULE37.5APCB/ICU: FATC, AT Lever Indicator,Head Lamp Projection, Audio Compact, AVNHEAD LAMP10APCB: Head Lamp RelayREAR WIPER15APCB: RR Wiper Motor, ICU : Washer MotorAirbagINDICATOR7.5A PCB/ICU: ClusterECUTURN SIGNALABSE10APCB: Hazard Switch7.5A PCB/ICU: ABS/ESC UnitFRONTWIPER20A PCB/ICU: MFSW, Wiper MotorA/CON27.5A PCB/ICU: MTC, FATC, Dual SwitchSPARE110APCB: Spare Fuse9-63MaintenanceInner Compartment Fuse Panel (PCB)Fuse NameSymbolCLUSTER10AMODULE59-64PCB/ICU: Crash_VDMS_Extension,USB Charger, Audio_B, IBU7.5A PCB/ICU: Motor Driven Power Steering Unit.MDPSA/CON1Circuit Protected7.5A PCB/ICU: ClusterACCREARPOWEROUTLEtFuserating10ARRPOWEROUTLETPCB/ICU: Crash_VDMS_Extension20A PCB/ICU: RR Power Outlet7.5A PCB/ICU: FATC, Blower Motor09Engine compartment fuse paneliInformationNot all fuse panel descriptions in thismanual may be applicable to your vehicle.It is accurate at the time of printing.When you inspect the fuse panel in yourvehicle, refer to the fuse panel label.OAI3089014Inside the fuse/relay panel covers, youcan find the fuse/relay label describingfuse/relay name and capacity.OAI30890199-65MaintenanceEngine Compartment Fuse PanelItemRELAYFuse NameSymbolFuseRatingCircuit ProtectedMAIN RELAYMAINRELAY30AECU (MT, AT, CNG, BS6)START20AECU, Start SolenoidBLOWER35APCB, ICUBURGLAR ALARMHORN20AIBUHEADLAMP HI20AHead Lamp Projection,Head LampHEAD LAMP20AHead Lamp Fuse20AECU (MT, AT, CNG, BS6)20AAMT, VACUUM PUMP,ECU RelayHORN20AHORNAIRCONDITIONER20AA/CON, ECU (MT, AT, U2)COOLING FAN35ARadiator Fan Motor,ECU (AT, MT, U2)FUEL PUMPBACK UP LAMPVACUUM PUMPMULTIFUSELP S/B JFUSE125AK1.0T, K1.2150AU2 (BS4)180AU2 (^BS4)MDPS80A50ADC typeEconomical typeBLOWER40ABlower RelayREAR HEATED40ARR Heated RelayCOOLING FANGSL/DSL30A/40ACooling Fan Relay30AStarting30AICUALTERNATORIGNITION1BATTERY39-66B/UP LAMPVACUUMPUMPALTIG109Engine Compartment Fuse PanelItemLP S/B JFUSEFuseRatingCircuit ProtectedBATTERY230A/50AICU, PCBBATTERY130A/40AICU, PCB40AAMTBATTERY450AICUABS/ESC240AABS/ESC Unit40AICU, PCB40AABS/ESC Unit40AAMT30AECUFuse NameAMT1POWEROUTLETS/B MFUSESymbol1AMTPOWEROUTLETABS/ESC1AMT22AMTECU1LP MINIFUSEIGNITION2IG230AStarting, Start RelayBACK UP LAMP11B/UPLAMP10ABack Up RelayFRONT WIPER10AFront Wiper, ECUECU315AECU (MT, AT, BS6)HORN15AHorn RelayAIRCONDITIONER10AA/Con RelayHEAD LAMP LH10AHead Lamp LH,Head Lamp Projection LH9-67MaintenanceEngine Compartment Fuse PanelItemLP MINIFUSEFuseRatingCircuit ProtectedHEAD LAMP RH10AHead Lamp RH,Head Lamp Projection RHECU710AMain Relay*for CNG:ECU7ECU810AMain RelayHEAD LAMP HI10AClusterECU215AMain Relay*for CNG:SHUTOFF VALVE111ECU515AMain Relay*for CNG:ECU4ECU415AMain Relay*for CNG:INJECTOR_3&4ECU615AMain Relay,Ignition Coil Extension10ABack Up RelayHEAD LAMP20AHead Lamp RelayHEAD LAMP HI20AHead Lamp HI RelayFuse NameBACK UP LAMP29-68SymbolB/UPLAMP2ALTERNATORMANAGEMENTSYSTEMAMS10AECU (U2)FUEL PUMP33FUELPU MP15AFuel Pump RelayAMTAMT15AAMTVACUUM PUMPVACUUMPUMP10AMain Relay09LIGHT BULBSWe recommend that you consult anauthorized HYUNDAI dealer to replacemost vehicle light bulbs. It is difficultto replace vehicle light bulbs becauseother parts of the vehicle must beremoved before you can get to the bulb.This is especially true for removing theheadlight assembly to get to the bulb(s).Removing/installing the headlightassembly can result in damage to thevehicle.WARNINGPrior to replacing a light, depress thefoot brake, move the shift lever into theN (Neutral, for Automatic transmissionvehicle) or neutral (for manualtransmission vehicle), apply the parkingbrake, place the ignition switch in theLOCK/OFF position, and take the keywith you when leaving the vehicle toavoid sudden movement of the vehicleand to prevent possible electric shock.Be aware the bulbs may be hot and mayburn your fingers.NOTICEBe sure to replace the burned-out bulbwith one of the same wattage rating.Otherwise, it may cause damage to thefuse or electric wiring system.iInformationThe headlight and tail lamp lenses couldappear frosty if the vehicle is washed afterdriving or the vehicle is driven at nightin wet weather. This condition is causedby temperature difference between thelamp inside and outside and, it does notindicate a problem with your vehicle.When moisture condenses in the lamp,it will be removed after driving with theheadlight on. The removable level maydiffer depending on lamp size, lampposition and environmental condition.However, if moisture is not removed, werecommend that your vehicle is inspectedby an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.9-69MaintenanceHeadlight, Parking (Position)Light, Turn signal Light, FogLight and Daytime RunningLight bulb replacementType B• 5 DoorType A• 5 DoorOAI3092003• 4 DoorOAI3092001• 4 DoorOAI3092004(1) Headlight (Low/High) *(2) Turn Signal Light(3) Parking (Position) Light/Daytime Running Light(if equipped)2OAI3092002(1) Headlight (Low/High) *1(2) Parking (Position) Light(3) Turn Signal Light(4) Daytime Running Light(if equipped) or Daytime RunningLight/Position light (if equipped)*1 : MFR (Multi Focus Reflector)Headlight9-70*2 : Bi-Function Projection Headlight09Headlight (Low/High)Type AOLMB073042LOAI3092010WARNINGHalogen bulbs• Halogen bulbs contain pressurizedgas that will produce flying pieces ofglass if broken.• Always handle them carefully, andavoid scratches and abrasions. Ifthe bulbs are lit, avoid contact withliquids. Never touch the glass withbare hands. Residual oil may causethe bulb to overheat and burst whenlit. A bulb should be operated onlywhen installed in a headlight.• If a bulb becomes damaged orcracked, replace it immediately andcarefully dispose of it.• Wear eye protection when changinga bulb. Allow the bulb to cool downbefore handling it.iInformationIf the headlight aiming adjustment isnecessary after the headlight assemblyis reinstalled, consult an authorizedHYUNDAI dealer.Type BOAI3092011[1]: Dust cover[2]: Headlight[3]: Parking (Position) light[4]: Turn signal light1. Open the hood.2. Disconnect the negative terminal ofthe battery.3. Remove the headlight bulb cover byturning it counterclockwise.4. Disconnect the headlight bulb socketconnector.5. Unsnap the headlight bulb retainingwire by depressing the end andpushing it upward.6. Remove the bulb from the headlightassembly.7. Install a new headlight bulb and snapthe headlight bulb retaining wire intoposition by aligning the wire with thegroove on the bulb.8. Connect the headlight bulb socketconnector.9. Install the headlight bulb cover byturning it clockwise.10. Connect the negative terminal of thebattery.9-71MaintenanceiInformation- Bi-Function projectionheadlightThis headlight is bi-function type thatswitches the low beam to high or the highbeam to low using solenoid system. So,the moving sound may be heard when theheadlight switches the low beam to highor the high beam to low and it does notindicate malfunction of the headlight.Turn signal light1. Open the hood.2. Disconnect the negative terminal ofthe battery.3. Remove the turn signal light bulbcover by turning it counterclockwise.4. Remove the socket from theassembly by turning the socketcounterclockwise until the tabs onthe socket align with the slots on theassembly.5. Insert a new bulb by inserting it intothe socket and rotating it until it locksinto place.6. Install the socket in the assembly byaligning the tabs on the socket withthe slots in the assembly. Push thesocket into the assembly and turn thesocket clockwise.7. Install the turn signal light bulb coverby turning it clockwise.8. Connect the negative terminal of thebatteryParking (Position) light1. Remove the socket from the assemblyby pulling it straight out.2. Remove the bulb from the socket bypulling it out.3. Insert a new bulb by inserting it intothe socket.4. Install the socket in the assembly bypushing it in.9-72Parking(Position) light/Daytime running light(LED Type, If equipped)Your vehicle is equipped with LEDlamps. LED lamps do not havereplaceable bulbs. If the LED lamp doesnot operate, we recommend that thevehicle be checked by an authorizedHYUNDAI dealer.NOTICEWe recommend that the headlampbulb replacement be serviced by anauthorized HYUNDAI dealer.09Side repeater light replacement(if equipped)OAI3089056Type BOAI3089022Type AIf the LED lamp does not operate, werecommend that the vehicle be checkedby an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.1. Disconnect the negative terminal ofthe battery.2. Remove the lamp assembly from thevehicle by prying the lens and pullingthe assembly out.3. Disconnect the bulb electricalconnector.4. Separate the socket and thelens parts by turning the socketcounterclockwise until the tabs on thesocket align with the slots on the lenspart.5. Remove the bulb by pulling it straightout.6. Insert a new bulb in the socket.7. Reassemble the socket and the lenspart.8. Connect the bulb electrical connector.9. Reinstall the lamp assembly to thebody of the vehicle.10. Connect the negative terminal of thebatteryIf the light does not operate, werecommend that the vehicle be checkedby an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.9-73MaintenanceRear combination light bulbreplacementOAI3092009OAI30920055 Door1. Back Up Light2. Rear Turn Signal Light3. Stop Light4. Tail light5. Reflex ReflectorOAI30920081. Open the tailgate2. Loosen the light assembly retainingscrews with a cross-tip screwdriver.3. Remove the rear combination lightassembly from the body of thevehicle.9-7409OAI3092007[1]: Back up light[2]: Rear turn signal light[3]: Stop light4. Remove the socket from theassembly by turning the socketcounterclockwise until the tabs onthe socket align with the slots on theassembly.5. Remove the bulb from the socketby pressing it in and rotating itcounterclockwise until the tabs on thebulb align with the slots in the socket.Pull the bulb out of the socket.6. Insert a new bulb by inserting it intothe socket and rotating it until it locksinto place.7. Install the socket in the assembly byaligning the tabs on the socket withthe slots in the assembly. Push thesocket into the assembly and turn thesocket clockwise.8. Reinstall the light assembly to thebody of the vehicle.OAI30890654 Door1. Back Up Light2. Rear Turn Signal Light3. Stop Light4. Tail Light5. Reflex Reflector9-75MaintenanceOutside lampOAI3089063OAI3089068OAI30890641. Open the trunk.2. Loosen the light assembly retainingscrews with a cross-tip screwdriver.Remove the rear combination lightassembly from the body of thevehicle.Inside lampOAI30890701. Open the trunk.2. Loosen the retaining screw of thetrunk lid cover and then remove thecover.9-76OAI3089069[1]: Back up light[2]: Rear turn signal light[3]: Stop light3. Remove the socket from theassembly by turning the socketcounterclockwise until the tabs onthe socket align with the slots on theassembly.4. Remove the bulb from the socketby pressing it in and rotating itcounterclockwise until the tabs on thebulb align with the slots in the socket.Pull the bulb out of the socket.5. Insert a new bulb by inserting it intothe socket and rotating it until it locksinto place.096. Install the socket in the assembly byaligning the tabs on the socket withthe slots in the assembly. Push thesocket into the assembly and turn thesocket clockwise.7. Reinstall the light assembly to thebody of the vehicle.License plate light bulbreplacementTail lamp (LED Type)If the LED lamp does not operate, werecommend that the vehicle be checkedby an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.High mounted stop lightOAI30890295 DoorOAI30890314 Door1. Using a flat-blade screwdriver, removethe light assembly from the body ofthe vehicle by prying the housing andpulling the assembly out.2. Separate the socket and thelens part by turning the socketcounterclockwise until the tabs on thesocket align with the slots on the lenspart.3. Remove the bulb by pulling it straightout.4. Insert a new bulb in the socket.5. Reassemble the socket and thehousing part.6. Reinstall the light assembly to thebody of the vehicle.OAI3089067If the light does not operate, werecommend that the vehicle be checkedby an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.9-77MaintenanceInterior light bulb replacementRoom lampOIB074041Luggage room lamp• 5 DoorOAI3089030• 4 DoorOAI3089030I1. Using a flat-blade screwdriver, gentlypry the lens from the interior lighthousing.2. Remove the bulb by pulling it straightout.3. Install a new bulb in the socket.4. Align the lens tabs with the interiorlight housing notches and snap thelens into place9-78NOTICEBe careful not to dirty or damage lens,lens tab, and plastic housings.09APPEARANCE CARENOTICEIf you park your vehicle near a stainlesssteel sign or glass facade building, thevehicle’s exterior plastic parts suchas a bumper, spoiler, garnish, lampor outside rearview mirror might bedamaged due to sunlight reflectedfrom the sign or building. To preventdamage of the exterior plastic parts,you should avoid parking in areaswhere light may be reflected or use acar cover. (The exterior plastic partsapplied to your vehicle may vary.)Exterior careExterior general cautionIt is very important to follow the labeldirections when using any chemicalcleaner or polish. Read all warning andcaution statements that appear on thelabel.High-pressure washing• When using high-pressure washers,make sure to maintain sufficientdistance from the vehicle.Insufficient clearance or excessivepressure can lead to componentdamage or water penetration.• Do not spray the camera, sensors orits surrounding area directly with ahigh pressure washer. Shock appliedfrom high pressure water may causethe device to not operate normally.• Do not bring the nozzle tip close toboots (rubber or plastic covers) orconnectors as they may be damagedif they come into contact with highpressure water.Finish maintenanceWashingTo help protect your vehicle’s finishfrom rust and deterioration, wash itthoroughly and frequently at least oncea month with lukewarm or cold water.If you use your vehicle for off-roaddriving, you should wash it after eachoff-road trip. Pay special attention to theremoval of any accumulation of salt, dirt,mud, and other foreign materials. Makesure the drain holes in the lower edgesof the doors and rocker panels are keptclear and clean.Insects, tar, tree sap, bird droppings,industrial pollution and similar depositscan damage your vehicle’s finish if notremoved immediately.Even prompt washing with plain watermay not completely remove all thesedeposits. A mild soap, safe for use onpainted surfaces, may be used.After washing, rinse the vehiclethoroughly with lukewarm or cold water.Do not allow soap to dry on the finish.NOTICE• Do not use strong soap, chemicaldetergents or hot water, and do notwash the vehicle in direct sunlightor when the body of the vehicle iswarm.• Be careful when washing the sidewindows of your vehicle.Especially, with high-pressure water,water may leak through the windowsand wet the interior.• To prevent damage to the plasticparts and lamps, do not cleanwith chemical solvents or strongdetergents.9-79MaintenanceNOTICEWARNINGWet brakesAfter washing the vehicle, test thebrakes while driving slowly to see ifthey have been affected by water. Ifthe braking performance is impaired,dry the brakes by applying them lightlywhile maintaining a slow forwardspeed.Matte paint finish vehicle(if equipped)Automatic car wash which usesrotating brushes should not be usedas this can damage the surface of yourvehicle. A steam cleaner which washesthe vehicle surface at high temperaturemay result the oil to adhere and leavestains that is difficult to remove.Use a soft cloth (for example,microfiber towel or sponge) whenwashing your vehicle and dry witha microfiber towel. When you handwash your vehicle, you should not usea cleaner that finishes with wax. If thevehicle surface is too dirty (sand, dirt,dust, contaminant, etc.), clean thesurface with water before washing thecar.WaxingOAI3092006NOTICE• Water washing in the enginecompartment including high pressurewater washing may cause the failureof electrical circuits located in theengine compartment.• Never allow water or other liquidsto come in contact with electrical/electronic components inside thevehicle as this may damage them.9-80Wax the vehicle when water will nolonger bead on the paint.Always wash and dry the vehiclebefore waxing. Use a good qualityliquid or paste wax, and follow themanufacturer’s instructions. Wax allmetal trim to protect it and to maintainits luster.Removing oil, tar, and similar materialswith a spot remover will usually strip thewax from the finish. Be sure to re-waxthese areas even if the rest of the vehicledoes not yet need waxing.09NOTICE• Wiping dust or dirt off the body witha dry cloth will scratch the finish.• Do not use steel wool, abrasivecleaners, or strong detergentscontaining highly alkaline or causticagents on chrome-plated or anodizedaluminum parts. This may result indamage to the protective coatingand cause discoloration or paintdeterioration.NOTICEMatte paint finish vehicle(if equipped)Do not use any polish protector such asa detergent, an abrasive and a polish.In case wax is applied, remove the waximmediately using a silicon removerand if any tar or tar contaminant is onthe surface use a tar remover to clean.However, be careful not to apply toomuch pressure on the painted area.Finish damage repairDeep scratches or stone chips in thepainted surface must be repairedpromptly. Exposed metal will quicklyrust and may develop into a major repairexpense.iInformationIf your vehicle is damaged and requiresany metal repair or replacement, be surethe body shop applies anti-corrosionmaterials to the parts repaired orreplaced.NOTICEMatte paint finish vehicle(if equipped)In case of matte paint finish vehicles,it is impossible to modify only thedamaged area and repair of the wholepart is necessary. If the vehicle isdamaged and painting is required,we recommend that you have yourvehicle maintained and repaired byan authorized HYUNDAI dealer. Takeextreme care, as it is difficult to restorethe quality after the repair.9-81MaintenanceBright-metal maintenance• To remove road tar and insects, usea tar remover, not a scraper or othersharp object.• To protect the surfaces of bright-metalparts from corrosion, apply a coatingof wax or chrome preservative and rubto a high luster.• During winter weather or in coastalareas, cover the bright metal partswith a heavier coating of wax orpreservative. If necessary, coat theparts with non-corrosive petroleumjelly or other protective compound.Underbody maintenanceCorrosive materials used for ice andsnow removal and dust control maycollect on the underbody. If thesematerials are not removed, acceleratedrusting can occur on the underbodyparts such as the fuel lines, frame,floor pan and exhaust system, eventhough they have been treated with rustprotection.Thoroughly flush the vehicle underbodyand wheel openings with lukewarmor cold water once a month, after offroad driving and at the end of eachwinter. Pay special attention to theseareas because it is difficult to see allthe mud and dirt. It will do more harmthan good to wet down the road grimewithout removing it. The lower edgesof the doors, rocker panels, and framemembers have drain holes that shouldnot clog with dirt; trapped water in theseareas can cause rusting.9-82WARNINGAfter washing the vehicle, test thebrakes while driving slowly to see ifthey have been affected by water. Ifthe braking performance is impaired,dry the brakes by applying them lightlywhile maintaining a slow forwardspeed.Aluminum wheel maintenanceThe aluminum wheels are coated with aclear protective finish.• Do not use any abrasive cleaner,polishing compound, solvent, or wirebrushes on aluminum wheels. Theymay scratch or damage the finish.• Clean the wheel when it has cooled.• Use only a mild soap or neutraldetergent, and rinse thoroughly withwater. Also, be sure to clean thewheels after driving on salted roads.This helps prevent corrosion.• Avoid washing the wheels with highspeed car wash brushes.• Do not use any alkaline or aciddetergent. It may damage and corrodethe aluminum wheels coated with aclear protective finish.09Corrosion protectionProtecting your vehicle from corrosionMoisture breeds corrosionThe most common causes of corrosionon your vehicle are:• Road salt, dirt and moisture that isallowed to accumulate underneath thevehicle.• Removal of paint or protectivecoatings by stones, gravel, abrasionor minor scrapes and dents whichleave unprotected metal exposed tocorrosion.Moisture creates the conditions inwhich corrosion is most likely to occur.For example, corrosion is acceleratedby high humidity, particularly whentemperatures are just above freezing. Insuch conditions, the corrosive material iskept in contact with the vehicle’s surfaceby moisture that slowly evaporates.Mud is particularly corrosive becauseit dries slowly and holds moisture incontact with the vehicle. Although themud appears to be dry, it can still retainmoisture and promote corrosion.High temperatures can also acceleratecorrosion of parts that are not properlyventilated so the moisture can bedispersed. For all these reasons, it isparticularly important to keep yourvehicle clean and free of mud oraccumulations of other materials. Thisapplies not only to the visible surfacesbut particularly to the underside of thevehicle.High-corrosion areasTo help prevent corrosionBy using the most advanced designand construction practices to combatcorrosion, we produce vehicles of thehighest quality. However, this is onlypart of the job. To achieve the long-termcorrosion resistance your vehicle candeliver, the owner’s cooperation andassistance is also required.Common causes of corrosionIf you live in an area where your vehicleis regularly exposed to corrosivematerials, corrosion protection isparticularly important. Some of thecommon causes of acceleratedcorrosion are road salts, dust controlchemicals, ocean air and industrialpollution.You can help prevent corrosion fromgetting started by observing thefollowing:9-83MaintenanceKeep your vehicle cleanThe best way to prevent corrosion isto keep your vehicle clean and free ofcorrosive materials. Attention to theunderside of the vehicle is particularlyimportant.• If you live in a high-corrosion area —where road salts are used, near theocean, areas with industrial pollution,acid rain, etc.—, you should take extracare to prevent corrosion. In winter,hose off the underside of your vehicleat least once a month and be sure toclean the underside thoroughly whenwinter is over.• When cleaning underneath thevehicle, give particular attention to thecomponents under the fenders andother areas that are hidden from view.Do a thorough job; just dampening theaccumulated mud rather than washingit away will accelerate corrosion ratherthan prevent it. Water under highpressure and steam are particularlyeffective in removing accumulatedmud and corrosive materials.• When cleaning lower door panels,rocker panels and frame members, besure that drain holes are kept open sothat moisture can escape and not betrapped inside to accelerate corrosion.9-84Keep your garage dryDon’t park your vehicle in a damp,poorly ventilated garage. This createsa favorable environment for corrosion.This is particularly true if you wash yourvehicle in the garage or drive it into thegarage when it is still wet or coveredwith snow, ice or mud. Even a heatedgarage can contribute to corrosionunless it is well ventilated so moisture isdispersed.Keep paint and trim in good conditionScratches or chips in the finish shouldbe covered with “touch-up” paint assoon as possible to reduce the possibilityof corrosion. If bare metal is showingthrough, the attention of a qualifiedbody and paint shop is recommended.Bird droppings : Bird droppings arehighly corrosive and may damagepainted surfaces in just a few hours.Always remove bird droppings as soonas possible.Don’t neglect the interiorMoisture can collect under the floormats and carpeting and cause corrosion.Check under the mats periodically to besure the carpeting is dry. Use particularcare if you carry fertilizers, cleaningmaterials or chemicals in the vehicle.These should be carried only in propercontainers and any spills or leaks shouldbe cleaned up, flushed with clean waterand thoroughly dried.09Interior careInterior general precautionsPrevent chemicals such as perfume,cosmetic oil, sun cream, hand cleaner,and air freshener from contacting theinterior parts because they may causedamage or discoloration. If they docontact the interior parts, wipe themoff immediately. See the instructionsthat follow for the proper way to cleanvehicle interior surfaces.NOTICENever allow water or other liquidsto come in contact with electrical/electronic components inside thevehicle as this may damage them.NOTICEWhen cleaning leather products(steering wheel, seats etc.), use neutraldetergents or low alcohol contentsolutions. If you use high alcoholcontent solutions or acid/alkalinedetergents, the color of the leather mayfade or the surface may get strippedoff.Cleaning the upholstery and interiortrimVehicle interior surfaces (if equipped)Remove dust and loose dirt from interiorsurfaces with a whisk broom or avacuum cleaner.If necessary, clean interior surfaces witha mixture of warm water and mild nondetergent cleaner (test all cleaners on aconcealed area before use).Fabric (if equipped)Remove dust and loose dirt fromfabric with a whisk broom or vacuumcleaner. Clean with a mild soap solutionrecommended for upholstery or carpets.Remove fresh spots immediately witha fabric spot cleaner. If fresh spotsdo not receive immediate attention,the fabric can be stained and its colorcan be affected. Also, its fire-resistantproperties can be reduced if the materialis not properly maintained.NOTICEUsing anything but recommendedcleaners and procedures may affect thefabric’s appearance and fire-resistantproperties.9-85MaintenanceLeather (if equipped)• Feature of Seat Leather- Leather is made from the outer skinof an animal, which goes through aspecial process to be available foruse. Since it is a natural object, eachpart differs in thickness or density.Wrinkles may appear as a naturalresult of stretching and shrinkingdepending on the temperature andhumidity.- The seat is made of stretchablefabric to improve comfort.- The parts contacting the body arecurved and the side supportingarea is high which provides drivingcomfort and stability.- Wrinkles may appear naturallyfrom usage. It is not a fault of theproducts.CAUTION• Wrinkles or abrasions which appearnaturally from usage are not coveredby warranty.• Belts with metallic accessories,zippers or keys inside the backpocket may damage the seat fabric.• Make sure not to wet the seat. It maychange the nature of natural leather.• Jeans or clothes which could bleachmay contaminate the surface of theseat covering fabric.9-86• Caring for the leather seats- Vacuum the seat periodically toremove dust and sand on the seat. Itwill prevent abrasion or damage ofthe leather and maintain its quality.- Wipe the natural leather seat coveroften with dry or soft cloth.- Use of proper leather protective mayprevent abrasion of the cover andhelps maintain the color. Be sure toread the instructions and consult aspecialist when using leather coatingor protective agent.- Light colored (beige, cream beige)leather is easily contaminated andthe stain is noticeable. Clean theseats frequently.- Avoid wiping with wet cloth. It maycause the surface to crack.09• Cleaning the leather seats- Remove all contaminations instantly.Refer to instructions below forremoval of each contaminant.- Cosmetic products (sunscreen,foundation, etc.)Apply cleansing cream on a clothand wipe the contaminate spot. Wipeoff the cream with a wet cloth andremove water with a dry cloth.- Beverages (coffee, soft drink, etc.)Apply a small amount of neutraldetergent and wipe untilcontaminations do not smear.- OilRemove oil instantly with absorbablecloth and wipe with stain removerused only for natural leather.- Chewing gumHarden the gum with ice and removegradually.Cleaning the lap/shoulder beltwebbingClean the belt webbing with anymild soap solution recommended forcleaning upholstery or carpet. Followthe instructions provided with the soap.Do not bleach or re-dye the webbingbecause this may weaken it.Cleaning the interior window glassIf the interior glass surfaces of thevehicle become fogged (that is, coveredwith an oily, greasy or waxy film), theyshould be cleaned with glass cleaner.Follow the directions on the glasscleaner container.NOTICEDo not scrape or scratch the inside ofthe rear window. This may result indamage to the rear window defrostergrid.9-87MaintenanceEMISSION CONTROL SYSTEMThe emission control system of yourvehicle is covered by a written limitedwarranty. Please see the warrantyinformation contained in the ServicePassport in your vehicle.Your vehicle is equipped with anemission control system to meet allemission regulations.There are three emission control systemswhich are as follows.(1) Crankcase emission control system(2) Evaporative emission control system(3) Exhaust emission control systemIn order to assure the proper functionof the emission control systems, itis recommended that you have yourcar inspected and maintained byan authorized HYUNDAI dealer inaccordance with the maintenanceschedule in this manual.1. Crankcase emission controlsystemThe positive crankcase ventilationsystem is employed to prevent airpollution caused by blow-by gasesbeing emitted from the crankcase. Thissystem supplies fresh filtered air to thecrankcase through the air intake hose.Inside the crankcase, the fresh air mixeswith blow-by gases, which then passthrough the PCV valve into the inductionsystem.2. Evaporative emission controlsystemThe Evaporative Emission ControlSystem is designed to preventfuel vapors from escaping into theatmosphere.CanisterFuel vapors generated inside the fueltank are absorbed and stored in theonboard canister. When the engine isrunning, the fuel vapors absorbed inthe canister are drawn into the surgetank through the purge control solenoidvalve.Purge Control Solenoid Valve(PCSV)The purge control solenoid valveis controlled by the Engine ControlModule (ECM); when the engine coolanttemperature is low during idling, thePCSV closes so that evaporated fuelis not taken into the engine. Afterthe engine warms up during ordinarydriving, the PCSV opens to introduceevaporated fuel to the engine.9-88093. Exhaust emission controlsystemThe Exhaust Emission Control System isa highly effective system which controlsexhaust emissions while maintaininggood vehicle performance.Engine exhaust gas precautions(carbon monoxide)• Carbon monoxide can be present withother exhaust fumes. Therefore, ifyou smell exhaust fumes of any kindinside your vehicle, have it inspectedand repaired immediately. If you eversuspect exhaust fumes are cominginto your vehicle, drive it only withall the windows fully open. Haveyour vehicle checked and repairedimmediately.WARNINGExhaustEngine exhaust gases contain carbonmonoxide (CO). Though colorlessand odorless, it is dangerous andcould be lethal if inhaled. Follow theinstructions on this page to avoid COpoisoning.• Do not operate the engine in confinedor closed areas (such as garages) anymore than what is necessary to movethe vehicle in or out of the area.• When the vehicle is stopped in anopen area for more than a short timewith the engine running, adjust theventilation system (as needed) to drawoutside air into the vehicle.• Never sit in a parked or stoppedvehicle for any extended time with theengine running.• When the engine stalls or fails tostart, excessive attempts to restartthe engine may cause damage to theemission control system.9-89MaintenanceOperating precautions for catalyticconverters (if equipped)WARNINGFire• A hot exhaust system can igniteflammable items under your vehicle.Do not park, idle, or drive the vehicleover or near flammable objects, suchas grass, vegetation, paper, leaves,etc.• The exhaust system and catalyticsystem are very hot while the engineis running or immediately after theengine is turned off. Keep away fromthe exhaust system and catalytic, youmay get burned. Also, do not removethe heat sink around the exhaustsystem, do not seal the bottom of thevehicle or do not coat the vehicle forcorrosion control. It may present afire risk under certain conditions.9-90Your vehicle is equipped with a catalyticconverter emission control device.Therefore, the following precautionsmust be observed:• Use only UNLEADED FUEL for petrolengine.• Do not operate the vehicle whenthere are signs of engine malfunction,such as misfire or a noticeable loss ofperformance.• Do not misuse or abuse the engine.Examples of misuse are coasting withthe ignition off and descending steepgrades in gear with the ignition off.• Do not operate the engine at high idlespeed for extended periods (5 minutesor more).• Do not modify or tamper with anypart of the engine or emissioncontrol system. All inspections andadjustments must be made by anauthorized HYUNDAI dealer.• Avoid driving with an extremely lowfuel level. Running out of fuel couldcause the engine to misfire, damagingthe catalytic converter.Failure to observe these precautionscould result in damage to the catalyticconverter and to your vehicle.Additionally, such actions could voidyour warranties.09Petrol particulate filter (GPF)(if equipped)Petrol Particulate Filter (GPF)systemremoves the soot in the exhaustgas.The GPF system automaticallyburns (or oxidizes) the accumulatedsoot in accordance with drivingsituations, unlike a disposable air filter.In other words, the accumulated soot isautomatically purged out by the enginecontrol system and by the high exhaustgas temperature at normal/ high drivingspeeds.However, when the vehicle iscontinually driven at repeated shortdistances or driven at low speed for along time, the accumulated soot maynot be automatically removed becauseof low exhaust gas temperature. Inthis case, the accumulated soot mayreach a certain amount regardless ofthe soot oxidization process, then the) will illuminate.TheGPF lamp (Petrol Particulate Filter (GPF)lamp stopsilluminating, when the driving speedexceeds 80 km/h (50 mph) with engineRPM 1,500 ~ 4,000 and the gear in the3rd position or above for approximately30 minutes.When the GPF lamp startsto blink or the warning message “Checkexhaust system” pops up even thoughthe vehicle was driven as mentionedabove, we recommend that you have theGPF system checked by an authorizedHYUNDAI dealer.With GPF lamp blinkingfor an extended period of time, it maydamage the GPF system and lower thefuel economy.CAUTIONWe recommend you to use only theregulated petrol fuels, when yourvehicle is equipped with the GPFsystem.When you use other petrol fuelswhich contain unspecified additives,they may damage the GPF system andcause exhaust emission problems.9-91MaintenanceCompressed Natural Gas (CNG)Characteristics of CNG .......................................................................................3Safety precautions - Do’s ...................................................................................3Safety precautions - Dont’s ................................................................................4Compliance plate ................................................................................................5Instrument cluster ............................................................................................. 6Gauges ........................................................................................................................... 7Warnings and indicators ...............................................................................................8CNG Change over Switch .................................................................................. 9Fuel conversion .......................................................................................................... 10CNG filling ......................................................................................................... 12To refill CNG ..................................................................................................................12CNG safety precaution.................................................................................................13Starting the Engine ........................................................................................... 14Engine compartment........................................................................................ 16Owner maintenance ..........................................................................................17Owner maintenance schedule ....................................................................................17normal maintenance schedule ........................................................................ 18Fuse maintenance ........................................................................................... 20CNG component details ................................................................................... 21CNG tank and multi valve assembly ................................................................22CNG tank...................................................................................................................... 22Multi valve assembly ................................................................................................... 22CNG tank location.............................................................................................23What to do in case of emergency? ..................................................................23If you have a flat Tyre ........................................................................................24Dimensions........................................................................................................25Engine specification .........................................................................................25Tires and wheels ...............................................................................................26Recommended lubricants and capacities ...................................................... 27Tire specification and pressure label .............................................................. 28Engine number................................................................................................. 28Air conditioner compressor label ....................................................................299-9209CHARACTERISTICS OF CNG• CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) isprincipally constituted by methane.CNG is considered as clean burningfuel. Due to low density of CNG, it iscompressed at a pressure of around200 bars to enhance the vehicleon-board storage capacity.• Pure CNG has no colour and no smell.Some additives are added for smell inorder to detect any gas leakage.• Gaseous Propane is 1.5 times heavierand butane is 2 times heavier than air.• Volume of CNG increases more than250 times when changed to gas fromliquid, so liquid state is easier fortransportation and storage.• It is economical because consumptionof engine oil is lower and fuel cost isless than others.SAFETY PRECAUTIONSǘ'2Ŕ6In order to get the best out of CNGfuel, it is recommended that the enginemust be turned and regularly serviced,both as regards the mechanical and theelectrical parts in addition to the routinemaintenance required by the vehiclemanufacturer.• Please check fuel gauge on the clusterfor petrol availability in fuel tankbefore you start the engine.• Check/replace CNG fuel filter every30,000 kms. Clean at every service.• Always refer to HYUNDAI Owner’smanual for trouble shooting and ‘Do ItYourself Maintenance’.• In case of any accident, get the vehiclerepaired through authorised HYUNDAIdealer workshop only.• For emergency handling of any CNGleakage, user must be aware of thelocation and operation of the Manualshut off valve.• CNG has a special odour to makeit easier to detect leakages. In caseof leakages, immediately close theshut off valve & contact HYUNDAIauthorised dealer workshop for furtherassistance.• Ensure that while filling CNG inthe tank, the supply should cut offautomatically in and around 22 litre.If it does not cut off, do not try to fillmore CNG.• In case of replacement of anycomponent in CNG system, alwayscontact HYUNDAI authorised dealerworkshop.• It is safe to carry a fire extinguisher inyour vehicle. Your CNG is equippedwith a fire extinguisher placed underthe front passenger’s seat.9-93Maintenance6$)(7<35(&$87,216ǘ'217Ŕ6• Do not install a LPG, propane orany other cylinder in place of CNGcylinder.• Never tamper setting of the CNGsystem.• The CNG cylinder should never berepaired under any circ*mstances.In case of any problem, consultHYUNDAI authorised dealer workshop.• Never carry any inflammable materialnear CNG cylinder.• Avoid frequent change over from CNGmode to petrol mode and vice-versato avoid symptoms of engine missing.• Use of domestic CNG is not onlypunishable as per law but also causessevere damage to your vehicle.Discourage CNG vendors who transferthe gas from domestic cylinder to yourCNG tank.• Do not park the vehicle nearinflammable/burning substance.• Do not smoke inside or near yourvehicle it can be hazardous to yourvehicle.9-94OPA042411OPA042412NOTICEGet CNG Tank checked after every 5years at government approved testingagency. Never fill CNG cylinder with air,LPG or any fuel except CNG (subject toexisting government regulations).09COMPLIANCE PLATECompliance plateOBA053016Compliance plate depicting the CNG kitidentification details and kit installationdate is located on the rear right side ofthe vehicle.CNG stickerOPA052034RCNG stickers are pasted on the frontand rear wind shields for identificationpurpose.WARNINGDo not tamper with the complianceplate. Tampering with the complianceplate may lead to termination ofHYUNDAI warranty.9-95MaintenanceINSTRUMENT CLUSTER❈ The actual cluster in the vehicle may differ from the illustration.For more details refer to the “Gauges” in the next pages.OAI30490281. Tachometer2. Speedometer3. Fuel gauge4. Warning and indicator lights5. Trip mode/reset button9-9609GaugesFuel gaugeTachometerOAI3049029OAI3049005The tachometer indicates theapproximate number of enginerevolutions per minute (rpm).Use the tachometer to select the correctshift points and to prevent lugging and/or over-revving the engine.When the door is opened, or if theengine is not started within 1 minute, thetachometer pointer may move slightlyin the ON position with the engine OFF.This movement is normal and will notaffect the accuracy of the tachometeronce the engine is running.CAUTIONDo not operate the engine within thetachometer’s RED ZONE. This may causesevere engine damage.The fuel gauge indicates theapproximate amount of fuel remaining inthe fuel tank. The fuel gauge issupplemented by a low fuel warninglight, which will illuminate when the fueltank is nearly empty.On inclines or curves, the fuel gaugepointer may fluctuate or the low fuelwarning light may come on earlier thanusual due to the movement of fuel in thetank.WARNINGFuel gaugeRunning out of fuel can expose vehicleoccupants to danger.You must stop and obtain additionalfuel as soon as possible after thewarning light comes on or when thegauge indicator comes close to the “E(Empty)” level.CAUTIONAvoid driving with extremely low fuellevel. Running out of fuel could causethe engine to misfire, damaging thecatalytic converter.9-97MaintenanceWarnings and indicatorsEngine has OverheatedWarning LightThis warning light illuminates with awarning chime when the engine coolanttemperature is above 120°C (248°F).It remains on if the engine coolanttemperature is above 120°C (248°F). Thismeans that the engine is overheated andmay be damaged.If your vehicle is overheated, refer to “Ifthe Engine Overheats” in chapter 7.CNG Warning Light(if equipped)This warning light blinks:• When there is some problem with theCNG system.• If CNG indicator blinks, It means eitherof1) fuel lid (cap) open2) CNG Fuel Tank Pressure SensorError3) CNG System ErrorLow fuel level warninglight - CNG(if equipped)This indicator will illuminate• When the CNG fuel tank is nearlyempty.9-9809CNG CHANGE OVER SWITCHCNG mode ONPetrol mode ONOAI3069021OAI3059069• Change over switch is installed on thedriver’s side crash pad to make fueltype selection. The switch has twomodes CNG & Petrol. One can choosethe type of mode (petrol or CNG) bypushing on the mode selection switch.• The CNG system engine starts onpetrol if there is enough petrol andif the petrol fuel system is normallyoperating.• It is recommended to use petrol onlywhen you start the engine and whenCNG is empty.• The engine starts with CNG whenpetrol is empty or when there is aproblem with the petrol fuel system.The vehicle will starts in gasoline modeand then changes the CNG automaticallywithout changeover switch input, If theswitch is entered while in progress, it willremain as gasoline.The changeover time depends on thetemperature of the engine coolant andthe engine speed. (up to 60 s).Do not press the fuel changeover switchseveral times as the changeover doesnot take place immediately.Do not be surprised. When switchingfuel from gasoline to CNG in a stationaryvehicle, the engine speed can increasemomentarily for smooth fuel conversion.If press and hold the fuel change overswitch for more than 5 seconds, it will beforced into CNG. The vehicle will start inCNG.CNG Mode On or Petrol Mode On isindicated as shown in LCD , helps thedriver to Indicate which Mode is running.While driving with the petrol system, ifyou press the fuel change over switchto change the fuel system the CNG, theCNG indicator will blink 3 times andthen the fuel system will change to CNGsystem.CNG mode• The change over switch ispressed with Petrol mode• The CNG Mode is on as shown9-99MaintenancePetrol mode• The change over switch is pressedwith CNG mode• The Petrol Mode is on as shownOAI3049029The CNG gauge on the instrumentcluster indicates the fuel level in theCNG tank.E : Empty tankF : Full tankWhile driving, the CNG gauge maychange due to movement of CNG gaugepointer fixed in CNG cylinder.When CNG fuel level is very low the CNGlevel warning light illuminates.9-100Fuel conversionAutomatically converts from petrolto CNGThe vehicle will starts in gasoline modeand then changes the CNG automaticallywithout fuel change over switch inputby user.When driving on petrol with no fuelchange over switch input, petrol is belowa certain level, or there is a problem withthe petrol system, it will convert frompetrol to CNG if the following conditionsare met.• After some time starting the engine onpetrol• When CNG pressure is above certainlevel.• When CNG fuel system is operatingnormally.• When the amount of CNG is abovecertain level.Automatically converts from CNG topetrolWhen the CNG is nearly empty or thesystem has a problem, it will convertfrom CNG to petrol if the followingconditions are met.• Running the engine on CNG.• When petrol fuel system is operatingnormally.• When the amount of petrol is abovecertain level.09Manually converts from petrol toCNGWhen the fuel change over switch ispressed with petrol, it will convert tofrom petrol to CNG if the followingconditions are met.• After some time starting the engine onpetrol.• When CNG pressure is above certainlevel.• When CNG fuel system is operatingnormally.• When the amount of CNG is abovecertain level.CAUTIONWhenever you convert petrol to CNG orvice-versa it is recommended to pressthe acceleration pedal gradually(RPMdrop or engine stoppage may occurdue to fuel consumption delay.CAUTION• A thud sound may be heard whenCNG mode is activated. This isnormal due to CNG solenoid valvebeing activated located on the Valveassembly of CNG tank.Manually converts from CNG topetrolWhen the fuel change over switch ispressed with CNG, it will convert fromCNG to petrol if the following conditionsare met.• After some time starting the engine.• When petrol fuel system is operatingnormally.• When the amount of petrol is abovecertain level.9-101MaintenanceCNG FILLINGWARNINGOAI3059016Auto CNG filler valve is installed on therear right hand side of your vehicle.To refill CNG1. Turn off the engine.2. To open the fuel filler lid, pull up thefuel filler lid opener.3. Pull the fuel filler lid (1) out to fullyopen.4. Open the CNG cap (2).Place the cap on the fuel filler door(3).5. Refill your vehicle with CNG. Whilerefilling, do not refill your tank over80%.Your vehicle automatically blocksthe fuel if it is refilled 80%. But inany case, you have refilled over 80%,we recommend that the system bechecked by an authorized HYUNDAIdealer.6. Close the CNG cap and fuel filler lid.Make sure it is securely closed.9-102• Do not refill your tank over 80%.• Always turn the engine off beforerefilling.• Keep away from flammable materialswhen refilling.• Start the engine after checking thefuel cap is securely closed.• CNG is extremely flammable. Ifsomething ignites it, you could bebadly burned. Keep sparks, flamesand smoking materials away fromCNG. Do not smoke if you are nearCNG or refilling your vehicle.• CNG is stored in the fuel tank atpressures up to 3.0 Mpa (435 psi). Toprevent personal injury, never:- Fill to a pressure greater than 3.0Mpa (435 psi).- Fill a leaking or damaged tank.• CNG can cause severe cold burnsand frostbite. Never let liquid CNGcontact your skin or eyes. Whenfilling your CNG fuel tank, alwayswear gloves approved for handlingCNG and appropriate eye protection.• If your vehicles is parked on anangled surface, the auto-stop filldevice may not function correctly.Make sure your vehicle is parked ona level surface when filling the CNGfuel tank.09• Under certain conditions, you maynotice it takes longer to fill your CNGfuel tank or CNG fuel tank does notrefill on a hot day. This is caused byan increase in the pressure insidethe CNG fuel tank. This is normal anddoes not indicate a problem with theCNG fuel tank.• If it’s difficult to refill your CNG tankfor the above reason, do as follows:- Use petrol (refuel petrol).- Avoid refilling the CNG fuel tank at avery hot midday.- Do not refill a high propane CNG gasfor home (camping) use.CNG safety precaution• Refill CNG only 80% of the tank.• Do not remove the valve to overrefill. If you refill more than you arepermitted, the fuel tank may explode.• Turn the engine off while refilling.• Avoid heat and direct sunlight the fueltank may pressure up.• Avoid underground parking lots orclosed places when you need to parkyour vehicle for a very long time.• If you smell CNG inside your vehicleopen the windows. If you noticea leak, we recommend that thesystem be checked by an authorizedHYUNDAI dealer.• Make sure your vehicle is parked on alevel surface and nothing flammable isnear while you check your vehicle.• Do not repair your fuel tank. Werecommend that you contact anauthorized HYUNDAI dealer.• Do not try to stop the leak by coveringit with your hand. You might sufferfrom frostbites.• If the CNG fuel system has a leak, aspark from jumper cables could ignitethe CNG. You or someone else couldbe badly burned. Do not jump startyour vehicle if you smell CNG or hear ahissing sound.• Towing your vehicle with improperlypositioned tow straps, hooks or chainscan damage the CNG fuel system andcause a leak. You or someone elsecould be injured. Do not use the CNGfuel system components and/or fuellines as towing attachment points.• Do not open the fuel cap while driving.- The engine may turning off when thefuel cap is opened while driving.- When starting the engine afteropening the fuel cap, the engine maynot start.9-103MaintenanceSTARTING THE ENGINEHYUNDAI CNG Bi-fuel car isprogrammed to start the engine in petrolmode then changes the CNG modeautomatically.If the switch is entered while in progress,it will remain as gasoline.Fuel changeover time is up to 60seconds and is affected by engine speedand engine coolant temperature.If the quantity of petrol is not sufficientenough, the car will start the enginein CNG mode.However, for a smooth starting, ensurethat sufficient quantity of petrol ispresent in the fuel tank.WARNINGIt is observed that drivers have thetendency to adjust the idling conditionto suit their own preferences.It is advisable not to adjust thestandard conditions. Deviation from thestandard value may result in excessiveexhaust gas and loss of fuel efficiency.Do not press the fuel changeover switchseveral times as the changeover doesnot take place immediately9-104How CNG/petrol mode getsactivated?The activation/conversion occurs atdifferent conditions and logics which aredependent on how the vehicle is tuned.CNG conversion happens only when allthe activation conditions are attained.Petrol modeThe change over switch is pressed withCNG mode or the change over switch ispressed while automatic fuel change isprogress.Vehicle starts in petrol mode.Vehicle running in petrol mode.09CNG modeType AThe change over switch is pressed andhold over 5s then the engine will startwith CNGType CThe change over switch is pressed withpetrol mode after first automaticallychange CNG(Start with petrol Automatically changeCNG Change over switch is pressed Manually change petrol)Vehicle starts in CNG modeVehicle running in CNG modeVehicle running in CNG modeType BThe change over switch is not pressed ,engine will start with petrolVehicle starts in petrol modeAutomatically change over to CNG modeif following conditions are met.• The engine coolant temperature is overa certain level or the engine speed isover a certain level• The quantity of CNG is over a certainlevel• The CNG pressure is over a certainlevel• The CNG system is operating normallyVehicle running in CNG mode9-105MaintenanceENGINE COMPARTMENT❈ The actual engine compartment in the vehicle may differ from the illustration.OAI30890511. Engine coolant reservoir2. Engine oil filler cap3. Brake/clutch* fluid reservoir4. Air cleaner5. Fuse box6. Battery7. Windshield washer fluid reservoir8. Radiator cap9. Engine oil dipstick10. CNG gaseous fuel filter9-10609FUSE MAINTENANCEFuseOPA072100The CNG system is protected againstshort circuit/overload using fuse (10A)fitted in the engine compartment fusepanel.If CNG system doesn’t work, check theengine compartment fuse panel. Alwaysreplace a blown fuse with one of samerating. When the fuse blows off, thefollowing symptoms may be observed.• The vehicle can be restarted in petrolmode only.• If the vehicle is running in petrol modethe vehicle will keep on running onpetrol mode.9-107MaintenanceCNG COMPONENT DETAILS1. CNG tank2. Multifunction valve3. Vaporizer assembly9-108OBA053010OBA053012OPA052040OBA053014OBA053013OAI30690214. Gas filter and bracket assembly5. Petrol-CNG ECU unit6. CNG change over switch09CNG TANK AND MULTI VALVE ASSEMBLYCNG tankMulti valve assemblyOPA042416CNG tank is located in the trunk/bootof your vehicle under the luggage matwhich is fastened to the trunk /bootbody wall ensuring better safety. CNGtank is toroidal shaped for better layout.WARNINGDo not tamper standard settings. It maycause damage to CNG system. Do nottamper with the tank by increasing ordecreasing tank capacity.OAI3069022The tank is fitted with the multi valveassembly.The multi valve assembly has a fuelgauge, shut off valve and a pressurerelief valve as shown in the illustration.1. Inlet2. Pressure relief valve3. Capacity gauge4. Solenoid5. Manual shut off valve6. Outlet• The pressure relief valve operateswhenever the gas pressure in the tankincreases above a set pressure (in caseof accident).• Manual shut off valve is a manuallyoperated safety valve. It is advisableto understand opening and closing ofthe manual shut off valve. This helpsin handling emergency situation withease.9-109MaintenanceCNG TANK LOCATIONWHAT TO DO IN CASE OFEMERGENCY?Manual shut-off valveOAI3069024CNG tank is located in the trunk/boot ofyour vehicle (under the luggage mat).CNG tank is toroidal shaped for betterlayout.The following steps are to be followed toreach the CNG tank:1. Remove the spare tyre from theluggage mat by unfastening theinstallation bolt manually.2. Lift the luggage mat to reach the CNGtank.OAI3069023In case of suspicion of any CNG leakage,following steps should be followed.1. Stop the vehicle at a safe location andswitch to petrol mode.2. Open all windows, switch off theignition.3. Close the manual shut-off valve onthe CNG tank. The flow of CNG can beshut off by putting the manual shutoff valve to closed position by rotatingit clockwise when viewed from front.Manual shut off valve is located at therear of the vehicle just over the tankassembly.4. Contact your nearest HYUNDAIauthorised dealer workshop.NOTICEUnder normal driving conditions, thevehicle can be driven in petrol modeto the nearest dealer workshop forchecking. Ensure not to switch overCNG mode while driving.9-110